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[HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka

[es] :: MS SQL :: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka

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Član broj: 28513
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icon [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 06:32 - pre 214 meseci
Pozdrav svima.

Imam jedan veliki problem i ne znam kako da ga riješim. Na netu postoji jako malo informacija o tome.
Na operativnom sistemu Windows 2003 Advanced Server se vrti MS SQL 2000 Developer Edition.
U pokušaju backup / restore varijante urađeno je slijedeće:

1. Zbog naraslog LOG fajla, svaka baza je prvo postavljena na SIMPLE RECOVERY MODE.
2. Urađen je SHRINK baza.
3. Baze su vraćene na FULL RECOVERY MODE
4. Urađen je BACKUP baza i sa BACKUP DATABASE u *.BAK i sa kopiranjem *.MDF i *.LDF fajlova.
5. RESTORE i ATTACH ne rade i konstatno izbacuju grešku: "LOG FILE TRUNCATED..." i "DATABASE CONSISTENCY PROBLEM..."

* Da li problem ovakvo SHRINKOVANJE baza???
* Attach je proban i samo sa *.MDF fajlovima (bez *.LDF fajlova)

Odgovor na temu

Darko Matesic

Član broj: 20445
Poruke: 572

Jabber: DarkMan


icon Re: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 07:17 - pre 214 meseci
Probaj nesto od ovog:
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Član broj: 28513
Poruke: 68


icon Re: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 07:21 - pre 214 meseci

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Član broj: 28513
Poruke: 68


icon Re: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 07:49 - pre 214 meseci
DBCC REBUILD_LOG('Pips06','D:\Backup\Temp\Baza06.ldf')

Ova komanda mi javlja grešku:

Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 2, Line 1
I/O error 38(error not found) detected during read at offset 0x00000100010000 in file 'D:\Backup\Temp\Baza06.mdf'.

Connection Broken

Odgovor na temu

Darko Matesic

Član broj: 20445
Poruke: 572

Jabber: DarkMan


icon Re: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 12:46 - pre 214 meseci
Ja takvu gresku nisam imao pa ne znam sta dalje. Mozes pogledati sledece pa ako ti pomogne:
Odgovor na temu

Radenko Zec

Član broj: 74458
Poruke: 271

+1 Profil

icon Re: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka15.11.2006. u 13:51 - pre 214 meseci
Nerazumijem zbog cega sve to raditi?
Zasto nisi backupovao bazu prije svega,narezao log fajl na dvd,i onda atachovao samo mdf da izgradis prazan log i dobijes na prostoru i onda shrinkovao koliko se moze?
Sada nemas ni backupa ni nista?

SIMPLE Recovery Model

The SIMPLE recovery model offers the simplest backup-and-restore strategy. Your transaction log is truncated at regular, frequent intervals. Therefore, only full database backups and differential backups are allowed. You get an error if you try to back up the log while in SIMPLE recovery mode. Because the log is not needed for backup purposes, sections of it can be reused as soon as all the transactions it contains are committed or rolled back, and the transactions are no longer needed for recovery from server or transaction failure.

Managing Log Files

Simple versus full recovery mode for a Microsoft SQL Server database affects log file size. The MIIS 2003 with SP1 database is set to simple recovery mode by default. In most of the configuration for MIIS 2003 with SP1, full recovery mode is not required due to the nature of MIIS 2003 with SP1 server data, and the fact that it can be rebuilt from existing connected directory data.

Simple recovery mode sets the log settings to overwrite, which reduces log file sizes during the time between backups. In addition, you may encounter a problem if you do not regularly clear run history information; you may end up having to delete a large number of run histories. MIIS 2003 with SP1 deletes run histories in one delete transaction, which means that even if you are running in simple recovery mode, executing this transaction can take a considerable amount of time — especially if your log files are rapidly increasing in size.

If you do not have the disk capacity to handle such a situation you may run out of disk space on the log file drive, which will require you to truncate the log file using the query analyzer. If the problem becomes significant (for example, if you have a large buildup of run histories and a small drive capacity without resources to increase the size), you can use a batch file to clear the run history in small increments and truncate the log file in between runs.
logic_rabbit (MCAD,MCSD,MCT,MCTS-
Windows development,MCPD)
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[es] :: MS SQL :: [HITNO!!!] Restore MS SQL baza podataka

[ Pregleda: 5143 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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