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formatiranje kartice

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Dragan Vracar

Član broj: 57090
Poruke: 26


icon formatiranje kartice26.10.2005. u 21:30 - pre 226 meseci
Cao zanima me imam karticu 512 mb Sandisc jel trebam da je formatirm kada je puna ili kada obrisem slike,i da li treba formatirati karticu vise puta ili samo jednom.POZDRAV
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Član broj: 47602
Poruke: 2239


+184 Profil

icon Re: formatiranje kartice26.10.2005. u 21:57 - pre 226 meseci
formatiras je samo jedonom.. i jos to kad je nova.. naknadno formatiranje nije uopste potrebno.. i kad je pune, mnogo lakse je da samo obrises slike, i gotovo.
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona
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Novi Sad

Član broj: 26248
Poruke: 704

+1 Profil

icon Re: formatiranje kartice26.10.2005. u 22:31 - pre 226 meseci
U Canonu A70 imam karticu od 512Mb. Transcendova 30x (tridesetobrzinska). Brisanje pune kartice traje oko 3-4 minuta a formatiranje par sekundi. Uglavnom je formatiram kada hocu da ubrisem slike i ne bi trebalo da joj skodi.
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Predrag Kraguljac

Član broj: 20343
Poruke: 475


icon Re: formatiranje kartice27.10.2005. u 07:11 - pre 226 meseci
mulaz: formatiras je samo jedonom.. i jos to kad je nova.. naknadno formatiranje nije uopste potrebno.. i kad je pune, mnogo lakse je da samo obrises slike, i gotovo.

Iz nekog mog iskustva nije lose ponekad ponovo isformatirati karticu.
Na mojoj recimo od 128M se svojevremeno smanjio prostor za smestaj podataka (aparat na praznoj kartici prijavljuje manje slika nego normalno) sto se formatiranjem vratilo na normalu, a ortaku je aparat naprasno prestao da snima video u 640x480 odnosno snimi par sekundi i stane. I to je reseno jednostavnim formatiranjem.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 45309
Poruke: 112

+1 Profil

icon Re: formatiranje kartice25.02.2006. u 02:16 - pre 222 meseci
Mozes slobodno sto cesce da taj nacin definitvno brises podatke koji ti se vremenom skladiste... ne moras bas svaki put ali mesecno ili tako nesto..a obavezno nakon xxx slika :)
Odgovor na temu

Flash Grounder

Član broj: 10776
Poruke: 344


icon Re: formatiranje kartice25.02.2006. u 08:33 - pre 222 meseci
ja imam takvu da uvek formatiram, brisanje koristim za pojedinacne fotke u toku fotkanja, ali cim se prebace na komp ili iz nekog razloga zelim da ispraznim karticu jedino formatom to i radim.

tako radim godinu ipo dana i nisam imao nikakvih problema sa karticom, a i sto neko rece brze ide :)
Odgovor na temu

marko cosic

Član broj: 79032
Poruke: 5


icon Re: formatiranje kartice25.10.2007. u 01:20 - pre 202 meseci
OOOOooOOOooOO boze!!!! ne verujem znam koliko sam se muchio trazio razne programe da bih formatirao karticu ali uporno nije htela konachno sam nashao nachin!!! gde pametno je chovek objasnio da na samoj kartici tj ..adapteru u koji ubacujete mini sd karticu pa onda u chitach kartica ima mali swich sa strane..treba ga samo prevuci na drugu stranu i kartica vam je otkljuchana tj ! radi odlichno ! tj reshio sam konachno pakleni problem uhhh ljudi ja sam srecan bas me je muchilo dosta vremena..nisam znao ne verujem koliko je u stvari prosto ..kopiracu vam dialog mozda vam pomogne :oct. 18 2007
HOW TO GET RID OF THE write protection

HEY I BOUGHT A USB SD CARd reader from best buy that has a usb port on it ...i can drag drop delete my mp3 files as well as any of my word and other files from school its not the lock its the actual card reader thats gives you the write protection error because when i tried to use a differect card reader thats integrated with my CANON MP photo printer i can copy and move files but cant delete or add more files onto the SDcard because of the write protection the same error came up as mentioned in this forum ....i dont kno the brand i got at best buy but its GREY and one end u input the sdcard and one end plugs into ur usb port kinda looks like a Memory works with my MIni SD card Aswell i use my SDCARD & MINI SDCARD with the usb SD card reader on my home , bros laptop and school with no problems at all i think any sd card reader that connects to a computer using a USB port will work .....i tried the tape thing didnt work on my canon printer but when i use the USB card reader it works no problem when i attach it to the same computer my printer is attached to IM 100% this will resolve your problem i think the reformatting and taping troubleshooting is garbage and you will be wasting your time well maybe not for some ...i think card readers that are integrated on your laptop or desktop or printer will have the write protection error regardless of how much tape or formatting you do. CHEERS

Gary ...surrey. bc canada

New Answer 9/1/07
Thanks a lot "Krys" You resolve my 3 weeks problem, want to contribute to your answer.
1.- Problem: First of all there are many many people with this same problem, which also include people with "SD cards", "MiniSD cards with SD adapters" and "MicroSD cards with SD adapters" (also MMC cards). This solution is not for those ones that only have to turn off (move to the top, where gold contact are) the "left locker switch" over a "SD" or "SD adapter". The problem is easily identified because you can read&write in one device (eg. your digital photocamera, or other "Card Reader", the laptop card reader of a friend or a second computer) but in your personal "card reader" or your computer with integrated "card reader" you can only read anyfile inside the card but you CAN'T WRITE OR ERASE anything in the card (or any other SD card you try) . This obviously mean that the problem is not on the "SD Card" or "SD adapter".
2.- Solution: a) some people have lucky with the little tiny piece of "transparent scoth tape" or whatever similar, but there is always 50% of probability that the little peace of tape will end inside your card reader and not over the "left locker switch" on your card when you remove it. So even if you have lucky the first time you are always in 50% of make a WORST problem. b) If you have not a "AIR COMPRESS CAN" and you have not a terrible flu you can BLOW HARD (a dry blow) with your mouth inside the "CARD READER" and the problem has gone!!!!
JC.WILCOX (Computer's Psychologist Researcher)

New Answer 8/29/07

I also had this problem for about a month (until today). I did a web search and ended up here, after reading the posts, I feel a little better knowing that I was not alone with the problem. My solution was so simple that I almost feel silly for not figuring it out before now. All I did was take my card out of the reader and blew out the slot with my can of air. I noticed that the little green light would come on while I was blowing into the slot which tells me that dust was jamming the switch. End result is PROBLEM SOLVED.

I had the same problem...i turned off the lock on the side of the adapter and it worked fine


NEW ANSWER 6-17-2007
sorry this is a little long, but it is a good solution and helps one to understand what the problem is.

After another bout of frustration over this problem, I finally disassembled my card reader and determine that the write protect switch is not a switch at all but rather a plastic toggle that presses against what amounts to a crude switch inside the reader itself (sorry). the problem with mine was that for some reason it wasn't pressing the little metal arm far enough. i used a pair of tweezers to physically remove the plastic write protect "switch" from my memory card (this will probably void the warranty on your card) and taped a slightly thicker, round piece of plastic in its place. it is long enough to fill the entire slide area of the "switch" and has the effect of making the card just slightly wider than it was. PROBLEM SOLVED. The card is no longer write protected. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A FEW LAYERS OF TAPE WOULD BE AN EASIER SOLUTION. Just use a little trial and error. I think this is probably a size tolerance issue that has not yet been addressed by the manufacturers of cards/readers and from what i have seen it is a very common and widespread problem. hope this helps.
Oliver Bearden

My findings agree with the tolerance issue - 1 layer of tape did not work, but pushing the card to the side of the reader in the direction of the write protection switch did the trick for me.

Additional input regarding the answer immediately below this post. The tape solution worked immediately for me on the first try. However, a few days later I experienced the same problem again with the tape still in place. Should I find a more effective solution to this aggravating problem I will make another post and I hope other users will do the same.

Oliver Bearden

I too experienced this problem. The solution mentioned below using a small piece of scotch tape worked flawlessly for me. I had carefully tried positioning the switch both ways to no avail. Finally determined that the switch was being re-positioned upon insertion into the card reader. The tape solved the problem.

Oliver Bearden

I have read about this problem on dozens of forums with equally useless answers as below. I have found a solution. It is not pretty but it works. In My Computer, right click on the drive letter of your SD card and Eject it. Then pull the card out and stick it back in. Try to write to the card. If it works proceed with your copying. I have found that I sometimes have to try the process SEVERAL times before I can write to the card.

I have found several references to things called WRITE_PROT that lead me to believe that there is a software toggle inside the chip. Here are some lines from one .PDF file I found: CMD28 SET_WRITE_PROT Optional CMD29 CLR_WRITE_PROT Optional CMD30 SEND_WRITE_PROT Optional

Although I do not have the technical experience to prove it, I believe that this bit or setting is somehow being toggled by some kind of glitch. All I know is that I have been able to repeat my success on getting back write capabilities to my 1GB PNY SD card.

Removing Write Protection from an SD Card
On the adaptor for the card there should be a little slide, with the word lock and an arrow next to it. Slide the switch away from the arrow and this will make the card write enabled. If this doesn't work, a little piece of tape over the whole slide usually does!

I had the same problem with an SD Memory card. I could not delete anything on the card without getting the "this disk is write protected error."

Solution: I used a little piece of Scotch tape to hold the switch in place while I inserted the card into the reader. Works perfect now.
Odgovor na temu

Prof, skola

Član broj: 158566
Poruke: 140


icon Re: formatiranje kartice05.12.2007. u 16:33 - pre 201 meseci
Uvek formatiram! Brže je od brisanja a definitivno ne škodi! Pritom briše sve ono što bi, eventualno, moglo da ostane na kartici! Recimo, kod većine kompaktnih digitalaca, kada se baterije istroše, nakon ponovnog uključivanja fotoaparat napravi novi folder! Neki fotoaparati prave foldere na svakih 100 fajlova i sl. Dobro je da se sve vrati u prvobitno stanje a to radi - FORMAT!

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