Srodne teme
26.04.2001. MySQL transakcije..
18.08.2001. error 2002:
09.01.2002. pomoc oko foruma
14.08.2002. MySql Probelem
21.10.2002. mysql na slacku
31.01.2003. MySQL i apache
21.01.2003. MySQL problem
11.02.2003. baze&transakcije za faks.
28.07.2003. Perl & MySql
04.10.2003. php&mysql problem
Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

MySQL i transakcije -- zvanično

[es] :: MySQL :: MySQL i transakcije -- zvanično

[ Pregleda: 3505 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Mihailo Đorić

Član broj: 1016
Poruke: 2875

+1 Profil

icon MySQL i transakcije -- zvanično24.09.2002. u 12:13 - pre 265 meseci
High Performance Transaction Support

MySQL now includes the ACID-compliant InnoDB transactional storage engine, which is designed for very high performance and scalability when processing large data volumes and under high concurrency. Consistent with all MySQL offerings, InnoDB is easy to use and highly reliable, having been battle-tested by the Open Source community. InnoDB is now tightly integrated with MySQL and provides many features key to e-commerce and other transaction-based database applications, including:

- Full transaction support, with commit, rollback and crash recovery capabilities to ensure full data consistency, even if hardware fails
- Advanced row-level locking without requiring lock escalation for maximum read/write concurrency without compromising lock integrity
- Multi-versioning to provide concurrency while maintaining maximum data integrity
- Non-locking reads, consistent with Oracle’s style, to enable fast reads even when the database is engaged in heavy updates,3959,550118,00.asp
Odgovor na temu

Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 1328
Poruke: 336


icon Re: MySQL i transakcije -- zvanično24.09.2002. u 12:45 - pre 265 meseci
Da li je moguce da su se konacno setili?? Svaka cast, samo se nadam da ce i nasi provajderi ispratiti ovaj korak i upgradeovati svoje MySQL servere.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: MySQL :: MySQL i transakcije -- zvanično

[ Pregleda: 3505 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Srodne teme
26.04.2001. MySQL transakcije..
18.08.2001. error 2002:
09.01.2002. pomoc oko foruma
14.08.2002. MySql Probelem
21.10.2002. mysql na slacku
31.01.2003. MySQL i apache
21.01.2003. MySQL problem
11.02.2003. baze&transakcije za faks.
28.07.2003. Perl & MySql
04.10.2003. php&mysql problem
Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.