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Hotspot problem sa MSN

[es] :: Wireless :: Mikrotik :: Hotspot problem sa MSN

[ Pregleda: 2578 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Lazo Carić

Član broj: 87626
Poruke: 53


icon Hotspot problem sa MSN05.11.2007. u 17:44 - pre 202 meseci

Zelio bi postaviti hotspot na svom mikrotiku i napravio sam jednostavan hotspot na svom lan interfejsu ali imam jedan problem.Kada se prijavim na hotspot sa kompa imam internet i mogu ici na web stranice ali ne znam zasto mi MSN neradi , mozda moram neki port da otvorim ,probao sam dst nat i otvorio sve portove ka mom kompu ali nece.
Takodje imam PPPOE na tiku i kada se spojim sa njime onda sve valja.
Dali mi moze tko pomoci oko toga ,sto se tice hotspota tek sam poceo s njime i ne znam puno ali nemojte me slati na "manual" jer tamo tog odgovora nema "gledo sam".

Odgovor na temu

Perica Dujmovic
Novi Travnik

Član broj: 96118
Poruke: 150


icon Re: Hotspot problem sa MSN05.11.2007. u 19:13 - pre 202 meseci
/ ip firewall mangle add chain=forward protocol=tcp tcp-flags=syn action=change-mss new-mss=1300

Odgovor na temu

Lazo Carić

Član broj: 87626
Poruke: 53


icon Re: Hotspot problem sa MSN07.11.2007. u 10:55 - pre 202 meseci
Hvala ti roppe !!!
Sada radi MSN,jel mi hoces objasniti zasto nije htio i sta to pravilo mangle znaci da znam za ubuduce.
Jel cu morati dodavati pravila jos na cemu?
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Ristić

Član broj: 6769
Poruke: 1133

+28 Profil

icon Re: Hotspot problem sa MSN07.11.2007. u 12:28 - pre 202 meseci
Pa sve lepo piše šta znači ona linija - promena MSS
Nisam znao da hoce i MSN da zeza zbog toga, znam da je problem kod web saobraćaja.
Evo ti objašnjenje problema:

When a user requests a web site, a client/server negotiation occurs between the PC and the web server that hosts the web site. During the negotiation, a maximum MTU size is negotiated. Since the PC negotiates and its default MTU size is 1500 bytes (Windows 3x, 9x, NT, ME, and so forth), the web server negotiates an MTU size of 1500 bytes. Therefore, regardless of the MTU size you configure on the router, the web server still sends packets up to 1500 bytes in size.

The reason why some pages do not fully load is that the router fragments IP packets if the PC MTU is misconfigured and a packet greater than 1492 bytes is sent to the router. This fragmentation does not occur on the return path through the universal access concentrator (UAC) (Cisco 6400 or 7200). When the UAC receives a packet greater than 1492 bytes, the packet is dropped, and the UAC generates and sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) message to the web server that sent the oversized packet. The ICMP informs the web server that it sent an oversized packet and that it needs to resend the packet with a smaller MTU.

Volim da se vozim grackim autobusom.
Gracki autobus jede sitne pare,
gracki autobus zna kad treba stane.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Wireless :: Mikrotik :: Hotspot problem sa MSN

[ Pregleda: 2578 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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