Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com

[es] :: Hosting :: Domeni :: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com

[ Pregleda: 3315 | Odgovora: 13 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori


Pretraga teme: Traži
Markiranje Štampanje RSS

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com10.03.2008. u 17:40 - pre 197 meseci
Pitanje je: Kako da sa domena uradim alias na ?

Uradio sam klasičan redirect sa na ali...treba mi da kada se ukuca u adress baru piše !.

Tražio sam po netu, i trebam .htaccess da modifikujem...ali kako?.

Da li moram da pišem zahtev internet provajderu ili onima kod kojih imam hosting i ime domena?.

brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com10.03.2008. u 22:36 - pre 197 meseci
imas dosta na stranama

ako ne nadjes, reci pomoci cu ti sutra (u guzvi sam sa vremenom sada)

[Ovu poruku je menjao BLUE I dana 11.03.2008. u 03:30 GMT+1]
Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com11.03.2008. u 15:25 - pre 197 meseci
Jesi li uspeo?

Mozes u konfiguraciji domena da izmenis CNAME, ali verujem da neces postici nista, neki imaju i opciju URL hiding (koja sakriva realnu adresu), ali to obicno pali samo za pocetnu stranu sajta.

.htaccess je ekstenzija(vrsta fajlova) apachi servera i on daje dozvole, pristup itd na serveru (host-u), za to kontaktiraj hostmastera(onoga kod koga imas hosting da ti podese.Valjda bi to trebalo da ti znaci nesto.
Pozz i javi da li si uspeo!?
Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com11.03.2008. u 17:28 - pre 197 meseci
Nisam, a hvala na pomoći!.

Tražio sam po ovim stranicama, ali za to što meni treba nisam našao, ili ne vidim ono što treba!

Probacu još ponegde da pronađem, pa ako ne uspem kontaktiraću hosting provajdera.

Hvala još jednom!.
brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 01:09 - pre 197 meseci
Nema na cemu, mene takodje zanima. Dobra ti je ideja.
Inace, cini mi se da sam ti nasao,a nakacio sam ti i gotov fajl, pogledaj...

An htaccess file is a simple ASCII file, such as you would create through a text editor like NotePad or SimpleText. Many people seem to have some confusion over the naming convention for the file, so let me get that out of the way.

.htaccess is the file extension. It is not file.htaccess or somepage.htaccess, it is simply named .htaccess

In order to create the file, open up a text editor and save an empty page as .htaccess (or type in one character, as some editors will not let you save an empty page). Chances are that your editor will append its default file extension to the name (ex: for Notepad it would call the file .htaccess.txt). You need to remove the .txt (or other) file extension in order to get yourself htaccessing--yes, I know that isn't a word, but it sounds keen, don't it? You can do this by right clicking on the file and renaming it by removing anything that doesn't say .htaccess. You can also rename it via telnet or your ftp program, and you should be familiar enough with one of those so as not to need explaining.

htaccess files must be uploaded as ASCII mode, not BINARY. You may need to CHMOD the htaccess file to 644 or (RW-R--R--). This makes the file usable by the server, but prevents it from being read by a browser, which can seriously compromise your security. (For example, if you have password protected directories, if a browser can read the htaccess file, then they can get the location of the authentication file and then reverse engineer the list to get full access to any portion that you previously had protected. There are different ways to prevent this, one being to place all your authentication files above the root directory so that they are not www accessible, and the other is through an htaccess series of commands that prevents itself from being accessed by a browser, more on that later)

Most commands in htaccess are meant to be placed on one line only, so if you use a text editor that uses word-wrap, make sure it is disabled or it might throw in a few characters that annoy Apache to no end, although Apache is typically very forgiving of malformed content in an htaccess file.

htaccess is an Apache thing, not an NT thing. There are similar capabilities for NT servers, though in my professional experience and personal opinion, NT's ability in these areas is severely handicapped. But that's not what we're here for.

htaccess files affect the directory they are placed in and all sub-directories, that is an htaccess file located in your root directory ( would affect,, etc. It is important to note that this can be prevented (if, for example, you did not want certain htaccess commands to affect a specific directory) by placing a new htaccess file within the directory you don't want affected with certain changes, and removing the specific command(s) from the new htaccess file that you do not want affecting this directory. In short, the nearest htaccess file to the current directory is treated as the htaccess file. If the nearest htaccess file is your global htaccess located in your root, then it affects every single directory in your entire site.

Before you go off and plant htaccess everywhere, read through this and make sure you don't do anything redundant, since it is possible to cause an infinite loop of redirects or errors if you place something weird in the htaccess.

Also...some sites do not allow use of htaccess files, since depending on what they are doing, they can slow down a server overloaded with domains if they are all using htaccess files. I can't stress this enough: You need to make sure you are allowed to use htaccess before you actually use it. Some things that htaccess can do can compromise a server configuration that has been specifically setup by the admin, so don't get in trouble.

Now, onto the tasty morsels...


Ever go through the nightmare of changing significantly portions of your site, then having to deal with the problem of people finding their way from the old pages to the new? It can be nasty. There are different ways of redirecting pages, through http-equiv, javascript or any of the server-side languages. And then you can do it through htaccess, which is probably the most effective, considering the minimal amount of work required to do it.

htaccess uses redirect to look for any request for a specific page (or a non-specific location, though this can cause infinite loops) and if it finds that request, it forwards it to a new page you have specified:

Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html

Note that there are 3 parts to that, which should all be on one line : the Redirect command, the location of the file/directory you want redirected relative to the root of your site (/olddirectory/oldfile.html = and the full URL of the location you want that request sent to. Each of the 3 is separated by a single space, but all on one line. You can also redirect an entire directory by simple using Redirect /olddirectory

Using this method, you can redirect any number of pages no matter what you do to your directory structure. It is the fastest method that is a global affect.

Uzeto sa:
To je to, valjda si razumeo! :-)
P.S.Proveri sa provajderom, da ne nadrljas ako sam prckas.

[Ovu poruku je menjao BLUE I dana 12.03.2008. u 02:29 GMT+1]
Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 12:30 - pre 197 meseci
Razumeo sam,sad :-)


Stranica je na jednom hostingu i ime domena kod jednog provajdera. a je drugom hostingu i ime domena kod drugog provajdera.

Evo dobio sam neku vrstu pomoći... :-P

prvo moras na WEB serveru da podesis (appache ili sta vec da se ta neka strana otvara na i na takodje i na i na pa da u appacheu se to zove alias onda podesis dns

servere od tih domena da imaju rekord IN A ip_web servera IN CNAME ip_web servera ili isto IN A

.... zavisi opet koji je dns...

[Ovu poruku je menjao r.Ivan dana 12.03.2008. u 13:56 GMT+1]
brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 15:48 - pre 197 meseci
Po mojoj logici to bi trebalo ovako da izgleda:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} \www.\primer.\com$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} \www.\primer.\co.yu$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/NekiPortal/neka_stranica_na_srpskom/ .*$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ \www.\primer.\co.\yu/$1 [R]
brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 16:01 - pre 197 meseci
Zar nisi uspeo da izmenis u onom fajlu sto sam ti nakacio i da probas da ga postavis u root sajta(ilifolderu koji zelis da preusmeris?

Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 16:46 - pre 197 meseci
Jesam,da, ali ne postoji olddirectory i starifajl.html već samo domen

a stranica_na_srpskom se nalazi u

Nemam pristupa domenu .com već samo .co.yu, i treba da se sajt pretražuje sa .co.yu

Redirect /

Ovako ne radi, možda zato što su mi url oba sajta predugački pa ne mogu da stanu u jedan red?!.

Hvala ti na pomoći...zaista!
brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65
Via: [es] mailing liste



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 16:54 - pre 197 meseci
[Ferenc Pravda]
Mora biti u jednom redu.
U notepadu u opciji format, iskljuci word wrap. Verovatno je zbog toga.
Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 17:10 - pre 197 meseci
Ne, neće ni ovako u jednom redu.

Ali nešto mi ovaj Redirect nije logičan?...hmm
brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 63959
Poruke: 448


+3 Profil

icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 20:36 - pre 197 meseci
ubaci ga u frame

<title>:: Naslov ::</title>
<frameset ROWS=*,1 BORDER=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0><frame SRC= NAME=cero_frame MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=auto>
Odgovor na temu

Sakupljac ljudskuh gluposti

Član broj: 156620
Poruke: 65



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com12.03.2008. u 21:15 - pre 197 meseci
OffShore: ubaci ga u frame

<title>:: Naslov ::</title>
<frameset ROWS=*,1 BORDER=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0><frame SRC= NAME=cero_frame MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=auto>

Svaka cast offShore, to je to. ( i marketinska caka ti je 10)
Samo bih mu napomenuo da se to radi u praznom html-u, koji treba ta sacuva u root folderu
Sreca je kada imas mrvicu hleba i prijatelja sa kojim da je podelis.
Neces biti siromasniji ni za mrvicu, ali ce on biti bogatiji
Odgovor na temu

Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 54526
Poruke: 12



icon Re: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com13.03.2008. u 15:06 - pre 197 meseci
Hvala najlepše OffShore!.

To je to što mi je trebalo,radi!, jedino što sada kada se pristupa bilo kojoj stranici sa tog linka u baru adresa ne ispisuje ime strane već samo

brave are those who face the fear
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Hosting :: Domeni :: Alias (CNAME) sa .co.yu na .com

[ Pregleda: 3315 | Odgovora: 13 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.