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Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima

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Bela Ujhazi

Član broj: 81751
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icon Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 15:54 - pre 224 meseci
Pozdrav svima. Imam problem sa Asus k8n4-e/dl pločom.Posle malog korišćenja /od oko nedelju dana /se desilo da ploča ništa ne vidi od PCI opreme,ne nađe od pci stvari ništa..a PCI-E,SATA i ostali slotovi su u redu /...a te iste sam stavio u drugi računar gde redovno rade...Čini mi se da su PCI slotovi mrtvi ;(((..dali ste videli već takvo nešto?
Odgovor na temu

Crna Gora

Član broj: 82759
Poruke: 19


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 16:03 - pre 224 meseci

pocni sa reistalacijom drivera za Chipset. Ukoliko ne uspije potrebno je reistalirati operativni sistem. Mala je vjerovatnoca da je problem u hardveru ali na kraju imaj u vidu i tu opciju...

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Bela Ujhazi

Član broj: 81751
Poruke: 4


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 16:08 - pre 224 meseci
..nažalost celi reinstal sam odradio.. ponovnim podizanjem novim drajverima za čipset..jedino još bios netaknut..

[Ovu poruku je menjao berci dana 29.01.2006. u 17:10 GMT+1]
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icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 16:30 - pre 224 meseci
ne znam bili tu clear cmos sta pomogao,osim ako nisi bio zlocko u biosu no probaj :).(kako se radi pise u manualu maticne ploce)
Nego, daj reci kako se to desilo i sto tocno znaci da "nevidi" ? Uzmi everest pa vidi sto on kaze za pci slotove.Device manager?Sto imas sve na pci slotovima?

[Ovu poruku je menjao JOJO847 dana 29.01.2006. u 17:31 GMT+1]

Odgovor na temu

Bela Ujhazi

Član broj: 81751
Poruke: 4


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 17:15 - pre 224 meseci u slotovima sam imao sky-star dvojku,D-linkovu wireless karticu..skystar je bila ukljucena..kao i totalcommander..neke fajlove sam prekopirao u commanderu i jednostavno se usporavila masina,prekop.stalo i miš je osta zakucan na sredini ekrana..i D-Link i Technisatov program javljao gresku , mislio sam da treba restart jedan..i posto posle restarta nisam imao ni sat link,ni wireless pristup..u device manager-u sam pogledao , i imao sam sta videti :"no device" i za jedno i za drugo.. ;(( sky-star sam prebacio u slobodan slot ..ali ista situacija..nema ga..ondak sam lepo sve iscupao iz njega ..formatirao hdd,bios reset..ponovno instaliranje ubacivanje kartice jedan po jedan ...i sve ostalo isto..iz druge masine sam vadio wireless i sat karticu i probao sa onima..opet ista situacija..kartice su u redu jer sam ih stavio nazad u drugu masinu...
/Inace masina kao i ploca relativno dobra 64 bitni amd, dva sata hdd 160GB, MB +DVA OBICNOG HDD-A 80GB i asusova graficka ne6600GT/256mb/PCI-E/...TEAC DVD rezac i Asus CDRW 52*32*52,2*512MB DDR PC400/ pa otprilike to jr to
Odgovor na temu

Crna Gora

Član broj: 82759
Poruke: 19


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 18:04 - pre 224 meseci
Iz iskustva znam da D-Linkove kartice MOGU izazvati razne probleme, nije problem u njima vec u njihovim drajverima koji dovode do nestabilnosti Win XP-a. Pokusaj isti postupak bez te kartice. Uostalom, diranje BIOS-a te nece nigdje dovesti. I jos jedna napomena, kad instaliras sistem iako nema puno razlike bolje je postovati pravilo - prvo sav hardver u kuciste pa tek onda INSTALL. Dodavanje kartica jednu po jednu nije bolje resenje te moze izazvati ove probleme.

Odgovor na temu

Bela Ujhazi

Član broj: 81751
Poruke: 4


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima29.01.2006. u 18:45 - pre 224 meseci
..ok! tako ću pokušati..hvala
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 14162
Poruke: 6623

+10 Profil

icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima30.01.2006. u 00:43 - pre 224 meseci
celi reinstal sam odradio

napravi clean install a ne reinstall.

prvo sav hardver u kuciste pa tek onda INSTALL

Pa normalno: Sklopi sve i odradi instalaciju, bas kako kaze MXDEC

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 81263
Poruke: 370


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima30.01.2006. u 02:44 - pre 224 meseci
Probaj izbaci sve kartice od konfiguraciji i nanovo ih ubavi.
Iskljuchi opcija PNP OS installed od bios.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 32031
Poruke: 110


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima31.01.2006. u 23:03 - pre 224 meseci
Prijatelju i ja imam isti problem ali da te utesim nisi jedini.Moja konfiguracija je:
AMD ATHLON 64 3200+ s939
ASUS EN 6600 Silencer
512 Kingston
Sky Star 2
Ja mislim da je to do nekompatibilnost Skay Star kartice i 64 bitnog sistema.

U ostalom pogledaj:
View Full Version : Nexus-S + Asus A8N + PCI-Express = Problem ???

23-01-2005, 10:56 PM
Until last week i've used my Nexus-S card without any problem. But since i've replace my motherboard by an Asus A8N SLI and my AGP graphic card by a PCI-Express card (Asus 6600GT), i've some problems in software like Digital TV or ProgDVB.

The screen stay black and i must check 'software scaling' to obtain the video. It seems there's a problem with Direct Draw but DirectX 9.0c is properly install. I've also installed the last drivers (2.18) but the problem persist.

If you have an idea, let me know :)

15-02-2005, 04:18 PM
i have the same problem with the same hardware. technotrend driver 2.19 makes it a little bit better, but .....

i think it is a driver problem! :confused:

16-02-2005, 04:03 PM
I also have problems with nexus-s , asus A8N-SLI-Deluxe Motherboard and nvidia 6800 ultra graphics pci express card. But i don't think anyone cares. sent an e-mail to Hauppage support. no response. wthldh

20-02-2005, 08:02 PM
i have a similar problem, my pc crach (must reboot) when i put the card in hard mode and when there is a image to display (works on radio)
my config: asus k8n, 1024 ddr, geforce6800le, 3100+.
it's possible to change my realtek detection audio and sometimes it's working in hard mode. but since i play at the game nigthfire it's totaly impossible.
no problem in soft mode and you?

21-02-2005, 07:30 AM
In Soft mode there's no problem but there is sometime slow down in video cause another software using CPU. In Hard mode 'when it was working' i hasn't encountered these problems. It seems to be a problem with 'overlay' and nvidia graphic card, but there's actually no drivers to solve this problem.

24-02-2005, 03:39 PM
Its the same on Windows 2000 . It´s not only XP that is affected . It´s the PCI-E graphics card that causes the problem I would say. I have a 6600 GT PCI-Express card and I have tested it on Win XP Home and on Win2000 System and it´s the same on both operating systems .

25-02-2005, 08:55 AM
If you look in DXDIAG is DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Acceleration enabled?

Do you get any further if you manually enable Overlay on the DDraw tab in DVB-TV?

26-02-2005, 11:29 AM
for my config, i have 6800le, asus k8n, nexus 2.18c in last pci (number5).
i desinstall nforce audio driver in add/remove program. just let ac'97 audio driver and my pc work in hard mode.
i dowload "pcilatency.reg" because image is bad in hard mode.

and image is good, overlay working
thank's to tell me if it's good for you .

26-02-2005, 01:44 PM
I've looked in DXDIAG 'no problem detect' and all is enabled. If i manually enable 'Overlay' in DVB-T there's no change until i check 'Software scaling'.

I don't use the audio chipset of my motherboard, cause i've a creative audigy 2. So i've just try the 'pcilatency.reg'. The picture is better in hard mode + Software scaling, but still don't work without 'software scaling'.

Thanks for your help, but until now the only way to obtain a correct picture stay 'Soft Mode'

28-02-2005, 04:11 AM
If you look in DXDIAG is DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP Acceleration enabled?

Do you get any further if you manually enable Overlay on the DDraw tab in DVB-TV?

Chris, hi.

There is no AGP in PCI16 Express.

28-02-2005, 10:58 AM
Chris, hi.

There is no AGP in PCI16 Express.
I've never seen a PCI-E system so wasn't sure how Windows sees it (i.e. whether it "pretends" to be AGP). So is there no AGP button in DXDiag? Do any of the DXDiag tests work?

Can you please create a DxDiag report (see my signature).

As for blurry video, I've seen this on nVidia cards when using VMR9. Select Overlay on the DDraw tab.

01-03-2005, 06:39 AM
I've never seen a PCI-E system so wasn't sure how Windows sees it (i.e. whether it "pretends" to be AGP). So is there no AGP button in DXDiag? Do any of the DXDiag tests work?

Can you please create a DxDiag report (see my signature).

As for blurry video, I've seen this on nVidia cards when using VMR9. Select Overlay on the DDraw tab.

Chris, hi.

DirectX does have the AGP option, but by default it is disabled. The PCI video slot(PCI 16 express), is different than the regular PCI or AGP. If the MoBo has two slots, you can install two identical video cards (SLI mode) that makes the graphics run at double the speed of AGP8x (16x).
Unless you install WinXP64 and have programs made to take advantage of the 64 bit, you not realy going to see much difference. In other words, if you have some extra $$$, you can buy a 64bit system. If not, it is better to wait until WinXP64 comes out, along with programs written to take advantage of it. Besides, like everything new, I am sure there will be some bugs too.

What is the VMR9?
Where do I find the DDraw tab? In the Nvidia setup?


01-03-2005, 06:50 AM
Looking at your DXDiag report, the Video Accel and Deinterlace Caps sections are both empty. If DVB-TV is querying the driver in the same way as DXDiag then it may decide that there is no hardware video support on the graphics card.

02-03-2005, 03:19 AM
Looking at your DXDiag report, the Video Accel and Deinterlace Caps sections are both empty. If DVB-TV is querying the driver in the same way as DXDiag then it may decide that there is no hardware video support on the graphics card.

Chris, thanks for the answer. Is it possible to correct this?

02-05-2005, 12:28 PM
Hi, I have some problem in hard mode (bad picture quality in movement). Please where i found pcilatency.reg?

Thanks a lot

04-05-2005, 09:36 AM
Those of you having problems, are you running an SLI setup?

04-05-2005, 06:50 PM
Hi, I have some problem in hard mode (bad picture quality in movement). Please where i found pcilatency.reg?

Thanks a lot
i have the exact same problem
nexus-s rev 2.2
agp 8x ati aiw 9800 pro

05-05-2005, 07:31 PM
some one know how to fix problem error when loading @ boot arm for nexus-s DVb Tv cards Pleased help me with. been a month ??? without solution can not find anybody or forum can help me with. really!need help!Thanks.....

16-05-2005, 07:26 PM
Reporting same problem with ATI PCIe video card (either in hard or soft mode bad picture quality in movement: fine pixellation throughout the screen).
Have reported problem to Asus and waiting response.

my sys cfg: asus a8n-sli, 1024 ddr, abit x300se, 3200+, nexus-s slot2 irq17

16-05-2005, 08:56 PM
Some people have reported that nForce4 has bad PCI throughput/latency:
nForcersHQ - nForce4 Poor PCI/Firewire audio performance (
If that's true then it would explain the pixellation and general instability you are seeing (if the Nexus can't get it's data across the bus in time).

If your board has an option for PCI Latency Timer (in the BIOS), increase it to 64CLK from the usual default of 32CLK.

24-05-2005, 02:37 AM
I have exactly the same problem like Psyche..

I have a Abit NF7S ,POV 6600GT AGP and Nexus.
The problem is coming when i put the 6600GT ...(was before a Ti4200).

ProgDVB in Hardware mode ...

--with "surface" mode selected ,you can see a picture with many vertical white lines.
when the picture is stable for 10 secondes ,the lines slowly deseappear.

---with "overlay" mode selected,the window is black,but you can see the picture if you slowly move the window with the mouse..

---with "overlay" mode AND "software scaling " enabled ,the picture is OK.

I have try'd many Nvidia drivers and nothing change.

Excuse my poor english's late and i'm french

13-06-2005, 06:20 PM
i have the same problem using the dvb card with an ATI X800 PCI-E. I tried also an NVIDIA 6600GT but it was worst than ati. With ati i see bad quality images, with nvidia no images in hardware mode. I upgraded to 2.18c drivers but nothing changed.
The only one that works is progdvb in software mode :(
bye bye

My config:
AMD 3500+ 64bit (socket 939)
Gigabyte K8NF-9 (NForce4 not SLI)
ATI X800 256Mb PCI-E
1Gb Ram

18-06-2005, 08:33 PM
Exact same problem with an asus a8n-sli and X800XT.
I have tried to change the latency of Nexus with PCI latency tool, it's a little bit better, but pixelisation problem continue... :(

My config:

Win xp pro
Asus x800xt pe
1024MB Ram
Audigy2 ZS

11-08-2005, 12:25 PM
Same problem here. Asus A8N-SLi Deluxe, Gigabyte 6600GT Windows XP 32bit, 3200 Athlon latest drivers, updates etc.

No picture, sound but no picture in RitzDVB.

Read on another forum that NVidia drivers 77.* has a problem. So I tried older versions. No difference.

Set up was working in my system before upgrade. Asus A7N 2500 Athlon, Gainward 4800SE graphics.

Was going to try and enable two GPUs on the board and drivers just incase that would help.

16-08-2005, 12:20 PM
Sent a support request into Gigabyte about this. I have the Gigabyte 6600GT PCI-e card. They say that the PCI-e has a greater bandwidth than AGP and should handle the tv card.

Also it must be TV card and I have to contact Hauppage :)

20-08-2005, 01:55 PM
Common Hauppage/TT give us a fix

21-08-2005, 01:55 PM
Yeah maybe.

Asus dont answer and Gigabyte say its the Hauppage card :(

22-08-2005, 10:10 PM
Looks like you had better not get an Asus A8N-SLI if you want to run a DVB card. Not enough power in the PCI slot on that range of boards.

Read here

12-09-2005, 10:37 AM
The same problem for me my config is:
A8N-SLI Deluxe + ATI X550 PCIe
I have tried a lot of drivers and config without results
the pcilatencytimer.reg tool without results
I'm really desesperate

any solution
any try

if asus don't help us, please HAUPPAUGE HELP US

13-09-2005, 03:24 PM (28 MB)

1. Uninstall the current Nexus software using Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs.

2. Then run dvbclear.exe to remove the old Nexus driver:

3. In the device manager uninstall the "Hauppauge WinTV Nexus" and "Virtual DVB-S/-C/-T Network adapter" entries.

4. Restart Windows.

5. When Windows prompts for the location of the new driver, enter the sub folder "driver/KS_WDM_Driver" in the folder where you have unpacked the software to. (This step is very important.)

6. Install the application software by running setup.exe.

Does this help ?

17-09-2005, 11:40 PM (28 MB)

1. Uninstall the current Nexus software using Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs.

2. Then run dvbclear.exe to remove the old Nexus driver:

3. In the device manager uninstall the "Hauppauge WinTV Nexus" and "Virtual DVB-S/-C/-T Network adapter" entries.

4. Restart Windows.

5. When Windows prompts for the location of the new driver, enter the sub folder "driver/KS_WDM_Driver" in the folder where you have unpacked the software to. (This step is very important.)

6. Install the application software by running setup.exe.

Does this help ?


I also had the problem with my A8N PCI-E board. The drivers/KS_WDM_Driver solved the problem!!! Thanks, but other DVB software now can't start the device now :mad:
Why did you change the drivers (SAA7146n/TT7146KS) ???

18-09-2005, 08:59 AM (28 MB)

1. Uninstall the current Nexus software using Control Panel / Add/Remove Programs.

2. Then run dvbclear.exe to remove the old Nexus driver:

3. In the device manager uninstall the "Hauppauge WinTV Nexus" and "Virtual DVB-S/-C/-T Network adapter" entries.

4. Restart Windows.

5. When Windows prompts for the location of the new driver, enter the sub folder "driver/KS_WDM_Driver" in the folder where you have unpacked the software to. (This step is very important.)

6. Install the application software by running setup.exe.

Does this help ?

For my A8N-SLI it helps! Thank you! But alternative DVB software doesn't find the driver anymore :mad:

22-09-2005, 05:48 PM

have the same problem:

1) asus a8n-mainboard + skystar2 -> mainboard defect after some minutes
2) asus a8n-mainboard + wintv nova-s plus -> computer did start, driver install OK, after reboot: bluescreen, mainboard did only start after some RESETs, some onboard-devices defective, another restart: motherboard defective (no restart possible).

There seems to be a great problem with nforce 4 and hauppauge and other dvb-cards. Seems these cards do not comply with PCI2.3 (lower mainboard-PCI-voltage, as told by ASUS?)

Is there any Hauppauge card with HDTV that can be used with Nforce4?

Thank you,


23-09-2005, 01:49 PM
What bluescreen did you get?

It sounds more like a resource conflict occuring with the Nova-S-Plus (buggy BIOS) than a power issue.

23-09-2005, 02:24 PM
What bluescreen did you get?

Can't remember, and it's not reproducable, as mainboards are defective. Uninstalling the DVB cards doesn't help, as the mainboards do not even restart (black screen after power-on, no BIOS-start, no beep sound.

It sounds more like a resource conflict occuring with the Nova-S-Plus (buggy BIOS) than a power issue.
In this case the mainboards should start normally after removing the DVB-cards.

Addition: Computer did run stable until insertion of any of the dvb-cards (hauppauge or technisat), problems did really occure only after these cards were inserted.

23-09-2005, 02:54 PM
So the motherboards are completely dead even after removing the cards and clearing the CMOS?

24-09-2005, 12:49 PM
So the motherboards are completely dead even after removing the cards and clearing the CMOS?
That's right, they're completely dead.
I tried to clear the CMOS now, but that didn't help - still not even a beep-sound (I uninstalled all cards and unplugged all connectors - in this case a missing graphics-card should be reported - but not even this happened).
[Tested with both mainboards]

25-09-2005, 06:42 AM
my name is alberto form italy.

i have problem with a8n-sli and skystar2 techinast.

i have change motherboard with gigabyte ga-k8nf-9.

now can i use skystar2 pci or i can burn the new motherboard ?

thank you all

bye bye


power SLIMAK
08-10-2005, 01:24 AM
Hi everyone !

I have exactly the same problem as you. Obviously former link helped to fix the problem but it turns out to working only with Hauppauge's original DVB player. Not with alternative softwares like ProgDVB and so on... I just had a look at Technotrend 's website and new drivers have been released (2.19). Let's hope it will fix the issue for all plateforms and DVB players


12-10-2005, 03:05 PM
I use a ASUSTEK A8N5X, AMD Athlon 64, ATI 300 PCI express, last rev of BIOS for the ASUS motherboard, XP sp2, Rev 2.28 for the Nexus software and driver and ......the same problem described in this thread.

Different motherboard suppliers ASUS and GIGABYTE,
AGP and PCI Express graphic port,
ATI and NVidia graphic card,

are involved, the probability for a Nexus driver problem start to be very hight!

I send a copy of this Hauppauge problem to the support, and wait for a miracle!

Who can explain how to select the hard or soft MPEG2 decoder use?

power SLIMAK
15-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Hi !

You should download brand new driver (ie 2.19) from Technotrend website. It makes the NEXUS card work with all these motherboards. In addition, it also works for Prog DVB or other alternative DVB software. The only issue is that after installing 2.19 driver, you can't use any more Prog DVB plugins, which means no more decryption ability for the NEXUS :( Apart from this, everything works fine !


16-10-2005, 02:40 PM
I decide to test other software for the Hauppauge board NEXUS, Technotrend-Premium, Systar etc..

The first one MyTheater works at the first try, with the same hardware, the same driver (2.1 or 2.19 technotrend reference), so?

This pixelisation problem is an application software from Hauuppauge or Technotrend or a specific parameter?

The Mytheater release is MyTheatre.v3.31.exe. Good luck everybody.

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Ljubisa Spasic

Član broj: 77384
Poruke: 4624

+5 Profil

icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima01.02.2006. u 12:55 - pre 224 meseci
Nisam bas detaljno i do kraja procitao gornji post ali mi svi
navodi (sem jednog) ukazuju na nesto razlicito od ovog problema.
Prvo, niko ovde nije spominjao 64bitni sistem koliko sam ja razumeo.
Lici mi na crash PCI magistrale a tu moze biti uzrok SS2 kartica.
Prvo sto bih uradio je provera napajanja magistrale jer odsustvo
bilo kakve detekcije uredjaja na PCI slotovima moze biti posledica
odsustva napajanja na njoj. Evo ti u prilogu pinout za PCI pa probaj
da proveris te napone mada bih ja, pre svega, startovao neki KNOPIX ili
slicno sa CD-a i tako proverio da li je mozda greska u instalaciji
tj. sistemu.
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Katarina Macko
Novi Sad

Član broj: 20897
Poruke: 17


icon Re: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima14.06.2006. u 17:43 - pre 219 meseci
Izvinjavam se sto dizem temu iz mrtvih,

meni se isto to desilo, ali bez SS kartice. Intel LAN karta i Matrox Millenium II, u sred rada smrzlo i posle reseta PCI slotovi vise nisu radili. Probano sve sto i ti, i kompletna preinstalacija sistema, ali nista nije pomoglo. Jednostavno PCI slotovi su ostajali mrtvi nebitno koja kartica je u njih ubacena (sa 3Com lan kartama ploca nije htela ni da se probudi). Srecom je ploca mesec dana stara, pa su mi je zamenili, ali eno je jos uvek stoji u kutiji... :(

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[es] :: Matične ploče, procesori i memorije :: Asus k8N4-e/dl problem sa pci slotovima

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