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3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?

[es] :: Video kompresija :: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?

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Universal Mind

Član broj: 106807
Poruke: 17


icon 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?30.06.2007. u 09:28 - pre 207 meseci
Naišao sam na nekoliko filmova (DivX, Xvid) koje je moguće otvoriti jedino u ovom plejeru, koji je inače težak sh*t pa me zanima da li postoji način da ih otvorim u nekom drugom? Pokrenuo sam novu temu jer pretraga nije urodila plodom tako da vas molim da me zaobiđete s odgovorima tipa "ta tema već postoji" ili "koristi pretragu". Hvala. Srdačan pozdrav.
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Član broj: 9893
Poruke: 16


icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?04.07.2007. u 01:17 - pre 206 meseci
Objasnjenje za dekriptovanje file-ova imas na:
hxxp:// (xx=tt)
instaliraj: hxxp://
za odgovarajuci OS.

iskopiraj sledeci kod u .txt dokument i preimenuj file u

# Turn of output buffer

# The key for XOR decryption

print "Reading from \"$ARGV[0]\":\n";
$insize = -s $ARGV[0];
# Open the bogus AVI file
open(IN, $ARGV[0]) or die $!;
binmode IN;

# Read Header to check
read(IN, $buffer, 4);
if ($buffer ne 'RIFF') {
print " ERROR: \"$ARGV[0]\" is not an AVI\n";
close IN;
# Get Length of the unencrypted movie
read(IN, $buffer, 4);
$offset = unpack 'L', $buffer;
print " End of the unencrypted movie is at byte offset $offset\n";

# Jump to the read offset
seek(IN, $offset, 0);

# The next 4 or 8 Bytes seem to be either an unsinged long
# or an unsigned quad. This is another offset to jump
# over some filler bytes. Right now I can't really tell if
# it's 4 or 8 bytes, because I only have 1 file to test with.
# I assume it's a quad.

# low word
read(IN, $buffer, 4);
$offlo = unpack 'L', $buffer;
# high word
read(IN, $buffer, 4);
$offhi = unpack 'L', $buffer;
# Calculate offset
$offset = $offhi * 4294967296 + $offlo;

print " Offset after the unencrypted movie is $offset\n";
seek(IN, $offset, 0);

# Then there seem to be another 100 filler bytes
# with value 0xff. Jump over those too, to get
# to the offset where the real movie starts.
printf " Adding extra filler bytes, final offset is %s\n", $offset+100;
seek(IN, 100, 1);

# Update the size
$insize -= $offset+100;

# Open a file for writing the decrypted data to
print "Decrypting to \"$ARGV[1]\":\n";
open(OUT, ">$ARGV[1]");
binmode OUT;
truncate OUT, 0;

$bytes = 0;
$klen = length($key);
# Read key length bytes, decrypt them and
# write them to the output file untill you reach
# the end of the file
while ( read(IN, $buffer, $klen) ) {
$buffer ^= $key;
print OUT $buffer;
$bytes += $klen;
# print the status
printf "\r %d written (% .1f %%)", $bytes, ($bytes / $insize * 100);
# Close both files
close OUT;
close IN;
print "\n\nDONE!\n";

prebaci .avi i u isti folder (npr. C:\New)
u command prompt-u kucaj:
perl ENCRYPTED_FILE.avi DECRYPTED_FILE.avi (ENCRYPTED_FILE.avi je naziv postojeceg .avi-ja ukoliko ima razmaka u nazivu stavi pod znake navoda) npr.
C:\New>perl Spiderman3.avi DECRYPTED_Spiderman3.avi
DECRYPTED .avi ces moci da pustis iz bilo kog playera

P.S. 3wplayer ima virus

[Ovu poruku je menjao nesa1 dana 04.07.2007. u 10:14 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?06.07.2007. u 19:55 - pre 206 meseci
i ja imam isti problem posto hocu da dekriptujem film , jednom sam se vec opeko sa virusom tako da ne zelim da skidam 3wplayer jer ima virus koji salje informacije sta radite u racunaru itd . evo informacije sa wikipedije

3wplayer is a rogue media player software application bundled with trojans that can infect computers running Microsoft Windows. It is designed to exploit users who download video files, instructing them to download and install the program in order to view the video. The 3wplayer is infected with Trojan.Win32.Obfuscated.en according to Kaspersky Anti-virus.

The 3wplayer employs a form of social engineering to infect computers. Seemingly desirable video files, such as recent movies, are released via BitTorrent or other distribution channels. These files resemble conventional AVI files, but are engineered to display a message when played on most media player programs, instructing the user to visit the 3wplayer website and download the software to view the video. The program is bundled with malware that has various undesirable effects, including attempting to disable anti-virus software.

This malware-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding

sve sam uradio kako je gore navedeno ali nece , javlja poruku da je pristup zabranjen dal i sam smeo da menjam naziv avi fajla ili ne. mozda je tu greska . Ako dekriptujem da li fajl moze da se iskopira kao takav ( otvoren ) za gledanje ili mora uvek da se prodje ista procedura molim Vas da mi odgovorite jer se prvi put srecem sa ovim .
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 122558
Poruke: 328

+7 Profil

icon Koristi VLC za porblematicne filmove, klipove, formate itd.07.07.2007. u 21:46 - pre 206 meseci
Universal Mind, skini VLC i pokusaj sa njim. Trebalo bi da ti tvoji problematicini filmovi mogu da se puste na njemu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?07.07.2007. u 23:06 - pre 206 meseci
VLC nece ni da cuje ,isto se ponasa kao i svi drugi plejeri na displeju i dalje pise da pronadjem 3Wplayer ipak cu da probam sa dekriptovanjem.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?08.07.2007. u 00:24 - pre 206 meseci
evo uspeo sam ovo gore navedeno radi hvala Neso !!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 122558
Poruke: 328

+7 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?08.07.2007. u 06:04 - pre 206 meseci
zonic: The 3wplayer employs a form of social engineering to infect computers. Seemingly desirable video files, such as recent movies, are released via BitTorrent or other distribution channels. These files resemble conventional AVI files, but are engineered to display a message when played on most media player programs, instructing the user to visit the 3wplayer website and download the software to view the video. The program is bundled with malware that has various undesirable effects, including attempting to disable anti-virus software.

E, sad sam video da je u pitanju kriptovan fajl.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?09.07.2007. u 00:02 - pre 206 meseci
samo da znate pod jednim naslovom koji je cesto trenutno aktuelan krije se drugi film, no sve jedno evo dobio sam i bolje od onog sto sam trazio
Odgovor na temu

Universal Mind

Član broj: 106807
Poruke: 17


icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?10.07.2007. u 23:59 - pre 206 meseci
@nesa1: Hvala punoooo!!!
Odgovor na temu

Kosta ******um Rex Persia
Ofenbach am Main

Član broj: 44544
Poruke: 2312

+4 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?14.07.2007. u 21:58 - pre 206 meseci
Hmmm, evo skidam Perl, samo jel ima veze koji paket se skida, ima AS Package i MSI, ja skidam MSI od 15.5 MB, i to verziju Jel dobro skidam?

Pišem ovde jer mi je dokurčilo više s tim plejerom, skinuh ga, film radi, ali uplašio sam se zbog tog virusa u plejeru.

Jel postoji neki način da se taj trojanac ručno ukloni iz plejera?

Jel može neko obrazovaniji da mi objasni kako je uopšte moguće da se fajl toliko dobro šifruje da pokazuje onu glupo obaveštenje, a čak ni Mediainfo ili GSpot ne mogu da prikažu koji je to fajl. Ni virtualdub neće da da otvara, tj hoće ali sa onom porukom.

Dakle, ja sam zgranut ovim šifrovanjem, pa ljudi čak ni BlueRay nije tako dobro šifrovan kao ovo čudo. Baš me zanima kako su to odradili i da li se može, recimo, šifrovati neki video fajl tako da se pušta samo u BSPlayeru, na primer?

Live long and prosper.
Permission to come aboard,captain.Permition granted.
Odgovor na temu

Kosta ******um Rex Persia
Ofenbach am Main

Član broj: 44544
Poruke: 2312

+4 Profil

icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?17.12.2007. u 00:29 - pre 201 meseci
Dakle, sve se ovo ponavlja, samo što je sada u pitanju neki Doom Player i ne znam sajt gde je okačena dekoding procedura. Molim za pomoć.

Live long and prosper.
Permission to come aboard,captain.Permition granted.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 17530
Poruke: 129


icon Re: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?18.12.2007. u 17:31 - pre 201 meseci
Postoji vec napisan program za to, ako dozvole admini okacicu ga ovde. Zove se 3wFuc*er. Potrebno samo da instalirate dotnet i radi perfektno.
I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad.
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[es] :: Video kompresija :: 3wPlayer - kako rešiti problem?

[ Pregleda: 4728 | Odgovora: 11 ] > FB > Twit

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