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Problem kod nstalacija XP-a

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a

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Damir Jusic

Član broj: 90256
Poruke: 183

+3 Profil

icon Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 15:36 - pre 205 meseci
Evo mene sa problemom i nadam se da nece ispasti pravi (finansijski) problem!

Prilikom startanja instalacije XP-a pojavljuje se prozor s porukom „Fatal Error“ u kojem pise:
An error had been encountered that prevents Setup from contiuing.
Setup failed to install the product catalogs. This is a fatal error. The setup log files should contain more information.
Press OK view the Setup log file.
Otvori se novi prozor „System SetupLog – (C:\WINDOWS\setuperr.log)“ gdje pise:
Setup could not registrered the OLE Control C:\WINDOWS\System32\dssenh.dll because of the following error:
LoadLibrary returned error 114 (45a).
Error: The signature for Windows XP Professional Setup is invalid. The error code is fffffe0b.
The system cannot find message text for message number 0xfffffe0b in the message file for syssetup.dll
Fatal Error:
Setup failed to install the product catalogs. This is a fatal error. The setup log files should contain more information.

Nakon reseta compa i pokusaja boot-anja s CD-a javlja:
STOP: c0000218 {Registry File Failure}
The registry cannot load the hive (file):
Or its log or alternate.

It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.
Beggining dump of physical memory
Phisical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance.

NAPOMENA: Provjerio sam HDD sa HDD Regeneratorom i sve je OK! Prepozna i HDD i memoriju prilikom boot-anja! Mijenjao sam i instalacioni
CD, jer mi uvijek nakon formatiranja javlja da ne moze neki fajla da kopira na disk! NA drugi comp mi sve ide OK ali ovdje je
problem! I sto se formatiranja diska tice i to sam probao vise puta ali...
Jos nesto kad krene instalacija setup prozor mi je tamno plave boje, a ne standardno kao inace kada se
instalira XP svijetlo plave boje!

Unaprijed HVALA svima koji pookusaju da mi pomognu u rjesavanju ovog problema!
Zena MOZE biti i sa sela, ali auto MORA biti iz Njemacke!
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Član broj: 9894
Poruke: 24



icon Re: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 15:41 - pre 205 meseci
otisao na microsoftovu stranicu ( i nasao sledece:

When you try to install Microsoft Windows XP on a new hard disk that is formatted with the NTFS file system, you may receive the following error:
Stop: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE or its log or alternate
This error occurs after Windows XP copies the installation files to the hard disk and the computer restarts.

Back to the top
This problem may occur if either of the following conditions is true:
• The hardware where you are trying to install Windows XP may not be compatible with Windows XP.
• The hard disk where you are trying to install Windows XP may be damaged.
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Član broj: 422
Poruke: 6049

+257 Profil

icon Re: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 16:15 - pre 205 meseci
A mozda ti je i los cd citac? Pa ne procita kako treba, pa smesti na hard disk ono sto ne valja...

Kad sve ostalo zakaže, pročitaj uputstvo...
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Damir Jusic

Član broj: 90256
Poruke: 183

+3 Profil

icon Re: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 19:39 - pre 205 meseci
Nije do HDD-a 100%, a sto se tice kompatibilnosti nekada prije je bio XP instaliran!
Jbyn4e RESPECT! U pravu si care! To je bio CD citac iako mi nikada to ne bi palo na pamet jer vrti cd regularno sve, ali eto kakvu glupost napravi! Najvise me zbunjivala boja prilikom instalacije jer kontao da nije graficka...
Hvala puno za pomoc! ;)

Zena MOZE biti i sa sela, ali auto MORA biti iz Njemacke!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 422
Poruke: 6049

+257 Profil

icon Re: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 21:13 - pre 205 meseci
Nije problem, imao sam slican slucaj pa nije bilo tesko setiti se... :)
Kad sve ostalo zakaže, pročitaj uputstvo...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 117734
Poruke: 710

+3 Profil

icon Re: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a04.08.2007. u 22:59 - pre 205 meseci
Samo izvadi kratkospojnik sa hard disk i bice sve u redu.
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Problem kod nstalacija XP-a

[ Pregleda: 2638 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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