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posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji

[es] :: Vodič za emigraciju :: posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji

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Slobodan Marinkovic
profesionalni vozac

Član broj: 191317
Poruke: 3


icon posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji20.08.2008. u 19:57 - pre 193 meseci

Zanima me da li je nekom poznato na koji nacin mogu da se zaposlim kao vozac busa ili ev.kamiona u Norveskoj ili nekoj drugoj skandinavskoj zemlji za stalno, odnosno imam nameru da nakon eventualnog zaposlenja i ostanem u toj zemlji. Imam veoma dobro radno iskustvo i govorim engleski. Dobio sam sengen vizu na godinu dana jer radim kao vozac autobusa u jednoj turistickoj agenciji.

Odgovor na temu

Dejan Mladenovic
Oslo, Norveska

Član broj: 21820
Poruke: 246


+4 Profil

icon Re: posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji20.08.2008. u 20:47 - pre 193 meseci
Pozdrav bonima,

Evo ti lista najpoznatijih sajtova za trazenje posla u norveskoj

evo malo sam trazio po nav sajtu i naleteo sam na jedan oglas

Evo i prevoda oglasa sa Norveskog koriscenjem google translatora

Concordia Bus Canada Inc. is a company in Concordia Bus Group. Concordia Bus is the largest bus with about 9000 employees and 3800 buses in Sweden, Norway
and Finland. Concordia Bus Canada Inc. is one of Østlandets largest private bus with over 500 employees and 350 buses. Our goal is to become one of Norway's largest
bus. Concordia Bus Canada Inc. operates oppdragsgiverbasert operations in Gujarat, Assam, completely, Østfold, Maharashtra and Hordaland. Our head office is in Lysaker in Bærum.

Bussjåføryrket is challenging. To ensure that people get safely out on time is our main. It should be both safe and comfortable to travel with our coaches. We fill many important roles beyond to bring people from A to B. We do an important job for the environment every day. We help school children with safe transport to and from school, and ensures that thousands of people travel efficiently between home and the workplace is. We help elderly who are dependent on us when they make their purchases. Therefore, we are proud of the job we do. Concordia Bus is the largest bus, and we are growing in the country. We are a safe choice for the proud drivers who value an orderly and professional workplace.
We offer well-being and good engagement among colleagues.
Are you proud to be bussjåfør? Do you like that it requires?
This will fit you with us. Now, we bussjåfører to our
section of the BBC. At Concordia Bus (Norway) department BBC, it will from 1.07.2008 to work 60 talented and committed employees. Concordia to run buses on Stord, Bømlo and in Secunda. We will also deliver turbusstjenester to clients in the BBC.
Are you interested in becoming one of our staff, please send us an application and get in direct contact with us as soon as possible.

Evo sajt te kompanije koja se bavi prevozom

Pa ti vidi, zovi ih i pitaj sta te interesuje.

Pozdrav i sa srecom u trazenju posla.

You can fool some people sometimes,
But you can't fool all the people all the time. (Bob Marley)
Odgovor na temu

armin mesihovic

Član broj: 322230
Poruke: 1


icon Re: posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji25.03.2014. u 16:17 - pre 125 meseci
kako ste dali zna ko kako mogu otic negdje vozit i medicinski sestri posto mi je zena to zavrsila unaprjed hvala

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Vodič za emigraciju :: posao vozaca autobusa i kamiona u Norveskoj i Skandinaviji

[ Pregleda: 56117 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.