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Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?

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Ilic Igor
Vlami d.o.o.

Član broj: 14961
Poruke: 756

ICQ: 46969546

+5 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?22.03.2008. u 22:52 - pre 198 meseci
Vataj oma za gusu majkrosoft ja bi isao kod njih sa sve laptopom. Mislim stvarno ko ce sad da vrati te podatke sto smo mi izbrisali misleci da je greska do treceg faktora?
Gradjevinski najlon i džakovi za šut.
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Ilic Igor
Vlami d.o.o.

Član broj: 14961
Poruke: 756

ICQ: 46969546

+5 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?26.03.2008. u 18:40 - pre 198 meseci
Resetovah sinoc kompjuter i opet crna pozadina i kursor.
Vratio sam se na xp nemam zivaca da instaliram svake nedelje sve iz pocetka.
Bili vrati se sve ti je oprosteno :).
Gradjevinski najlon i džakovi za šut.
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Novi Sad

Član broj: 13142
Poruke: 207

+4 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?31.03.2008. u 20:01 - pre 197 meseci
E ovo me zainteresovalo.Sad cu da instaliram Ultimate sa SP1 na HP Pavilionu i vidim ima li problema.
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?31.03.2008. u 20:23 - pre 197 meseci
Vista sa SP1 nije isto što i Vista + SP1...
To si valda sa torenta skinuo "OEM Vista SP1 Integrated"?

Znam jedan HP Pavilion na kom je bila Vista Ultimate godinu dana i SP1 je dodat bez ikakvih problema...
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 13142
Poruke: 207

+4 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?31.03.2008. u 21:27 - pre 197 meseci
Da moguce.OEM sa neta. Sve je evo proslo u redu ali mozda i nije ako bi od nekog dobio potvrdan odgovor. Naime i meni se nakon instalacije pojavio crn ekran sa strelicom i to je trajalo duze nego obicno. Cini mi se duze nego ranije instalacije bez SP1. Ne mogu tacno reci ali par minuta je to trajalo te sam pomislio da je problem. Krenuo sam u minijaturu pa sam nakon pritiska na f7 dobio ekran.Da li je to doslo bas redovnim postupkom instalacije ili ne ne znam.Dobro bi bilo da neko sa problemom pokusa da uradi ovo pa da potvrdu. OEM jeste sa integrisanim SP1 ali cu, mozda ne veceras, probati i sa originalom Viste koji posedujem bez SP1 pa nakon toga ici u njegovo dodavanje. Bas me zanima da li ce ici mada sam nekako ubedjen da nece biti problema. CPU je M 1.73 giga.
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?03.04.2008. u 13:09 - pre 197 meseci
"Kompilacija" raznih mogućih rešenja, koja su se u međuvremenu pojavila je dodata u prvu poruku na početku ove teme...

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Aleksandar Dejanovic
Preduzetnik - Knjigovodja

Član broj: 33163
Poruke: 606


+1 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?03.04.2008. u 20:19 - pre 197 meseci
Znaci napravio sam i ovu bootabilnu instalaciju sa SP 1 i opet mi je blikirala instalacija. Ja stvarno odustajem od dalje instalacije SP 1... Jedino sto cu jos uradim je da pozovem Microsoft centar za neku pomoc...
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?03.04.2008. u 22:41 - pre 197 meseci
Ili da proveriš sajt proizvođača, možda se pojavi rešenje... neki novi drajver, novi BIOS... (?!?)
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?08.04.2008. u 04:59 - pre 197 meseci
Ažuriran je prvi komentar u ovoj temi, dodati su opisi i linkovi za neke MS KBxxx zakrpe, koje su preduslov za instalaciju / deinstalaciju SP1:

The following three updates are required before you install Windows Vista SP1.
However, these updates are also recommended if you do not intend to install Windows Vista SP1.
These updates help improve reliability and performance when you install future individual updates from Microsoft:

• 935509 (
A software update is available for versions of Windows Vista that include the Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption feature
Update 935509 lets you correctly service Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption-capable computers.
This update only applies to the following versions of Windows Vista that include Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption:
• Windows Vista Enterprise
• Windows Vista Ultimate

• 938371 (
A software update is available for the Windows Vista installation components
Update 938371 updates several internal components that Windows Vista requires in order to install or to remove Windows Vista Service Pack 1 more reliably. This update must be applied separately before you install Windows Vista SP1 to make sure that Windows Vista SP1 can be installed or removed from the computer. You must install this update in order to install and to remove Windows Vista SP1 on all versions of Windows Vista. This update will be available on the Windows Update Web site soon after the release of update 935509 and before the release of Windows Vista SP1.

• Update 937287 updates the Windows Vista installation software.
Update for Windows Vista (KB937287)

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon MS: Dodatno objašnjenje problema sa instalacijom SP1 za Vistu09.04.2008. u 05:33 - pre 197 meseci
07.04.2008. Microsoft je izdao dodatno objašnjenje (rešenje) problema sa instalacijom SP1 na neke računare sa Vistom i najavljuje "fix" za sutra...
As posted last month on the Windows Vista blog, we suspended automatic distribution of the SSU while we investigated the problem. Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned a lot more about the problem and have taken steps to address the issue. Today, we’d like to let you know that we are resuming automatic distribution of the SSU tomorrow and provide more clarity on what happened.

To clear up any concerns for those of you who have already installed the update: There is no problem with the files that make up the Servicing Stack Update (KB937287); the problem some customers encountered was with the installation process for the update. That means if you already have the update installed, you do not need to uninstall it or install the rereleased version of the update.

So what caused the problem? Well, the SSU has special code to check whether there are any pending reboots or other updates to install. If it sees either of these circumstances, it prevents the install from starting. During our investigation, we discovered that there were a few unknown and rare events during the middle of the installation of the update that could cause the update to think it needed a reboot to complete the installation. If this happened, the system entered a repeating reboot loop.

To address this problem for people who have not already installed the SSU, we are releasing a fix tomorrow which will install prior to the SP1 Servicing Stack Update. This pre-SSU update helps to ensure a smooth install of the SSU by working to prevent the system from rebooting during the SP1 SSU installation. We also made additional changes to the SSU installer code, so that it checks for and requires the pre-SSU (KB949939) before it will install.

These two updates should now install seamlessly through Windows Update, in the proper order, so those of you with WU set to “install updates automatically” who haven’t already installed the SSU don’t have to take any further action. For those using the standalone download of SP1, the issues we encountered do not affect that method of installing at all.

--MU Team

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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Instalacija Vista SP1 se "zaglupila" - šta uraditi?

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