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Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)

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Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)28.12.2005. u 12:43 - pre 225 meseci
Moze li mi neko objasniti kako da podignem sistem pitem mreze na laptop.. kako konfigurisati server (npr winxp).. mogu li nekako da stavim u CDROM nekog racunara cd OS-a winxp i da ga bootam kroz mrezu..laptop ima opciju boot lan koja mi je jedina veza sa spoljasnjosti laptoba.. CDROM laptopa ne radi..
hvala svima na pomoci
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu

Igor Petrović

Član broj: 24239
Poruke: 1551

+10 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)28.12.2005. u 22:55 - pre 225 meseci
Procitaj ovu temu. Ako ti radi Floppy shvatices da ti, ustvari, treba nesto drugo

[Ovu poruku je menjao plavigor dana 28.12.2005. u 23:57 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)29.12.2005. u 09:48 - pre 225 meseci
Izgleda da je jedino rjesenje za mene RIS na win2000serveru.. posto mi je na paltopu riknuo floppy:( a noviji nemaju floppy drivea .. imam i bluetooth usb ako mi moze uopste pomoci
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu

Igor Petrović

Član broj: 24239
Poruke: 1551

+10 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)29.12.2005. u 20:13 - pre 225 meseci
Da li je sada racunar operativan (upotrebljiv)? Da li u boot opcijama daje jos nesto sem flopija, diska, optike i mreze? Moze li se zameniti taj flopi ili optika (bar privremeno)? Konacno, vredi li osposobljavati taj laptop, ne radi flopi, ne radi optika, mozda ni hard ne radi :))
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)30.12.2005. u 06:37 - pre 225 meseci
Kao sto znamo noviji laptopi NEMAJU floppy drivea, Combo drive nije u funkciji, HDD jeste, posto je ovaj prijatelj ciji je laptop (po njegovoj prici) formatirao disk i prekopirao WINXP boot cd na HDD nemam pojma kako.. niko ne da bas tako lako da mu ja uzmem CD drive iz njegovog ljubimca sto ja i necu ako bas ne bude zapelo.. ostaje mi samo jos mreze kao neistrazeno podrucje (LAN boot).. pa ako neko ima iskustva HEEELP :/
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59356
Poruke: 323


icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)04.01.2006. u 15:23 - pre 225 meseci
Brate, kazi drugaru da se otvori za polovan CD slim koji je izmedju 15 i 20 evra...
Ja sam pre neki dan kupio. Ima samsungov sa malim portom 15 e i 20 isti i dvd za 40e sa vecim portom ( takav sam ja u compaqa ubacio) polovan ali moras da kaljas gume na kolima kao ja
Cenkanje je mozda moguce...
Ima i externa varijanta koja je 20 evra polovna( konkretno je bio cd rezac asusov) ali je prodat.
Ako ti jos uvek treba, pisi mi na [email protected] da ti posaljem mailove tih likova...
E sad... mozda moze da se butuje sa usb-a? ako ima dooobar bios
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 44538
Poruke: 966

+39 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)13.01.2006. u 01:53 - pre 224 meseci
evo ti nekih osnova...
kad podeshish u biosu da laptop zove mrezu kao uredjaj za boot, najednostavije je da sa druge strane bude samo jedna comp koji je naravno uvezan sa cross kablom.
e sada, stvar je u tom drugom kompu gde morash da postavish neki program koji radi boot rachunaru - bootp.
ima vishe solucija. na dve'iljadarci imash RIS (remote installation server), koji se instalira po defoultu pa mozesh da prchkash malo po njemu.

ako hochesh josh komplikovanije, ali univerzalnije onda prochitaj ovo;en-us;142857, pa onda evo ti ovi uputi:

Modifying the Startup Disk for Network Interface Cards

Modifying the Startup Disk for network interface cards (NIC) requires installing the appropriate MS-DOS driver and editing two system files.

•Install an NDIS2-compatible MS-DOS driver for the NIC. These are usually included with the floppy disk supplied by the manufacturer with their drivers. If no drivers are available, download the appropriate driver from the manufacturer's Web site.

Appropriate drivers for the Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS will always have a .dos extension. For example, the driver for Intel's EtherExpress Pro/10 EISA is: Epro.dos

This driver should be placed in the Net directory on the computer (C:\Net, unless named differently) or on the MS-DOS startup disk (A:\Net).

•Modify the System.ini file. The NIC driver needs to be referenced in the System.ini file. This entry is found in the [network drivers] section, as illustrated below:

[network drivers]
For "netcard=," replace the current driver with the file name of the NDIS2-compatible driver placed in the Net directory (for example, Epro.dos).

•Modify the Protocol.ini file. The NIC driver needs to be referenced in the Protocol.ini file. This entry is found in the [ms$ driver_name] section (the driver name will reflect what was originally chosen in the Network Installation Startup Disk process), as shown below:


For "drivername=," replace the driver listed with the file name of the NDIS2-compatible driver; use a dollar sign ($) to replace the .dos file extension (for example, EPRO$).

Note: Do not change the header (for example, [ms$elnkii] in the example above); the header is a pointer throughout the .ini file.
Table of Contents

Additional TCP/IP Settings for the Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS
Specifying WINS Servers

If your Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS uses DHCP (the default setting for MS-DOS TCP/IP), it will automatically receive the address for the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server. If you want to statically configure your WINS server IP address, you must edit the client's Protocol.ini file and add the IP address to the [TCPIP] section.

For example, if you have two WINS servers available, add them into the [TCPIP] section as shown in the example below. Note that there are no dots (.) in the IP addresses.

WINS_SERVER0 = 11 101 13 53
WINS_SERVER1 = 11 101 12 198

Name queries will be sent to the WINS servers in the order in which they appear in the .ini file. The ipconfig command may show a different order of WINS servers (or even different WINS servers altogether) —these are the WINS server names sent by DHCP, and the Protocol.ini settings override them.

Logging On with TCP/IP Across a Router
If the domain controller is across a router from the Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS computer, you must add a line to the client's LMHOSTS file (located in the Net directory — if there is no LMHOSTS file, you need to create one) for logons to be validated. The line has the following format: SRV_NAME #DOMOM_NAME
where: is the IP address of the domain controller.
•SRV_NAME is the NetBIOS name of the domain controller.
•DOM_NAME is the name of the domain.

You must also ensure that the domain controller can contact the Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS using one of the following methods:

•Enter the client's IP address and name in the domain controller's LMHOSTS file.
•Register the client with a WINS server that is accessible by the domain controller (placing a static entry in WINS for the Microsoft Network Client for MS-DOS).

dalje ti je najbolje da sam ispitujesh. stvar je u principu jednostavna.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)08.02.2006. u 09:43 - pre 224 meseci
Pozdrav... malo sam podesavao po sljedecoj metodi


It is possible to setup a PXE server on Widows 2000 server without installing RIS. Do all of this on whatever machine is serving DHCP.

DHCP Configuration
Open the DHCP control panel from administrative tools.
Expand the server you are wanting to configure. Expand the "Scope" folder. Right click on "Scope Options" and select "Configure Options".
Put a check mark in "013 Boot File Size" and enter the file size in 512 octet blocks. Example, your boot image file is 12 KB (kilobytes). Convert 12 KB to bytes (12288). This must be exact, don't just multiply 12 by 1000. Divide the file size in bytes by 512 (12288 / 512). Enter the resulting number (24) in the text dialog that is enabled when you put a check in 013.
Put a check mark in "043 Vendor Specific Info" and enter the following binary value: 01 04 00 00 00 00 ff.
Open a command window and type the following:
netsh dhcp>server \\server_name
netsh dhcp server>add optiondef 60 ClassID String 0
netsh dhcp server>set optionvalue 60 STRING PXEClient

Put a check mark in "066 Boot Server Host Name" and enter the IP address of the server.
Put a check mark in "067 Bootfile Name" and enter the name of the boot image file.
(Thanks to Mark McRitchie for this step.)

If you use the Linux-based boot disk, you can set the boot disk's defaults (user name, password, share) via DHCP option 233. Open a command prompt and type:

netsh dhcp server add optiondef 233 Unattended String 0 comment="Unattended dhcp info"

Go back to "Scope Options", select configure options, put a check mark next to the new entry, and fill in the boot disk options you want to use (e.g., z_user=username z_pass=sekrit z_path=\\myserver\myshare).

Right click on the server name in the DHCP control panel, go to all tasks, and select "restart".
Go back to scope options and verify that all the information is there. You should see the five entries on the right. They should look like this:

013 Boot File Size Standard 0x18
043 Vendor Specific Info Standard 01 04 00 00 00 00 ff
060 ClassID Standard PXEClient
066 Boot Server Host Name Standard Server IP address
067 Bootfile Name Standard bzImage (boot file name)

If any of the options do not match these, double-click on the option and change the value. More than likely option 060 will be wrong. Change it so it looks like above.

You are now ready to set up tftp.

TFTP Configuration
Copy "tftpd.exe" from "c:\winnt\system32\dllcache\tftpd.exe" to "c:\winnt\system32\tftpd.exe"
Get a copy of "sc.exe" from the system32 folder on any windows xp box and place it in "c:\winnt\system32"
Open a command window and type "sc create tftpd binpath= c:\winnt\system32\tftpd.exe "
The service "tftpd" is now available in the service control panel. Open the control panel, find the service, and start it. (If you want it to start automatically, you can set it to do so from the control panel.)
Open the registry to the following key. \\hkey_local_machine\system\currentControlSet\services\tftpd. Add a subkey "parameters" to the tftpd folder. Add a string value "Directory" to the "parameters" key. Give "Directory" the path location where your boot image file is located. (example c:\tftpd).

ali imam problem ..laptop se konektuje na server ali ne moze naci file.. moze li mi neko dati konkretan primjer sa nekog boot cd-a

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 2328
Poruke: 642


+2 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)08.02.2006. u 22:16 - pre 224 meseci

Bob Hodges(Colors):"There's two bulls standing on top of a mountain. The younger one says to the older one: "Hey pop, let's say we run down there and fuck one of them cows". The older one says: "No son. Lets walk down and fuck 'em all"
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)09.02.2006. u 11:39 - pre 223 meseci
thnx.. sad cu to malo procitati :)
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)09.02.2006. u 14:08 - pre 223 meseci
Moze li mi neko objasniti konkretno kako, gdje i koji file da stavim i kako da sve to podesim jer mi non-stop javlja gresku na laptopu:

CLIENT MAC ADDR:............................
PXE T01: File not found
PXE E3B: TFTP Error - File not found

PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.
Hard disk boot invalid

Napomena: pokusavam se konektovati na server
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu

Igor Filko
Novi Sad

Član broj: 83463
Poruke: 14


icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)09.02.2006. u 21:04 - pre 223 meseci
Imaš još jednu varijantu o kojoj vredi razmisliti. Ako je u pitanju noviji latop sa USB 2.0 priljučcima neka se proba sa eksternim USB optikama. Ako me pamćenje služi, USB 2.0 DVD-RW Dual Layer je negde oko 100 evrića!

PS. Mogao bi da budeš malo manje mističan po pitanju dotičnog notebook-a!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 59512
Poruke: 350

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)10.02.2006. u 11:40 - pre 223 meseci
haha bio bih malo manje mistican da je ovo moj laptop..
moj dobar prijatelj ga kupio prije 1/2 godine za 1400eura.. laptop ja super
centrino 1.5, 512MB RAMA,...samo sad nije pri lovi pa ga donio meni da mu pokusam pomoci... kao izlaz sam vidio ovaj mrezni nacin ali nikako da uspijem :(
uvjek nesto fali sto mozete procitati iz prethodnih postova
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 43958
Poruke: 78


icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)10.02.2006. u 20:00 - pre 223 meseci
Ako je laptop star pola godine i placen tolike pare, onda je sigurno u garanciji.

Ako nije, onda ce sigurno moci da se podigne sa USB uredjaja (flash, floppy, cd).

Odgovor na temu

Network security inzenjer

Član broj: 10486
Poruke: 1853

+18 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)03.01.2007. u 08:46 - pre 213 meseci
Sledeci problem...

Tablet PC, naravno bez floppy-ja i CD-a, ali sa PXE NIC-om. Podignut DHCP na ruteru koji funkcionise. Kada Tablet podigne Windows, zatrazi IP parametre od rutera (DHCP discover) i ruter mu ih prosledi (DHCP offer), a ovaj ih prihvati (DHCP request). To isto sam uspeo i sa Windows 2003 server-om.
Medjutim, to isto ne radi kada treba da se podigne sistem sa mrezne kartice. Znaci, pokrene se PXE boot, ali Tablet nece da prihvati IP parametre. Gledao sam sta se desava preko Network monitora, i tacno se vidi da on na pocetku boot-ovanja salje DHCP discover poruku, ruter odgovara sa DHCP offer, ali ovaj ponovo salje DHCP discover. Ponavljam, sve normalno radi kada se pokrene Windows na Tablet PC-u.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 494
Poruke: 320

+39 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)08.01.2007. u 23:34 - pre 212 meseci
Marcony: Sledeci problem...

Tablet PC, naravno bez floppy-ja i CD-a, ali sa PXE NIC-om. Podignut DHCP na ruteru koji funkcionise. Kada Tablet podigne Windows, zatrazi IP parametre od rutera (DHCP discover) i ruter mu ih prosledi (DHCP offer), a ovaj ih prihvati (DHCP request). To isto sam uspeo i sa Windows 2003 server-om.
Medjutim, to isto ne radi kada treba da se podigne sistem sa mrezne kartice. Znaci, pokrene se PXE boot, ali Tablet nece da prihvati IP parametre. Gledao sam sta se desava preko Network monitora, i tacno se vidi da on na pocetku boot-ovanja salje DHCP discover poruku, ruter odgovara sa DHCP offer, ali ovaj ponovo salje DHCP discover. Ponavljam, sve normalno radi kada se pokrene Windows na Tablet PC-u.

Za boot instalaciju PXE klijenta ti treba DHCP i PXE boot server (npr. RIS za windows)

Klijent salje DHCP discover, offer mu salju DHCP i RIS, prihvata setovanja od DHCP-a posto RIS salje samo ip adresu pxe boot servera, kad dobije ip setovanja, salje ponovo DHCP discover da bi dobio setovanja za pxe boot server.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 21450
Poruke: 185
Via: [es] mailing liste


icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)16.01.2007. u 09:12 - pre 212 meseci
> __________ NOD32 1953 (20070102) Information __________
> This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.
Ja sam slicnu borbu sa Fujitsu Siemens T3010 Lifebook zavrsio kupovinom
USB-IDE adaptera (ladice).
Zakacio CD-ROM, odradio instalacije i gotovo.

p.s. sa tablet pc-a ti i pisem :)
Blago onom ko rano poludi, imao se rasta i roditi!
Odgovor na temu

CRM administrator

Član broj: 61978
Poruke: 188

ICQ: 177966434

+28 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)25.12.2009. u 09:43 - pre 176 meseci
Imam Dell Latitude L400 koji nema floppy ni cd drive, u biosu ne radi kada kažem usb boot, inače moja revizija biosa to ne podržavam tek A09
koju naravno ne mogu da ubacim jer nemam OS. podesio sam na boot from network, i to radi tako što na drugom računaru instaliram TFTP server. kada pustim lap top da se bootuje sa mreže, DHCP mu dodeli IP i krene da traži fajl mba.img, i tu sve staje, šta je mba.img, svestan sam da je to neki imidž fajl ali koji, naime stavio bih XP na taj lap top, i sad sam tu zaglavio, šta da radim?

[Ovu poruku je menjao zoomtronic dana 26.12.2009. u 11:39 GMT+1]
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Mark Twain
Odgovor na temu

CRM administrator

Član broj: 61978
Poruke: 188

ICQ: 177966434

+28 Profil

icon Re: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)30.12.2009. u 13:59 - pre 176 meseci
Da li uopšte neko zna šta treba da poskidam sa interneta, koje aplikacije kako da ih instaliram i podesim,
mislim na instalaciju na serveru. Naravno hoću da instaliram Windows xp, ne linux

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
Mark Twain
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows mreže :: Kako podici sistem na laptop putem mreze (boot lan)

[ Pregleda: 18535 | Odgovora: 18 ] > FB > Twit

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