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Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?

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Član broj: 25713
Poruke: 193

+47 Profil

icon Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?18.10.2005. u 21:51 - pre 227 meseci
Pokusavam da nadjem noviji firmware za mp3 plejer,danas ga kupio u NT softu.Ne mogu da nadjem ni sajt proizvodjaca a i na NT-ovom sajtu nisam nasao nikakav firmware.
Da li neko zna gde se moze naci isti ili bar sajt Xwave, valjda ga oni imaju???
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Član broj: 38909
Poruke: 113

+3 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?29.11.2005. u 21:06 - pre 226 meseci
I mene isto zanima, zna li neko?
Odgovor na temu

Djordje Marjanovic

Član broj: 76785
Poruke: 1


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?07.12.2005. u 02:10 - pre 226 meseci
Imam jedan problem u vezi x-wave, kad sam ga kupio bacio
sam kutiju u kojoj je bio a on ne radi, pa ako ti mozda nije ostala kutija
od njega, kao ne mogu nista da urade bez kutije, mislim!?

Aj vidi, ja sam u kucevu... pa cu ovih dana do pozarevca, bas bi mi
pomogao, naravno oduzicu se nekako!

Veliki pozdrav.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 26558
Poruke: 43


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?22.12.2005. u 15:15 - pre 225 meseci
Kupio sam pre par dana Xwave s-02, zanima me da li moze da radi sa punjivim baterijama, i koje jacine? Kakvi su vasi utisci? Ja nisam mnogo zadovoljan slusalicama, pocele su da pucketaju posle 2 sata, i povremeno mi se zvuk izoblici. A i ugasio se iz cista mira par puta...Prvi put posle 10 min, sa"king kong"(high quality-long life:-) baterijom. Ali i sa tek ubacenom duracel baterijom. Da li se to josh nekomm desavalo ili sam ja samo dobio baksuzan primerak...
Odgovor na temu

marko cosic

Član broj: 79032
Poruke: 5


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?31.12.2005. u 01:15 - pre 225 meseci
brate i ja isto pizdim oko jebenog x wave a !!! ali S-o6 ili kakva mu je vec oznaka i meni se desava da se sam ugasi kad on oce slusalice su ok mada su pederskog izgleda i da jbt poludeo sam ,pazi kupim ga i kao fazon nov znas i ima ono da se formira baterija ja kao pustim jedno 10 sati da se puni upalim ga kad ono tek od volume 15 se jedva chuje i ja pojachavam i pojachavam dodjem do 32 kad ono jbt pa moj papagaj glasnije pricha zamenim ja i evo isti problem ocu da ga vratim ili da ga slomim ne znam sta da radim majke mi .....isto kupljen u NT radnji onoj znam dal da odem i na slilu zamenim mp3 player za komp ) heheh
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 163
Poruke: 390

+2 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?25.01.2006. u 12:47 - pre 224 meseci
mp3 player je extra, uzeo sam ga pre mozda 15 dana i naravno OBAVEZNO svi da uzmete druge baterije :P
posto ona fabricka je s*anje ...
uzmite neke punjive (malo dajte vise kesa ali da znate za sta ste ga dali :P )

no. znaci nemam mana, sve pohvale, samo i mene interesuje da li je neko nasao neki firmware ... cisto ako ima neka novija ver. da je stavim :P

tnx. and cheers :P

[Ovu poruku je menjao r3ct0r dana 25.01.2006. u 13:48 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

EddiE The Great
Milicevic Dejan

Član broj: 56796
Poruke: 29


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?28.01.2006. u 14:00 - pre 224 meseci
. . . palim ga kad ono tek od volume 15 se jedva chuje i ja pojachavam i pojachavam dodjem do 32 kad ono jbt pa moj papagaj glasnije pricha . . .

to je jedino sto mene za sada nervira kod tog playera. Inace fabricka baterija je crkla posle pola sata , a na punjive baterije radi ,sto ne bi radio , meni radi na neke punjive PowerTime Rechargeable 700mAh (najjeftinije punjive) . I jos jedna stvar koja me nervira je kad god idem onom ruckicom za menjanje pesama udesno ,nesto malo zaglavi pa moram da je gurnem napred da bi se vratila u pocetni polozaj. . . A za te pare je sasvim OK player!
"I have a dragon here, and i am not afraid to use it"
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Član broj: 43688
Poruke: 2906

+69 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?10.03.2006. u 21:27 - pre 222 meseci
imal ko firmware ,jel moze to da se ubaci na onaj mp3 player iz nekermana ,isti su potpuno ,samo sto ovaj xwave ima fm radio ,?
Ko zna zna, ko ne zna 6.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 11887
Poruke: 2046


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?20.05.2006. u 17:11 - pre 220 meseci
Ja sam ovde preneo moja iskustva... (link ispod) prezadovoljan sam! I ja trazim firmware ali bezuspesno...

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 63369
Poruke: 1075

+236 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?13.08.2006. u 16:48 - pre 217 meseci
Da ne otvaram novu temu.

Planiram da uzmem neki od Xwave mp3 player-a a ne znam koji?
Moze li jos neko da se javi od ljudi koji su imali iskustva sa njima?

Biram Xwave samo jer je povoljan sto se cene tice,a necu da dajem neku silnu
lovu za j*ebeni stick jer cu za godinu dana verovatno da ga menjam ,ali mi je ipak bitno da ne
"rikne" za mesec dana

Koja su iskustva konkretno sa modelom S-08, S-20?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 37661
Poruke: 961


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?27.09.2006. u 21:11 - pre 216 meseci
Vidi, ja da nema leba za te firmware, njihov sajt, je u izgradnji, pazario sam danas s09 i stvarno je super kako je odradjen, ima tu doduse nekih neslaganja oko uputstva i opcija, zasad ne moze da snima radio, ali sve ostalo je super, jos sto ima dobro snimanje glasa.

Jedina zamerka ide na brzinu prenosa, sa ovih 1gb, ima da se omudim dok ga napunim. 800k mammu mumu

Inace, ovako, svaka cast za sluske i dizajn, a tek ekrance u sedam boja pa titra li titra:)

[Ovu poruku je menjao Vill dana 27.09.2006. u 22:57 GMT+1]
Nekada je istina oko nas a mi non stop gledamo ili previse ispred ili previse iza
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 113924
Poruke: 59


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?28.09.2006. u 14:12 - pre 216 meseci
Jeste se zapitali zasto kad u googlu napisete Xwave s-02 izbaci samo domace sajtove.....
U prevodu to je kineska stvar koje nase firme kupuju i lepe marke isto kao blueberry..........
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15095
Poruke: 186

+14 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?04.10.2006. u 18:29 - pre 216 meseci
Black3maj: Jeste se zapitali zasto kad u googlu napisete Xwave s-02 izbaci samo domace sajtove.....
U prevodu to je kineska stvar koje nase firme kupuju i lepe marke isto kao blueberry..........

u potpunosti se slazem. i to jako lepo zaradjuju na "xwave" plejerima, naravno ako su pametni..
pogledajte npr. cene na kineskim sajtovima, npr.:
steta sto je postarina dosta velika, za manje kolicine, pa se opet vise isplati kupovina u NT... :(
" This time next year, we will be millionaire's " - Del Boy :O)
" Even a brick wants to be something" - Louis Kahn
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Djacic

Član broj: 123664
Poruke: 4


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?02.12.2006. u 18:22 - pre 214 meseci
Čini mi se da je (kao kod mene sa S-09) verzija kineskog mp3 playera S1. Za playere ovog tipa je postavljen čitav sajt koji se bavi razvojem softvera, firmware i sl. jer se na bazi ovog playera pravi gro drugih. Tako meni sa modelom XWAVE S-09 u firmware update piše da je to S1 MP3 player sa verzijom firmware 3.5.35.
To i objašnjava zašto Vam se razlikuje uputstvo od modela (iako je na srpskom uputstvo?!?!)
Sajt je
pa izvolte...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 31081
Poruke: 19



icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?23.12.2006. u 14:20 - pre 213 meseci
Ljudi, meni se posle mesec dana zaj*bo. Dugme za paljenje ne reaguje, a dzojstik radi samo u jednom smeru. Na moju nesrecu,sestra je bacila garanciju.

Nego, da li bilo ko zna kako mogu da ga otvorim bez razvaljivanja macolom?

Pomagajte ljudi ki boga ve molim!
Nece slonce u lonce!
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Član broj: 37661
Poruke: 961
Via: [es] mailing liste


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?24.12.2006. u 09:00 - pre 213 meseci
Sajt se zove www
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Dead recovery guide
Site Map > Guides > Dead recovery guide
1. Identify the player : Discover you board ID
2. Dissassemble the s1mp3
3. Install drivers and make windows detect the player
4. Install a compatible upgrade program
5. Put device on recovery mode (short-circuit)
6. Find the apropriate firmware for your mp3 player
7. Help! I still can't recover my player!
Although this guide has helped many to repair their players, we have
recently decided that we can do better and it is being reviewed now
(5/Jun/2006). See maliing list to follow the discussion.
1. Identify the player : Discover you board ID

If you killed your player, you'll need a firmware that works with your
player's hardware. To know with Firmware file will work on your player, you
must get the board ID. It's the only safe way to identify your player. Chip
numbers, external look, models or brand names can't unequely identify a
hardware set.

To get the board ID, you must disassemble your player. If you don't know how
to disassemble your mp3 player, read on.

You can find out more about board ID here : Board ID: device real
identification, and once you've found your board ID, you may see if there is
any tested firmware for your player at the Firmware list.

2. Dissassemble the s1mp3

Attention: In case you have a "XO style" case (or a different style of
case), this guide does *not* apply to you. -J-@D!- has written a guide to
open it on the forum

(Written by Crunchy )
Find a clear table / desk to work on, make sure the floor is not to messy.
It'll be a LOT easier to find back those tiny little screws / plastic
buttons that tend to fall out exactly the wrong way
Stick a screwdriver/knife/needle between the USB plug and the bottom plastic
part (the one that holds the battery) . Any gap large enough to fit a sharp
edge in will do.
Lever the bottom plastic of the rest of the player. It's not welded or glued
tight, so it'll come of easily. Be forceful, but gentle, if necessary. Don't
worry if you hear plastic "snapping" it's just the clips coming loose, you
are not breaking anything.
In the four corners of the PCB (the printboard with all the chips) you'll
find four screws, find a screwdriver that fits, and unscrew them. Put the
screws in a container! Anything will do, from an egg holder to tupperware to
an ashtray, just don't loose the screws!! You can now lift off the main PCB.
Be carefull, as the LCD connector cable (brown flat cable) is quite fragile.
Don't break it!
You can now safely remove the chrome/silver/shiny ring from the player. Note
how it fits under the main PCB, and how the LCD connector cable goes through
it. This bit is a bit tricky to reassemble later, so if you remember how
everything was in the first place, It'll be easier to put it back together.
You can now see the back of the LCD board. there should be two screws in it.
Again, take your screwdriver and unscrew them. Put these screws in a
(different) container! Again, Don't lose the screws! You need them. Put them
in a different container to make sure you don't mix them up with the four
"main PCB screws", as that will cause trouble when you put the player back
together. After all that, you can take the LCD board from the front of the
case. Remember, the brown LCD connector cable is fragile, don't break it!
Congratulations, you have now disassembled your S1MP3 player! To reassemble
it, just follow this guide in reverse order. Extra attention to see if the
buttons are well fit on the case, for not to force then while closing the
3. Install drivers and make windows detect the player

First, uninstall the "mp3 player tools" you have installed previously.
Install the 1.46 version available at the Tools.

Unplug the player and remove/uninstall all the drivers related to USB at the
device manager. (Control Panel > System > Hardware tab > Device Manager).
Here is a screenshot.

Now, click "scan for hardware changes" button. Finally after the USB drivers
are installed, plug in your player.

If you have problems with drivers, they may be obtained at the place you've
installed the MP3 player utilities(Program Files/MP3 Player Utilities/) At
folders "Windows98Drv", and "Dissipate/drivers".

If you follow all this steps and windows still can't recognize it, you may
try to push ALL the buttons while connecting it to the USB hub. Try every
button, and keep the button hold. You may also try to plug it on another
computer. Also, make sure driver signing is not set to "block"(screenshot).

If nothing works, don't get desperate, you can still try to short-circuit
the memory chip to make it run the "recovery mode"(ADFU server).
4. Install a compatible upgrade program

Skip this step if the updater program is working correctly on your machine.

Firstly, make sure you have done the previous steps, and disable any anti
virus/anti spywares.

Try to plug your device with and without the batteries, and see if holding
the buttons solves the update program start errors.

If you are still getting errors like "UNKNOW FLASH TYPE", "FLASH NOT
uninstall you current updater program and try other versions. (see the MP3
Player Utilities)

If you still can't make it work, you can try to short-circuit the memory
chip to make it run the "recovery mode"(ADFU server).
5. Put device on recovery mode (short-circuit)

Why/how does it work : On boot time, the BREC (bootloader, written on
ATJ2085) checks if the FWIMAGE (with is on the NAND flash) is damaged. If it
is, it enters on the recovery mode (ADFU SERVER). If you get a dead device,
the invalid/incompatible FWIMAGE present at the NAND flash could not be
detected as corrupt or incompatible, because all of it headers are valid. To
make the ATJ2085 run the recovery mode, (so we can override the broken
FWIMAGE and write code) we short-circuit the memory chip during startup to
simulate a broken fwimage header. Off course, if you have a device with the
damaged BREC code, there is no way for us to write code on the device, so
it's really gone to heaven ... :)

You must disassemble your mp3 player. If you haven't done this yet, check
the disassemble the s1mp3.

Recognize the memory chip, near the ATJ2085 chip. It's usually a samsung
chip, and it's the biggest silicon on the board. To help identifying the
device components, check the Internal overview of standard s1mp3. We have
seen players with 2 memory chips, too. If you have one of those, you have to
short the memory chip nearest to the ATJ2085.

Now, without the batteries, with a flat screwdriver, touch 2 or more of any
of the 8 IO legs of the memory chip. Then, KEEP the screwdriver shorting the
pins, and connect the player to the USB.

Keep trying this procedure until you are successful. You may need to do this
procedure lots of time before getting a successful short. When you are
successful, windows will recognize your s1mp3 as an ADFU server device (you
may check it on the system tray) and then, when you start the firmware
update program, you'll be warned that the device is on recovery mode, and
you will finally be allowed to flash a (FULL) compatible firmware file. If
you try to flash a dump, you will get an error message.

If your device is not detected AT ALL, even doing this procedure, you got a
permanently damanged S1mp3, probably because a corrupt firmware flash
operation. The only hope is a hardware flash via ICE, see the ICE howto wiki

Now, let windows install the drivers. After this, you may flash any firmware
to the player, after finding a compatible update program.
6. Find the apropriate firmware for your mp3 player

With your board ID in hand, check the Firmware list . If you find a firmware
compatible with your board, your 're lucky, try it.

If you are on recovery (ADFU) mode, and the firmware for your board haven't
worked, or if you are trying to flash a dump(incomplete firmware), one thing
you might do is to flash another (random) firmware, until you get a working
usb flash disk. Then, flash your player in the normal way, with your
incomplete firmware(without doing any short-circuit). Incomplete DUMPS won't
work on ADFU mode, remember that!

If you don't find your board there, them you will have to find it yourself,
by attempt and error. We unhappily CAN'T help you hunting. (Google can.)

All the firmwares we have collected so far are on the forum, get them and
start trying. Post your complete experiences on the forum, so, with some
time, we will catalogue all the FW files.

If you have a friend with a identical player it's easy, just ask him to
extract the bin file from his player using Wire's tools. And don't forget to
send us the firmware for we to catalogue it on the page.
7. Help! I still can't recover my player!

Note that this procedure is the same for ATJ2085, AMP2085 and ATJ2051 chips.

If you have SURE you have made all the steps above, post on the forum
describing with as much details as possible, what is going wrong, maybe we
can help you. But all that is known are on this page, the people probably
won't be able to help much. Plese, don't post asking for firmwares!!

If you are getting a persistent error like "UNKNOW FLASH TYPE" after trying
everything suggested here, it's likely that there is a bad solder on your
memory chip or the memory chip itself is phisically dammanged. You might try
to resolder it.

The most important is to keep hope, LOTS of people already recovered their
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Nekada je istina oko nas a mi non stop gledamo ili previse ispred ili previse iza
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Član broj: 24909
Poruke: 13


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?16.05.2007. u 14:25 - pre 208 meseci
Da li je Xwave S-20 od 1 GB punjiv preko USB-a?
Da li je taj model isto što i Xwave SO-20?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4717
Poruke: 751

+17 Profil

icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?15.03.2008. u 13:01 - pre 198 meseci
Da li je neko pronasao firmware za S-09 player?
Obisao sam sve ove linkove nA temi al nista ne odgovara.
Hvala pozdrav
Odgovor na temu

Jovana Radakovic

Član broj: 308860
Poruke: 1


icon Re: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?18.11.2012. u 09:00 - pre 141 meseci
Zna li neko kako da formatiram S-09? Inace nemam problema sa tim stvarima, ali ovdje stvarno ne znam sta da radim. Molim vas, da mi neko pomogne. Hvala unaprijed.
Nevermind, we're blind.
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[es] :: Portable Players :: Xwave s-02 mp3 player firmware?

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