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icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak08.07.2009. u 13:12 - pre 182 meseci
7264.0.090622-1900_x64fre_cliente_en-us_Retail_UltimateE-GRMCEULXFRER_EN_DVD.iso (Euro version)

Prvi windows 7 bez Internet Explorer-a sa oznakom UltimateE za evropsko trziste.
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Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

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icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak09.07.2009. u 15:26 - pre 182 meseci
Rusi a od danas uvode dezurstvo u vezi RTM

"S segodnяšnego dnя (09.07.09) mы vstaem na kruglosutočnoe dežurstvo vozle sboročnogo ceha Microsoft i otsleživaem situaciю.
O lюbыh izmeneniяh mы srazu budem informirovatь vas....

S uvaženiem,
Vzor i Ko.

[Ovu poruku je menjao zonic dana 09.07.2009. u 17:55 GMT+1]
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Milic Nemanja
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Član broj: 208522
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Jabber: Nikome ne moze biti bolje dok nekom ne bude gore

+29 Profil

icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak09.07.2009. u 17:48 - pre 182 meseci
Treba se jos malo strpeti, pa docekati konacno tu RC verziju....Takodje vodjenje diskusije da li ce sedmimica biti tako dobro zasticenja protiv piraterije da se nece moci "legalizovati" je potpuno besmislena, uzimajuci u obzir dosadasnju praksu. Posto su apsolutni monopolisti, mogli bi spustanjem cena bitno da smanje pirateriju, ali svaki dodatni dolar je sladji.....Kad je monopolista bio dobrocudan?
Inace jel neko zna oce moci da se upgrade-uje postojeca beta na RC, ili ce morati clean instal?
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93 Stefan
Stefan 93

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icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak09.07.2009. u 17:56 - pre 182 meseci
Bash1711: Treba se jos malo strpeti, pa docekati konacno tu RC verziju...

Da... Dočekali smo je pre neki mesec :) Misliš RTM?
Bash1711: Inace jel neko zna oce moci da se upgrade-uje postojeca beta na RC, ili ce morati clean instal?

Do sada RC na RTM nikada nije mogo koliko sam čuo, a i u svakom slučaju svi govore da je tako sporije neko kada ideš skroz novu instalaciju. Kakve veze ima što ćeš izgubiti koji sat, nije smak sveta.
Izvinjavam se svima koje sam razgnevio svojim pisanjima. Trudiću se da se popravim.
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Catch 22

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icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak09.07.2009. u 22:22 - pre 182 meseci
Nijedna prethodna verzija Win7 neće moći da se ažurira na RTM, moraće da se radi kompletna instalacija od nule.

Ostale napomene:
Upgrade verzije Windows 7, kažu da će prilkom pokretanja da pretraži sve vaše diskove i da proveri da li imate legalnu kopiju prethodne verzije Windows (XP ili Vista), pri tom neće tražiti da ubacujete instalacioni medij prethodne verzije Windowsa.
Legalna Vista će moći da se ažurira na Windows 7 RTM ako to želite, a vlasnici legalnog XP-a će dobiti obaveštenje da ažuriranje nije moguće nego samo "Clean Install"...

Biće moguće ažuriranje sa niže na višu verziju ako ste kupili adekvatnu Upgrade verziju Windows 7 (npr. Windows Vista Home će moći na Windows 7 Professional), takođe i operacija u obrnutom smeru (npr. Windows Vista Ultimate na Windows 7 Professional), ali kod ovog ažuriranja "na niže" će morati da se radi "Clean Install"...

Više detalja o tome: Windows 7 testers have long path to upgrade

Going from Windows 7 is relatively straightforward. So one might think that moving from a pre-release version of Windows 7 to the final version would also be simple.

One would be wrong.

That's because the upgrade versions of the Windows operating system (the cheapest way to move to the final version) check for a previous paid version of Windows on the drive. That means, if a user did a clean installation of Windows 7 on their test system (as recommended by Microsoft), that same user will have to back up their data, reinstall their original operating system (XP or Vista), then install Windows 7, restore their data, and then reinstall their applications.

For testers who were running XP, that means doing a clean installation of Windows XP over their Windows 7 test build and then a clean installation of Windows 7 over that. Vista users have the option of reinstalling that operating system and then doing an in-place upgrade or a clean installation of Windows 7.

Microsoft says that, for what it's worth, that's roughly the same thing that was required for those moving from pre-release versions of Windows Vista to the final release.

Even so, it's an unfortunate burden for those who have provided lots of feedback and indeed been some of the operating system's biggest champions. Users were also pushed to do a fresh installation when moving from Windows 7 beta to the latest test version, although some users found ways around having to do this.

It's just one of several scenarios in which users may find getting to Windows 7 to be a tricky proposition. In general, most people get Windows through buying a new PC. But there are still plenty of folks who decide to update their existing machines.
hat's proving to be tricky, not just for testers, but also for people who want to upgrade their Netbooks. That's because such machines, by their nature, don't come with a DVD drive. However, a source says Microsoft is considering offering Windows 7 via flash drive--a move that could make that upgrade easier.

Microsoft is also trying to lower the other barrier to those moving from a test version to the final Windows 7--the cost. The software maker has a limited promotion--through July 11 in the United States--that lets people buy an upgrade copy of Windows 7 for as low as US$49.

As for those who haven't been testing Windows 7, Microsoft notes that the upgrade version of Windows 7 just looks for a copy of Windows XP or Vista, so users don't need to find their original system discs. It should be able to tell by looking at the hard drive.

Users can also use the upgrade as a chance to move to a higher-end or lower-end version of Windows. To move from Windows Vista Home Basic, for example, to Windows 7 Home Premium, a user need buy only the upgrade version of Windows 7. Likewise, one could move from Windows XP Home to Windows 7 Professional just by purchasing that upgrade version.

Moving down in versions is also possible, say from Windows Vista Ultimate to Windows 7 Professional. However, with any downgrade, a clean installation is required.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 09.07.2009. u 23:43 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Milic Nemanja
Novi sad

Član broj: 208522
Poruke: 323

Jabber: Nikome ne moze biti bolje dok nekom ne bude gore

+29 Profil

icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak09.07.2009. u 23:20 - pre 182 meseci
Ma mislio sam na RTM....Onda ce biti cista instalacija, necu zaliti satic svog vremena na sedmicu.
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Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

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icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak12.07.2009. u 12:33 - pre 182 meseci
6.1.7600.16384.win7_rtm.090710-1945 - possible FINAL RTM build

The web has been buzzing since last few weeks leading to the expected RTM of Windows 7 in July. According to Microsoft, the RTM will be delivered in last two weeks of July but many blogs have cited their sources saying that the RTM is on track for 13th July and will be distributed in phases from 13th and onward through MSDN/Technet etc.

Some reports also showed up pointing to a show stopper activation bug which could delay 13th July RTM date but I think we are past that now. Windows 7 RTM [full final version in other words for the noobs] has been compiled by Microsoft and the version is, 6.1.7600.16384.win7_rtm.090710-1945. I think it’s past the “possible RTM build” now because screenshots have showed up on Internet as well as “Setup.exe” of Windows 7 RTM build 6.1.7600.16384.win7_rtm.090710-1945 which confirms the said build exists through presence of a Digital Signature by Microsoft.

WZOR is reporting that the build version might slightly alter to 16386 instead of the 16384 right now. Why so? To match Windows Vista’s RTM version. Some of you might have noticed that the last few Windows 7 leaks were builds ranging in 72xx and most of the people were guessing they’ll round the RTM build to 7300 but instead Microsoft is going for 7600. The reason for which might be build number of Windows XP, which happens to be 2600. Perhaps they want this to be as successful as Windows XP, which you don’t need to guess :p.

Anyway, keep watching the web for updates on WWDC ‘09 where Microsoft will announce Windows 7 RTM as well as Office 2010 Beta and Web Office along with a few other pieces they are working on. The mentioned Windows 7 RTM will leak to web soon too. ;)


A sutra ovde najverovatnije sve informacije

[Ovu poruku je menjao zonic dana 12.07.2009. u 22:51 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Windows 7 RTM ogranak13.07.2009. u 23:45 - pre 182 meseci
Mislim da je ovim ova tema okoncana , nastavak u temi Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?
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