Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu

[es] :: Access :: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu

[ Pregleda: 4364 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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Markiranje Štampanje RSS

dragan macura

Član broj: 69347
Poruke: 7


icon problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu07.01.2006. u 08:23 - pre 225 meseci
Da li neko zna u cemo je problem u mrezi postoji 11 radnih stanica i sve bez problema rada kada je ulogovano do 8 access korisnika cim se uloguje deveti mreza blokira,
Odgovor na temu

Goran Tomic

Član broj: 17923
Poruke: 118



icon Re: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu07.01.2006. u 14:00 - pre 225 meseci
Koji OS ti glumi server? XP Pro ne trpi više od 10 korisnika.
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Jovanović

Član broj: 14674
Poruke: 813

+1 Profil

icon Re: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu07.01.2006. u 14:37 - pre 225 meseci
Ako je baza na Win XP PRO onda ona prihvata neogranicen broj konekcija, ako je Home onda 5 ili 10 ne secam se vise.
Every program is either trivial or it contains at least one bug.
Odgovor na temu

Goran Tomic

Član broj: 17923
Poruke: 118



icon Re: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu08.01.2006. u 23:03 - pre 225 meseci
Microsoft Windows XP Professional END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT

This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is for informational purposes only. There is no software accompanying the EULA.

IMPORTANT—READ CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Microsoft Corporation for the Microsoft software product identified above, which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, "online" or electronic documentation, and Internet-based services ("Product"). An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the Product. YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA BY INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT; YOU MAY RETURN IT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND.

1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Microsoft grants you the following rights provided that you comply with all terms and conditions of this EULA:

Installation and use. You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of the Product on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer"). The Product may not be used by more than two (2) processors at any one time on any single Workstation Computer. You may permit a maximum of ten (10) computers or other electronic devices (each a "Device") to connect to the Workstation Computer to utilize the services of the Product solely for File and Print services, Internet Information Services, and remote access (including connection sharing and telephony services). The ten connection maximum includes any indirect connections made through "multiplexing" or other software or hardware which pools or aggregates connections. Except as otherwise permitted by the NetMeeting, Remote Assistance, and Remote Desktop features described below, you may not use the Product to permit any Device to use, access, display or run other executable software residing on the Workstation Computer, nor may you permit any Device to use, access, display, or run the Product or Product's user interface, unless the Device has a separate license for the Product.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT
Odgovor na temu

Goran Tomic

Član broj: 17923
Poruke: 118



icon Re: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu08.01.2006. u 23:08 - pre 225 meseci
XP Home:
1.3 Device Connections. You may permit a maximum of five (5) computers or other electronic devices (each a "Device") to connect to the Workstation Computer to utilize one or more of the following services of the Software: File Services, Print Services, Internet Information Services, and remote access (including connection sharing and telephony services). The five connection maximum includes any indirect connections made through "multiplexing" or other software or hardware which pools or aggregates connections. This five connection maximum does not apply to any other uses of the Software.
Odgovor na temu

dragan macura

Član broj: 69347
Poruke: 7


icon Re: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu08.01.2006. u 23:12 - pre 225 meseci
Hvala na objasnjenjima , sve je jasno
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Access :: problem sa mrezom ne radi vise od 8 stanica u accessu

[ Pregleda: 4364 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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