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image drum HP 2550

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servisi ,odrzavanje

Član broj: 10678
Poruke: 1856

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icon image drum HP 255020.04.2006. u 10:38 - pre 221 meseci
Zna li ko sta o resetovanju image druma za color laser HP 2550.Nakon 5000 strana mora se mijenjati.Ima li kakva caka da se ovo zaobidje?
Cijena image druma je oko 100 evra,a pojedinih tonera boje oko 75 evra.
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servisi ,odrzavanje

Član broj: 10678
Poruke: 1856

+10 Profil

icon Re: image drum HP 255020.04.2006. u 12:15 - pre 221 meseci
evo sa foruma:
I do not know what to tell you. The drum life is supposted to be between 6000-8000 copies depending
on how many color vs black only prints are made. I assume there is a chip on the drum unit which
tell it when it should be replaced. One thing you can try, I do not know what will happen, but there
is a NVRAM reset procedure which resets all the counts in ROM and places the machine back to factory
default. This will not work if the drum uses a chip to tell when it is done. The NVRAM reset is done
by powering off the machine. Press and hold the Go button. Turn the printer on and continue to hold
the Go button. After the Go, Ready, and Attention LED's tuirn on, continue holding for at least 20
seconds. During this process, the Attention, Ready and Go LED's will each turn off. Release the Go
button. The device LEDs will begin cycling from front to back. The NVRAM init process runs unitl the
printer is in the Ready state.
2. Powered on the machine while holding down the big green <1> button on the HP LaserJet 2500 and
waited for the indicator lights to drop of one by one until all suddenly lit up! Released the button
and the printer returned to stand by. Printing could now be continued and the drum light was off!
Thanks 'dmzcompute' for the great advise. We just delayed spending $170 and can release our color
documnts as planned!
3. from service manual:
To perform a NVRAM init
1 Turn the printer off.
2 Press and hold the GO button.
3 Turn the printer on and continue to hold the GO button.
4 After the Go, Ready, and Attention LEDs turn on, continue holding for at least 20 seconds.
During this process, the Attention, Ready, and Go LEDs will each turn off.
5 Release the GO button.
6 The device LEDs will begin cycling from front to back. The NVRAM-init process runs until the
printer is in the Ready state.

see service manuals on
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[es] :: Ostali hardver :: image drum HP 2550

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