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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4

[es] :: Vektorska grafika :: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4

[ Pregleda: 9535 | Odgovora: 19 ] > FB > Twit

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dvd studio

Član broj: 83504
Poruke: 290


icon CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 12:32 - pre 200 meseci
Novi CorelDRAW
Instalirao sam ga ali nisam jos stigao da pogledam koje novine donosi.
Evo par slicica.


Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 166071
Poruke: 15


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 12:48 - pre 200 meseci
lepo lepo, jer samo grafika promenjena ili? na palet je koliko vidm sve isto...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4976
Poruke: 109

+3 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 15:00 - pre 200 meseci
@dvd studio

Koji ti je ovo font u sistemskim/windows menijima?
Nije Tahoma, Arial, Trebushet...

Ali mnogo dobro izgleda...
Odgovor na temu

Igor Pejašinović
Network Admin
Navigo SC d.o.o.
Banja Luka

Član broj: 18738
Poruke: 1319


+4 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 16:49 - pre 200 meseci
Ovi screenshotovi su sa Viste. Zato izgleda malo ljepše nego inače. A font? Mislim Calibri. Nisam siguran.
I ♥ ♀

Ovaj post je zlata vrijedan!
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AB, Canada

Član broj: 152655
Poruke: 944

+41 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 17:34 - pre 200 meseci
Cestitke za prinovu, da li neko moze da iskaze prve utiske, sta je novo?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12852

+4785 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 17:49 - pre 200 meseci
Po obicaju je na Corel-ovom sajtu tesko naci spisak novih feature-a. Za X3 sam ranije jedva nasao neki PDF, sad nista nisam uspeo...
U svakom slucaju, download-uje se, veceras ili sutra ce biti gotovo :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4976
Poruke: 109

+3 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 22:43 - pre 200 meseci

Jeste Calibri, u pravu si.
Skino', instaliro', postavio svuda u menijima...

Izgleda strava, skoro kao Charcoal na Mac-u...

Odgovor na temu

Kosta ******um Rex Persia
Ofenbach am Main

Član broj: 44544
Poruke: 2312

+4 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X429.01.2008. u 23:26 - pre 200 meseci
Ja sam skinuo Portable verziju, oko 100 MB je, i radi fantastično. Ko želi link ka portable verziji, znate gde da me nađete.
Live long and prosper.
Permission to come aboard,captain.Permition granted.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 161582
Poruke: 101

+1 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X431.01.2008. u 12:05 - pre 199 meseci
Shadowed: Po obicaju je na Corel-ovom sajtu tesko naci spisak novih feature-a. Za X3 sam ranije jedva nasao neki PDF, sad nista nisam uspeo...

Samo je potrebno tražiti, i da dodato je mnoštvo opcija u odnosu na predhodnu verziju:


What’s new in CorelDRAW
The enhanced layout tools, text improvements, new design assets, redesigned user interface, and improved workflow can boost your productivity and give you a more enjoyable work experience.

Independent layers
You can now control and edit layers independently for each page of your document. Local, independent guidelines can be added for individual pages, and master guidelines can be added for the entire document.

A new interactive table feature lets you create and import tables to provide a structured layout for text and graphics in drawings. You can easily align, resize, or edit tables and cells to adapt them to your designs.

Live text preview
Live text preview lets you directly interact with on-screen text, experiment with different settings, and evaluate the results before applying changes.

Easy font identification
You can quickly identify the font in a client’s artwork by capturing a sample and sending it to the WhatTheFont page of the MyFonts Web site (available in English only):

Mirroring paragraph text
Now you can interactively mirror paragraph text horizontally or vertically, or both, when preparing your text for output.

Better support for quotation marks
Quotation marks are customized for specific languages. You can edit the quotation mark styles and choose which styles are automatically inserted when you type in different languages.

Raw camera file support
When importing raw files directly from your digital camera, you can view information about file properties and camera settings, adjust image color and tone, and improve image quality. Interactive controls let you preview changes quickly.

Enhanced compatibility
Supported file formats now include Adobe Illustrator CS3 (AI); Photoshop CS3 (PSD); Acrobat 8 (PDF); AutoCAD (DXF and DWG); Microsoft Word 2007 (DOC or RTF, import only); Microsoft Publisher 2002, 2003, and 2007 (PUB, import only); Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF 1.7 and PDF/A, including PDF comments); and Corel Painter X.

Templates and search capability for templates
New templates are available to help you get started with your design projects. When starting a new project, you can easily find the right template on your computer. You can browse, preview, or search for templates by name, category, keywords, or notes. You can also view useful information about the template, such as category and style.

The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 disc puts 4,000 new clipart images at your fingertips. These high-quality vector graphics in CorelDRAW format can be easily searched and adapted for use in your designs.

New fonts
An extended selection of new fonts includes single-line engraving fonts and OpenType cross-platform fonts that offer enhanced language support for Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic layouts.

Enhanced search functionality
You can use keywords, notes, file type, date, or text when you search for CorelDRAW X4 files from Windows Explorer. You can add or edit file properties within the application, or from Windows Explorer, Windows Search, Windows Desktop Search, or Windows Vista Search.

Updated user interface and improved thumbnails
Redesigned icons, menus, and controls within the application create a fresh look and provide a more intuitive working environment. New high-quality thumbnails let you preview CorelDRAW documents when you browse and organize your files.

Corel PowerTRACE enhancements
Centerline tracing with Corel PowerTRACE produces more accurate curves or strokes for tracing technical illustrations, line drawings, or signatures. Improved smoothing, color, and corner control help you optimize traced results. In addition, you can control the colors of traced results more easily by editing, merging, or deleting colors.

Review and collaboration tools
CorelDRAW ConceptShare is a valuable collaboration tool that lets you share designs and ideas and receive real-time feedback from clients in a Web-based environment. You can create multiple workspaces, upload your designs, and invite others to post comments.

Improved print merge functionality
Invitations, labels, and other projects that apply personalized text to the same design are now easier to create. Improved print merge functionality gives you more control and makes it easier to create and edit merged data.

Search capability when saving and opening files
You can organize your projects more easily by adding keywords or notes when saving your files. When opening and saving files, Windows Vista users can search by author, subject, file type, date, keywords, and other file properties.

Enhanced color management
Support has been added for the Adobe Color Management Module (CMM). On the Windows Vista operating system, you can also use the Windows Color System CMM.

Automatic product updates
Now you can receive messages and information about new content, service packs, and product updates, and conveniently access a product registration site, from within the application.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 85435
Poruke: 725

+25 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X406.02.2008. u 21:57 - pre 199 meseci
Instalirao sam ga i nakon para dana neće više da se otvara.Krene onako da se učitava i jednostavno nakon nekog vremena nestaje u toku pokretanja.
Odgovor na temu

dvd studio

Član broj: 83504
Poruke: 290


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X408.02.2008. u 22:01 - pre 199 meseci
mnn: Instalirao sam ga i nakon para dana neće više da se otvara.Krene onako da se učitava i jednostavno nakon nekog vremena nestaje u toku pokretanja.

Daj to malo konkretnije,odakle si skinuo instalaciju?
Koja je konfiguracija itd.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 85435
Poruke: 725

+25 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X410.02.2008. u 14:45 - pre 199 meseci
Sa zvaničnog sajta.Nakon nekoliko dana nije se više otvarao.Pokušao sam sa deinstalacijom ,pa ponovnom instalcijom,ali nije dalo rezultata bez brisanja po registar bazi.Sada sam ga ponovno instalirao i radi.Ostalo nemogu da pišem zbog brisanja od strane moderatora foruma koji mi je obrisao prethodnu poruku.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 66691
Poruke: 177

ICQ: 123456

+1 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X412.02.2008. u 09:48 - pre 199 meseci
Instalirao sam X4 pre 2 nedelje. Sve je radiolo ok do pre nekog dana kad su mi pojedine opcije potamnele (postale su neaktivne). Nemogu da stampam, da snimim, da izvezem rad itd.
Da li neko ima slican problem i kako ga resiti.

Corel X4 i nije tako los. Nista revolucionarno.

[Ovu poruku je menjao tibetanac dana 13.02.2008. u 14:08 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

dvd studio

Član broj: 83504
Poruke: 290


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X413.02.2008. u 12:23 - pre 199 meseci
tibetanac: Instalirao sam X4 pre 2 nedelje. Skinuo sam i crack sa neta.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 85435
Poruke: 725

+25 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X413.02.2008. u 16:10 - pre 199 meseci
Obriši pa probaj sa nekom drugom "terapijom"
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 66691
Poruke: 177

ICQ: 123456

+1 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X414.02.2008. u 20:54 - pre 199 meseci
Skinuo sam portabl verziju koju sa linka koji mi je prosledio Kosta ******um Rex Persia i radi za sada.
Pozdrav svim corel-asima.
Odgovor na temu

Jakub Bardak

Član broj: 155929
Poruke: 40


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X401.03.2008. u 08:18 - pre 198 meseci
Ej raja imam isti problem kao i "tibetanac".
U stvari jos i gori! Imao sam instaliranu 11-ku, prije nekoliko dana prijatelj mi donese x4 verziju kaze dobar ko išta (skinu on negdje sa na Free zoni). Tako ti ja instaliram paralelno i X4.....i tako su sretno zivjeli u zajednici do neki dan kada mi se dogodilo isto kao i kod "tibetanca", samo stim jos kada sam skinuo X4 zaj***o sam i 11-ku. Nemam ponovnu instalaciju niti 11, niti sada X4....

Ljudi pomagajte, jer jedan posao me ceka za par dana....

Pozdrav svima.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12852

+4785 Profil

icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X401.03.2008. u 17:48 - pre 198 meseci
Svi slicni zahtevi za pomaganje oko ukidanja trial-a, odnosno produzenja istog ce biti brisani. Resenje za to je kupovina programa. Druge, nelegalne varijante dogovarajte na nekom drugom mestu jer piraterija nije dozvoljena na es-u.
Odgovor na temu

Jakub Bardak

Član broj: 155929
Poruke: 40


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X403.03.2008. u 15:13 - pre 198 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15803
Poruke: 71


icon Re: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X420.05.2008. u 14:28 - pre 196 meseci
Sta se desava sa Corel-om X4
Snap to objects ne radi? Snap to grid i Snap to gideline radi.

A takodje povremeno ispisujeneki Error pri zatvaranju, nesto u fazonu erro read ...23gs78.... Kad mi se ponovo pojavi napisacu tacno kako glasi upozorenje.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Vektorska grafika :: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4

[ Pregleda: 9535 | Odgovora: 19 ] > FB > Twit

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