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Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF

[es] :: Access :: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF

[ Pregleda: 4731 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Veljkovic Dejan

Član broj: 40280
Poruke: 16


icon Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF10.01.2005. u 23:46 - pre 236 meseci
Dali je moguce exportovati podatke iz Access-a u PDF form?
Odgovor na temu

Marko Simic
Sandfield Associates (Solution
Novi Zeland

Član broj: 1158
Poruke: 751

ICQ: 71578686


icon Re: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF11.01.2005. u 04:41 - pre 236 meseci
Naravno, samo treba da kupis 3rd party komponentu koju mozes da koristis u svom programu. Potrazi na Google, nacices ih gomilu.
All beer is good. Some beer is better.
Odgovor na temu

Veljkovic Dejan

Član broj: 40280
Poruke: 16
Via: [es] mailing liste


icon Re: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF11.01.2005. u 15:48 - pre 236 meseci

Odgovor na temu

Veljkovic Dejan

Član broj: 40280
Poruke: 16


icon Re: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF19.01.2005. u 21:55 - pre 235 meseci
Pronasao sam na net-u code koji kazu da funkcionise !?! Dali mi neko moze pomoci oko ovog koda posto kod mene ne funkcionise i ako moze dali je moguce polja iz access tabele popuniti u formirani PDF ?

Evo code-a:

VBA code that successfully converts an Access report to a PDF file.


Copy everything below the line into a module in an Access database.

To use the code on Access 2000 and earlier, it is necessary to comment out
three lines referring to the printer object and set the report to use PDF995
in the report page layout dialog.

The only way to change the printer for a report in these
previous versions is to open the report in design mode and make the change,
re-save the report, and then run it.

To create your pdf file, call the function
pdfwrite "report name","report filter(may be "")","Path to put the

A new pdf file named with the name of the report will be created.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Read INI settings
Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long

'Write settings
Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpString As Any, _
ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

Sub pdfwrite(reportname As String, destpath As String, Optional strcriteria As String)

' Runs an Access report to PDF995 to create a pdf file from the report.
' Input parameters are the name of the report within the current database,
' the path for the output file, and an optional criteria for the report

' Be sure to check that the "Generating PDF CS" setting in pdfsync.ini is set to 0
' when pdf995 is idle. This codes uses that as a completion flag as it seems to be
' the most reliable indication that PDF995 is done writing the pdf file.

' Note: The application.printer object is not valid in Access 2000
' and earlier. In that case, set the printer in the report to pdf995
' and comment out the references herein to the application.printer

Dim syncfile As String, maxwaittime As Long
Dim iniFileName As String, tmpPrinter As Printer
Dim outputfile As String, x As Long
Dim tmpoutputfile As String, tmpAutoLaunch As String

' set the location of the PDF995.ini and the pdfsync files
iniFileName = "c:\pdf995\res\pdf995.ini"
syncfile = "c:\pdf995\res\pdfsync.ini"

' build the output file name from the path parameter and the report name
If Mid(destpath, Len(destpath), 1) <> "\" Then destpath = destpath & "\"
outputfile = destpath & reportname & ".pdf"

' PDF995 operates asynchronously. We need to determine when it is done so we can
' continue. This is done by creating a file and having PDF995 delete it using the
' ProcessPDF parameter in its ini file which runs a command when it is complete.

' save current settings from the PDF995.ini file
tmpoutputfile = ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Output File", iniFileName)
tmpAutoLaunch = ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Autolaunch", iniFileName)

' remove previous pdf if it exists
On Error Resume Next
Kill outputfile
On Error GoTo Cleanup

' setup new values in PDF995.ini
x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Output File", outputfile, iniFileName)
x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "AutoLaunch", "0", iniFileName)

' change the default printer to PDF995
' if running on Access 2000 or earlier, comment out the next two lines
Set tmpPrinter = Application.Printer
Application.Printer = Application.Printers("PDF995")

'print the report
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname, acViewNormal, , strcriteria

' cleanup delay to allow PDF995 to finish up. When flagfile is nolonger present, PDF995 is done.
Sleep (10000)
maxwaittime = 300000 'If pdf995 isn't done in 5 min, quit anyway
Do While ReadINIfile("PARAMETERS", "Generating PDF CS", syncfile) = "1" And maxwaittime > 0
Sleep (10000)
maxwaittime = maxwaittime - 10000

' restore the original default printer and the PDF995.ini settings
Sleep (10000)
x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Output File", tmpoutputfile, iniFileName)
x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "AutoLaunch", tmpAutoLaunch, iniFileName)
x = WritePrivateProfileString("PARAMETERS", "Launch", "", iniFileName)
On Error Resume Next

' if running on Access 2000 or earlier, comment out the next line
Application.Printer = tmpPrinter

End Sub

Function ReadINIfile(sSection As String, sEntry As String, sFilename As String) As String
Dim x As Long
Dim sDefault As String
Dim sRetBuf As String, iLenBuf As Integer
Dim sValue As String

'Six arguments
'Explanation of arguments:
'sSection: ini file section (always between brackets)
'sEntry : word on left side of "=" sign
'sDefault$: value returned if function is unsuccessful
'sRetBuf$ : the value you're looking for will be copied to this buffer string
'iLenBuf% : Length in characters of the buffer string
'sFileName: Path to the ini file

sDefault$ = ""
sRetBuf$ = String$(256, 0) '256 null characters
iLenBuf% = Len(sRetBuf$)
x = GetPrivateProfileString(sSection, sEntry, _
sDefault$, sRetBuf$, iLenBuf%, sFilename)
ReadINIfile = Left$(sRetBuf$, x)

End Function

Odgovor na temu

Veljkovic Dejan

Član broj: 40280
Poruke: 16


icon Re: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF04.02.2005. u 00:41 - pre 235 meseci
Gospodo, Dali ima medju vama neki MAG koji je uspeo da uradi Export u PDF form ???

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Access :: Export to predhodno kreirani form u PDF

[ Pregleda: 4731 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.