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Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???

[ Pregleda: 2930 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 70939
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+6883 Profil

icon Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???22.03.2007. u 19:19 - pre 210 meseci
nervira me ovo, jer dnevno po nekoliko windows-a dignem, i na nekim se slucajno redjaju sami, a na nekim moram ja. Pa me zivo interesuje ta sitnica. Jel zna neko, aj da vas cujem
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Ljubisa Spasic

Član broj: 77384
Poruke: 4624

+5 Profil

icon Re: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???22.03.2007. u 19:47 - pre 210 meseci
Start > Programs > Right click > Sort by name

Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 70939
Poruke: 2823

+6883 Profil

icon Re: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???22.03.2007. u 20:28 - pre 210 meseci
Prijatelju, hvala, ali sam mislio da nema mozda neko podesavanje koje ce samo da mi redja pa da ne moram posle svakog novog programa to da redjam.
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Član broj: 29779
Poruke: 351

+5 Profil

icon Re: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???22.03.2007. u 21:40 - pre 210 meseci
Ovo sam nasao na ovom sajtu:


Start > Run > Type “Regedit”
Find the registry key:


Right click MenuOrder in the left pane, click Permissions… then click Advanced button

Remove the checkmark from the “Inherit from parent the permission entries that apply to child objects. Include these with entries explicitly defined here” entry.

In the Security dialog box that opens, click Copy and you’ll be taken back to the Advanced Security Settings for MenuOrder window. Click OK and you’ll return to the Permissions for MenuOrder window.

Clear the checkmark next to Full Control in both your account and all security groups where you are a member.

Do not change the Read permission.

Exit Registry and Reboot

To verify that the tweak has completed successfully, log off the system and log back in then open Start and All Programs menu. Click on one of the items and try to drag it to a new location within the order of the folders. If all went well you will be unable to reposition the item. The black line that normally appears showing where the selected item would be repositioned will either be missing totally or appear as a faint shadow.

Nisam probao, ne znam da li radi.

tip: google - "automatic sort start menu"

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Član broj: 70939
Poruke: 2823

+6883 Profil

icon Re: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???14.04.2007. u 16:25 - pre 209 meseci

nisam stigao ranije da odgovorim, ali ovo savrseno funkcionise i to je bash ono sto sam zeleo.

hvala majstore
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Kako da sredim da se u start meniju programi sami redjaju po abecednom redu???

[ Pregleda: 2930 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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