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MySQL monitoring & alerting

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Ajvanho, ING

Član broj: 276962
Poruke: 97

+6 Profil

icon MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 18:16 - pre 148 meseci
Da prosirim pricu o GUI alatkama vezano za mysql monitoring i alerting.

MonYog - paravi ista firma koja pravi i Sql Yog. Ima dosta mogucnosti preko web admin konzole ali mi nije nesto zapao za oko plus nije free.

Oracle Enterprise Manager sa pluginom za MySQL. Omogugucava sveobuhvatni monitoring mysql (uz druge RDBMS: SQL server, Oracle,...) i monitoring OS (unix, linux, windows,..). Zahteva instalaciju agenta na target masini cija je velicina skoro kao mysql server :) i oracle DB na serveru gde je OEM. Ima web admin konsolu za administraciju/podesavanje, ali za resavanje problema vezanih za OEM potrebno je osnovno/solidno poznavanje Oracle DB. Nije free i mnoogo je skup.

MySQL Enterprise monitor - nisam probao da se ne bih navukao :) i plus nije free.

Neki osnovni do solidni advanced mysql monitoring ukljucujuci i monitoring samog OS se moze elegantno i dzabe izvesti i automatizovati sa shell skriptama koje prate mysql (da li je mysql UP, broj konekcija, stanje mysql/variabli, backup, provera backup...neogranicen broj mogucnosti uz mail notifikaciju za svaki problematicni slucaj + korektivne akcije za pojedine od njih) + pojedinacne shell skripte ili u okviru postojecih za pracenje OS - CPU, HDD, RAM, deo vezan za security, neovlasceni pristup ili pokusaj pristupa.

E sada meni to lepo sve radi sa mysql serverima koji su na unix/linix OS. Imam problem sa mysql koji je na Windows OS. Sto se tice samog mysql DB monitoringa koji je na windowsu to nije problem. Problem mi je kako da radim monitoring Windows hosta (CPU, HDD, RAM,..) bilo lokalno bilo remote a da ne koristim (meni odbojne) VB skripte i VB jezik. Za HDD sam se nekako i snasao, mapiram/mountujem Windows particiju sa recimo CentOS ali za CPU i RAM a tek za security nemam pojam kako to da izvedem, nebitno da li koristeci windows bat scripting - samo da ne bude VB :). Probacu nesto sa Win power shell skriptama, pretpostavljam da je blizak logici/sintaksi bourne unix shell-a (nadam se da jeste).

Takodje mi deluje kao super free resenje Nagios koji ima hrpu pluginova za mysql, radi monitoring hostova Windows/Linux plus moze da se postavi kao sveobuhvatno resenje za sve DB tipove: MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,.. i za svaki OS. Jedino izgleda da je instalacija/konfigurisanje malo komplikovana i zahteva malo vise vremena da se savlada administracija.

Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 18:32 - pre 148 meseci
MonYog - paravi ista firma koja pravi i Sql Yog. Ima dosta mogucnosti preko web admin konzole ali mi nije nesto zapao za oko plus nije free.

bas si prosirio gui :D ... ovo je klasican monitoring (kao i par narednih alatki) ..

MySQL Enterprise monitor - nisam probao da se ne bih navukao :) i plus nije free.

hebacki program ... hebacki :D ... ne bi rekao da je gui ali ..

da dodam samo da sada quan vise ne zahteva da konekcije idu kroz mem agent proxy vec novi konektori direkt imaju funkcionalnost da tuku datu u mem dashboard .. zgroz koliko to sve dobro radi ... Doduse, radi extra do nekih 200-250 servera monitorovanih na jednoj dobroj masini, vec preko 200-250 servera vam treba jos jedan zaseban server

Neki osnovni do solidni advanced mysql monitoring ukljucujuci i monitoring samog OS se moze elegantno i dzabe izvesti i automatizovati sa shell skriptama koje prate mysql (da li je mysql UP, broj konekcija, stanje mysql/variabli, backup, provera backup...neogranicen broj mogucnosti uz mail notifikaciju za svaki problematicni slucaj + korektivne akcije za pojedine od njih) + pojedinacne shell skripte ili u okviru postojecih za pracenje OS - CPU, HDD, RAM, deo vezan za security, neovlasceni pristup ili pokusaj pristupa.

ZABBIX !!!!! ima mnogo resenja baziranih na zabbix-u koja razvaljuju .. odlicna kolekcija je postojala na fromdual, ne znam da li i dalje to nude ali nije neki problem, google zabbix+mysql :D

E sada meni to lepo sve radi sa mysql serverima koji su na unix/linix OS. Imam problem sa mysql koji je na Windows OS. Sto se tice samog mysql DB monitoringa koji je na windowsu to nije problem. Problem mi je kako da radim monitoring Windows hosta (CPU, HDD, RAM,..) bilo lokalno bilo remote a da ne koristim (meni odbojne) VB skripte i VB jezik. Za HDD sam se nekako i snasao, mapiram/mountujem Windows particiju sa recimo CentOS ali za CPU i RAM a tek za security nemam pojam kako to da izvedem, nebitno da li koristeci windows bat scripting - samo da ne bude VB :). Probacu nesto sa Win power shell skriptama, pretpostavljam da je blizak logici/sintaksi bourne unix shell-a (nadam se da jeste).

ako se dobro secam, zabbix radi monitoring winblowsa bez problema

Takodje mi deluje kao super free resenje Nagios koji ima hrpu pluginova za mysql, radi monitoring hostova Windows/Linux plus moze da se postavi kao sveobuhvatno resenje za sve DB tipove: MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,.. i za svaki OS. Jedino izgleda da je instalacija/konfigurisanje malo komplikovana i zahteva malo vise vremena da se savlada administracija.

nagios je golo ****o .. probaj zabbix :D 10000000x je bolji ja na primer sa njim monitorijem nginx, glassfish, apache, mysql, memcached i svasta jos nesto ..

no sve ovo su monitoring a ne gui alati ...

sto se samog mysql klijenta tice, ja moram priznati da koristim iskljucivo mysql cli (konzolni mysql klijent) koji radi 1/1 i meni je bolji od svih tih gui aplikacija zajedno .. a i brzi je od svih njih mnogo puta ..

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 107376
Poruke: 2417

Jabber: maksvel

+161 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 19:11 - pre 148 meseci
nagios je golo ****o .. probaj zabbix :D 10000000x je bolji ja na primer sa njim monitorijem nginx, glassfish, apache, mysql, memcached i svasta jos nesto ..

Malo off-topicujem.. Dobro je da si ovo pomenuo, jer sam baš hteo da se malo ozbiljnije pozabavim nagiosom, koji je kao standard za monitoring i to, ali sad ću da isprobam taj.. zabbix
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887
Via: [es] mailing liste


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 20:23 - pre 148 meseci
nagios je pateticni monitoring, zabbix je mnogo ozbiljnije resenje, doduse nesto kompleksniji za setup ali ... ne moze da se poredi
Odgovor na temu

Ajvanho, ING

Član broj: 276962
Poruke: 97

+6 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 21:12 - pre 148 meseci
Odlican info ovo za nagios!

I ja se vec duze vreme spremam da se posvetim nagious-u, ali sada definitivno odustajem od toga i idem da isprobam zabbix.

Kao sto rece neko i ja sam imao sliku o nagious-u kao standardu za monitoring i prvom izboru od open source za monitoring. Cak sam zapazio i masu oglasa po svetu gde se traze nagious admini, ali nebitno sada.
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887
Via: [es] mailing liste


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 21:26 - pre 148 meseci
ja sam koristio nagios deceniju i vise, i relativno skoro sam presao na zabbix za koji su mi rekli u firmi kao "tata za monitoring" .... sta je fora zabbix kombinuje munin+mrtg+nagios+svasta jos ... moram priznati da mi nije prijala promena (konfigurise se sve mnogo drugacije, koncept je znacajno razlicit) ali sta sve sistem omogucava .... ja sam odlepio .. treba malo vremena da se provale neke stvari ali onda ide ludo i nezaboravno :D
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting01.04.2012. u 21:31 - pre 148 meseci

Zabbix skuplja podatke koje mu kazes da skuplja, onoliko cesto koliko hoces da skuplja (svakih 10sec, svakih minut, svakih 10min ... ) .. a onda imas trigere da napravis koji su realno formula koja operise nad tim podacima pa ako je uslov formule zadovoljen onda imas razne "exception-e" (razne vrste stanja servera)


Data Collected

Default install includes db named 'test'
MySQL: Accounts or Users excessive revokes
MySQL: Accounts with Alter privileges
MySQL: Accounts with blank host or wildcard specifiers
MySQL: Accounts with blank password
MySQL: Accounts with blank usernames
MySQL: Accounts with Delete privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Drop privileges
MySQL: Accounts with File privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Grant privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Insert privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Lock privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Process privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Shut Down privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Super privileges
MySQL: Accounts with Update privileges
MySQL: Architecture: Hardware supports total memory
MySQL: Architecture: Max mem MySQL could use
MySQL: Architecture: MySQL max mem over 32-bit capabilities
MySQL: Architecture: MySQL may use more memory than available
MySQL: Available
MySQL: Binlog: Cache size
MySQL: Binlog: Is enabled
MySQL: Binlog: Number of transactions that use the cache
MySQL: Binlog: Sync to disk each write
MySQL: Binlog: Transactions over binlog_cache_size
MySQL: Change innodb_additional_mem_pool_size
MySQL: Change innodb_buffer_pool_size
MySQL: Change innodb_log_buffer_size
MySQL: Change innodb_log_file_size
MySQL: Change key_buffer_size
MySQL: Change key_buffer_size
MySQL: Change query_cache_size
MySQL: Change read_buffer_size
MySQL: Change read_rnd_buffer_size
MySQL: Change sort_buffer_size
MySQL: Change table_cache
MySQL: Change tmp_table_size
MySQL: Clients: Count terminated abnormally
MySQL: Config: Expire log days
MySQL: Config: Files open vs. max allowed %
MySQL: Config: Idle time before client disconnected
MySQL: Config: Launch time for a slow thread
MySQL: Config: LOAD DATA LOCAL is insecure
MySQL: Config: Log queries w/o an index
MySQL: Config: Log slow queries
MySQL: Config: No password on root
MySQL: Config: Old password authentication allowed
MySQL: Config: Old passwords supported
MySQL: Config: Query exec and parsing buffer
MySQL: Config: Root account present
MySQL: Config: root login enabled
MySQL: Config: sql_mode
MySQL: Config: symlinks are enabled
MySQL: Config: Time before a query is 'slow'
MySQL: Config: Tmp table max size in-memory
MySQL: Config: Users can view all databases
MySQL: Connections: Max allowed
MySQL: Connections: Maximum ever used %
MySQL: Connections: Maximum number used
MySQL: Connections: Number aborted
MySQL: Connections: Percent of total used
MySQL: Connections: Refused
MySQL: Connections: Successful
MySQL: Connections: Total
MySQL: Current version
MySQL: Daily Controller
MySQL: InnoDB: Buffer used to store internal structures
MySQL: InnoDB: Buffer_pool size
MySQL: InnoDB: Data vs. buffer size %
MySQL: InnoDB: How to flush logs
MySQL: InnoDB: Log buffer size for tables
MySQL: InnoDB: Log writes to wait %
MySQL: InnoDB: Number of files in log group
MySQL: InnoDB: Percent hit rate of cache

MySQL: InnoDB: Percent of cache writes to wait
MySQL: InnoDB: Size of file in each log group
MySQL: InnoDB: Total size of log files

MySQL: Joins average not using indices per day
MySQL: Joins buffer size requiring full table scan
MySQL: Joins not using indices
MySQL: Last error number generated
MySQL: Last error string

MySQL: Live Controller
MySQL: MyISAM: Block size of the key buffer
MySQL: MyISAM: Buffer size for full-table scans
MySQL: MyISAM: Crashes not auto corrected
MySQL: MyISAM: Key block write requests
MySQL: MyISAM: Key buffer size
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache blocks
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache blocks requested
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache blocks used
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache Hit ratio %
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache in use %
MySQL: MyISAM: Key cache write ratio %
MySQL: MyISAM: Key writes
MySQL: MyISAM: Number of reads of a key block from disk
MySQL: MyISAM: Sort buffer to rebuilding index after repair
MySQL: Network bytes received
MySQL: Network bytes sent
MySQL: Number of database alterations
MySQL: Number of database creations
MySQL: Number of databases dropped
MySQL: Number of functions created
MySQL: Number of functions dropped
MySQL: Number of indices created
MySQL: Number of indices dropped
MySQL: Number of permissions granted
MySQL: Number of recent schema changes
MySQL: Number of table alterations
MySQL: Number of tables created
MySQL: Number of tables dropped
MySQL: Number of users dropped
MySQL: Queries: % Deletes of overall
MySQL: Queries: % Full table scans
MySQL: Queries: % Inserts of overall
MySQL: Queries: % Selects of overall queries
MySQL: Queries: % Sorts requiring tmp tables
MySQL: Queries: % transactions saved to disk
MySQL: Queries: % Updates of overall queries
MySQL: Queries: % Write of overall queries
MySQL: Queries: Average rows returned
MySQL: Queries: Buffer used for ORDER BY
MySQL: Queries: Joins w/ full table scans of 2+ tables
MySQL: Queries: Number flagged as slow
MySQL: Queries: Queries per second
MySQL: Queries: Selects w/ full table scans
MySQL: Queries: Sort buffer size for in-memory sorting
MySQL: Queries: Sorts done using ranges
MySQL: Queries: Sorts that scanned a table
MySQL: Queries: Sorts total number
MySQL: Queries: Total number executed
MySQL: Queries: Total rows returned
MySQL: Queries: Total rows using indices
MySQL: Query cache average pruned from cache per day
MySQL: Query cache block size
MySQL: Query cache fragmentation
MySQL: Query cache free blocks
MySQL: Query cache free memory
MySQL: Query cache hit rate %
MySQL: Query cache hits
MySQL: Query cache is enabled
MySQL: Query cache number currently in cache
MySQL: Query cache number inserted
MySQL: Query cache number not cached
MySQL: Query cache number pruned due to memory %
MySQL: Query cache number pruned from query cache
MySQL: Query cache resultset max size
MySQL: Query cache size
MySQL: Query cache total blocks
MySQL: Query cache type
MySQL: Suggested innodb_additional_mem_pool_size
MySQL: Suggested innodb_buffer_pool_size
MySQL: Suggested innodb_log_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested innodb_log_file_size
MySQL: Suggested key_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested key_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested query_cache_size
MySQL: Suggested read_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested read_rnd_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested sort_buffer_size
MySQL: Suggested table_cache
MySQL: Suggested tmp_table_size
MySQL: Table: Cache hit rate %
MySQL: Table: Currently open
MySQL: Table: Fragmented count in all databases
MySQL: Table: Locks acquired immediately
MySQL: Table: Locks that required waiting
MySQL: Table: Locks vs. table opens %
MySQL: Table: Maximum size of a memory table
MySQL: Table: Number of cache misses
MySQL: Table: Number that can be cached
MySQL: Threads cache size
MySQL: Threads cached
MySQL: Threads created
MySQL: Threads creation rate
MySQL: Threads currently connected
MySQL: Threads currently running
MySQL: Threads hitting the thread-cache %
MySQL: Threads launched which were slow
MySQL: Tmp files created due to > sort_buffer_size
MySQL: Tmp tables created
MySQL: Tmp tables created on disk
MySQL: Tmp tables written to disk %
MySQL: Uptime in seconds


Accounts with old passwords on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.secure_auth. last( 0 ) }=0
Anonymous users allowed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Anonymous_accounts_count. last( 0 ) }>0
Anonymous users alowed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Anonymous_accounts_count. last( 0 ) }>0
Binary log is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.log_bin. last( 0 ) }=0
Binlog is not sync'd to disk after each write on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.sync_binlog. last( 0 ) }=0
Binlog_cache_size too low (% written to disk) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_transactions_saved_tmp_file. last( 0 ) }>10
Binlog_cache_size too low (% written to disk) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_transactions_saved_tmp_file. last( 0 ) }>30
Excessive recent revokes on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Excessive_revokes. last( 0 ) }>0
Excessive tmp disk tables created on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>25
InnoDB Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<85
InnoDB Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
InnoDB log flush status on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit. last( 0 ) }#2
LOAD DATA LOCAL allowed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.local_infile. last( 0 ) }=1
Logs are not set to expire on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.expire_logs_days. last( 0 ) }=0
Long query time is high on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Created_tmp_disk_tables. last( 0 ) }>25
MyISAM auto recovery not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.myisam_recover_options. last( 0 ) }=0
MyISAM: Key Cache Hit Rate {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_myisam_key_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<85
MyISAM: Key Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_myisam_key_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
MyISAM: Key Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_myisam_key_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<85
MySQL: Accounts with old passwords on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.secure_auth. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Anonymous users allowed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Anonymous_accounts_count. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Binary log is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.log_bin. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Binlog is not sync'd to disk after each write on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.sync_binlog. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Binlog_cache_size too low (% written to disk) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_transactions_saved_tmp_file. last( 0 ) }>10
MySQL: Binlog_cache_size too low (% written to disk) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_transactions_saved_tmp_file. last( 0 ) }>30
MySQL: Change the innodb_additional_mem_pool_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_innodb_additional_mem_pool_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the innodb_log_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_innodb_log_buffer_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the innodb_log_file_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_innodb_log_file_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the key_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_key_buffer_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the myisam_sort_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_myisam_sort_buffer_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the query_cache_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_query_cache_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the read_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_read_buffer_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the read_rnd_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_files_open. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the sort_buffer_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_sort_buffer_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the table_cache on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_table_cache. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Change the tmp_table_size on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Change_tmp_table_size. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Excessive recent revokes on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Excessive_revokes. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Excessive tmp disk tables created on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>25
MySQL: InnoDB Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<85
MySQL: InnoDB Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
MySQL: InnoDB log flush status on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit. last( 0 ) }#2
MySQL: Joins without indices on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Joins_without_indexes_per_day. last( 0 ) }>100
MySQL: LOAD DATA LOCAL allowed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.local_infile. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Logs are not set to expire on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.expire_logs_days. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Long query time is high on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Created_tmp_disk_tables. last( 0 ) }>25
MySQL: Long query time is high on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.long_query_time. last( 0 ) }>2
MySQL: MyISAM auto recovery not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.myisam_recover_options. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: MyISAM: Key Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_myisam_key_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
MySQL: MyISAM: Key Cache Hit Rate (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_myisam_key_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<85
MySQL: New GRANTs have been given on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Com_grant. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Percent of connections (%) aborted on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_aborted_connections. last( 0 ) }>25
MySQL: Percent of connections (%) aborted on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_aborted_connections. last( 0 ) }>30
MySQL: Percent of InnoDB cache writes (%) that had to wait on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_write_waits_required. last( 0 ) }>0.01
MySQL: Percent of InnoDB cache writes (%) that had to wait on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_write_waits_required. last( 0 ) }>0.1
MySQL: Percent total connections (%) used on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_connections_used. last( 0 ) }>75
MySQL: Percent total connections (%) used on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_connections_used. last( 0 ) }>85
MySQL: Percentage of queries (%) scanning full tables on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_full_table_scans. last( 0 ) }>19
MySQL: Percentage of queries (%) scanning full tables on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_full_table_scans. last( 0 ) }>39
MySQL: Queries pruning frequently on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Qcache_lowmem_prunes_per_day. last( 0 ) }>100
MySQL: Queries require tmp sort table on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_sort_tables. last( 0 ) }>100
MySQL: Query cache fragmented > 20% on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_fragmentation. last( 0 ) }>20
MySQL: Query cache hit rate low on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<20
MySQL: Query cache is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.have_query_cache. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Query cache pruned (%) due to memory on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_pruned_from_inserts. last( 0 ) }>15
MySQL: Query cache pruned (%) due to memory on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_pruned_from_inserts. last( 0 ) }>20
MySQL: Root account present on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Root_accounts_count. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Root has no password on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Is_root_without_password. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Root remote login enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Is_root_remote_login_enabled. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Server generates old passwords on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.old_passwords. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: SHOW DATABASES is enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.skip_show_database. last( 0 ) }=0
MySQL: Sugges the ed on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_files_open. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Symlinks are enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.have_symlink. last( 0 ) }=1
MySQL: Table cache hit rate (%) is low on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
MySQL: Table lock contention (%) is degrading performance on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_lock_contention. last( 0 ) }>30
MySQL: Table lock contention (%) is degrading performance on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_lock_contention. last( 0 ) }>60
MySQL: Tables are fragmented on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Fragmented_table_count. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Temp tables using disk (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>50
MySQL: Temp tables using disk (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>75
MySQL: Thread cache hit ratio (%) falling on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_thread_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<93
MySQL: Thread cache hit ratio (%) falling on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_thread_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<90
MySQL: Too many files open on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_files_open. last( 0 ) }>85
MySQL: Too many threads () running on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Threads_running. last( 0 ) }>19
MySQL: Too many threads () running on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Threads_running. last( 0 ) }>24
MySQL: Users have blank or wildcard hosts on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Accounts_with_broad_host_specifier. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Users without passwords on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Accounts_without_password. last( 0 ) }>0
MySQL: Validation (sql_mode) is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.sql_mode. last( 0 ) }=0
New GRANTs have been given on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Com_grant. last( 0 ) }>0
Percent of connections (%) aborted on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_aborted_connections. last( 0 ) }>25
Percent of connections (%) aborted on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_aborted_connections. last( 0 ) }>30
Percent of InnoDB cache writes (%) that had to wait on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_write_waits_required. last( 0 ) }>0.01
Percent of InnoDB cache writes (%) that had to wait on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_innodb_cache_write_waits_required. last( 0 ) }>0.1
Percent total connections (%) used on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_connections_used. last( 0 ) }>75
Percent total connections (%) used on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_connections_used. last( 0 ) }>85
Percentage of queries (%) scanning full tables on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_full_table_scans. last( 0 ) }>19
Percentage of queries (%) scanning full tables on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_full_table_scans. last( 0 ) }>39
Query cache is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.have_query_cache. last( 0 ) }=0
Query cache pruned (%) due to memory on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_pruned_from_inserts. last( 0 ) }<15
Query cache pruned (%) due to memory on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_pruned_from_inserts. last( 0 ) }>15
Query cache pruned (%) due to memory on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_query_cache_pruned_from_inserts. last( 0 ) }>20
Root account present on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Root_accounts_count. last( 0 ) }>0
Root has no password on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Is_root_without_password. last( 0 ) }=1
Root remote login enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Is_root_remote_login_enabled. last( 0 ) }=1
Server generates old passwords on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.old_passwords. last( 0 ) }=1
SHOW DATABASES is enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.skip_show_database. last( 0 ) }=0
Symlinks are enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.have_symlink. last( 0 ) }=1
Table cache hit rate (%) is low on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<95
Table lock contention (%) is degrading performance on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_lock_contention. last( 0 ) }>30
Table lock contention (%) is degrading performance on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_table_lock_contention. last( 0 ) }>60
Temp tables using disk (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>50
Temp tables using disk (%) on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_tmp_tables_on_disk. last( 0 ) }>75
Thread cache hit ratio (%) falling on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_thread_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<93
Thread cache hit ratio (%) falling on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Percent_thread_cache_hit_rate. last( 0 ) }<90
Too many threads () running on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Threads_running. last( 0 ) }>19
Too many threads () running on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Threads_running. last( 0 ) }>24
Users have blank or wildcard hosts on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.Accounts_with_broad_host_specifier. last( 0 ) }>0
Validation (sql_mode) is not enabled on Template_MySQL_Server {Template_MySQL_Server:mysql.sql_mode. last( 0 ) }=0

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 15527
Poruke: 1648

+42 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting03.04.2012. u 14:02 - pre 148 meseci
Ja opet volim sam da napravim svoj monitoring... :)

rrdtool, cron, snmp i udri... vadi šta ti treba.

Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting03.04.2012. u 14:44 - pre 148 meseci
pazi, zabbix ti daje sve mogucnosti koje mozes sam, samo na jednom mestu a lako se replicira kada imas 200 servera da pratis ... kada pratis 2-3 servera svaki sistem je dobar
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 141124
Poruke: 1624

+19 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting03.04.2012. u 20:08 - pre 148 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting03.04.2012. u 20:40 - pre 148 meseci
zar je hyperic free? oni su kostali neke solidne pare .. znam da su bili pred tuzbom posto su dekompajlirali MEM i krali fore :D ... ne znam sta je posle bilo, ali sada gledam sajt, ima download, ima community a onda ima nesto "free demo" ... jel finalno monitoring fraj ili neko lupanje po usima ...

Generalno je MEM najbolji monitoring za mysql, tu nema svrhe cak ni porediti sa ostalima .. uz nove konektore koji mogu da tuku quan data direktno na dash .. nepre*ebiva naprava .. e sad, mem ume da monitoruje samo mysql .. prati osnovne podatke o sistemu (load, cpu usage, disk io, disk usage i tako to) ali ne mozes da recimo pratis broj apache requestova u sekundi ili stanje memcached-a ili ... a i nije fraj ..
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 141124
Poruke: 1624

+19 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting03.04.2012. u 20:42 - pre 148 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Bratislav Jevtic

Član broj: 5216
Poruke: 367


+5 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting04.04.2012. u 07:39 - pre 148 meseci
kako ti alati za monitoring dobavljaju informacije o MySQL-u? je l' naprave konekciju pa propituju za status i druge parametere ili ima neki API ili sta?
Acta, non verba!
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting04.04.2012. u 08:14 - pre 148 meseci
kako koji. MEM na primer ima agent koji je non stop okacen na mysql server i komunicira sa njim, uz to skuplja podatke od samog servera (load, disk io ..) a onda salje podatke na dash ... zabbix npr ima agent koji sedi na svakom serveru kome ti mozes da pravis razne skripte, jednostavne i kompleksne .. npr za zabbix ima fora sa "jednostavnim" skriptama koje vracaju jednu varijablu koju ti posle obradjujes kako hoces na centralnom serveru pa imas npr nesto tipa ovo


UserParameter=mysql.qps,/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -pxxx status|cut -f9 -d":"

sto znaci da svaki put kada centralni server od zabbix agenta zatrazi vrednost mysql.qps varijable on ce da izvrsi

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -pxxx status|cut -f9 -d":"

(sto ce da pozove status mysql-a i izvadi iz istog queries per second u ovom slucaju)

isto tako mozes da povuces bilo koju informaciju .. na primer


UserParameter=mysql.selects,/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot -pxxx -B -e "show global status like 'com_select'" | awk NR==2 | cut -f2

ce ti povuci u varijablu mysql.selects broj selektova koje si imao na mysql-u, onda u zabbix-u kazes da hoces da ti to racuna kao 1/sec i on ce sam da ti radi diff prosle i nove vrednosti i posto zna kada je koja vrednost pokupljena moze da ti kaze koliko si imao selectova u sekundi na primer ..

a onda mozes da napravis npr trigger na zabbix-u koji ti baci sms ako imas previse ili premalo upita u sekundi ili ako imas previse slow queries ili ako ti je query_cache hit ratio suvise mali ili ..
Odgovor na temu

Inž. za opt. transpornte sisteme

Član broj: 302048
Poruke: 9


+4 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting20.04.2012. u 10:41 - pre 147 meseci
Ne znam što pljujete Nagios, ali on jednostavno nije namenjen početnicima, ti snjim prakticno dobiješ skelet koji treba da nadogradis po svojim potrebama, prava stvar ako imaš posebne zahteve, a da ne pričam samu genijalnost i fleksibilnost samog sistema i event handlera.
Probaj Icingu, to je u suštini već sastavljen nagios, još je i besplatno...

Taj zabbix mi se nesto nije dopao izgleda ko nadograđeni cacti koji prima i obrađuje trapove, još jedan prosečan NMS.

Probaj observium i munin, ima još dosta sličnih, mada apsolutno je najmoćnija kombinacija Nagios + RRD Tool (nešto tipa cacti)...
Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Kecman

Član broj: 201406
Poruke: 15887
Via: [es] mailing liste


+2377 Profil

icon Re: MySQL monitoring & alerting21.04.2012. u 03:52 - pre 147 meseci
niko nije pljuvao po nagiosu (golo g**** je observacija), u kombinaciji sa rrd-om moze da se dobije nesto kao zabbix ali nije ni blizu po jednostavnosti, preglednosti, brzini, potrosnji resursa ... sve zavisi sta ti treba.... ja sam koristio nagios + mem u kombinaciji godinama, zabbix mi je mnogo bolji od nagios-a, a daleko od toga da sam za nagios pocetnik
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: MySQL :: MySQL monitoring & alerting

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