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Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 7

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 7

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Vladimir Trifkovic
Nisam zaposlen...
BiH - RS - Ugljevik

Član broj: 132375
Poruke: 163

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icon Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 701.08.2010. u 19:55 - pre 169 meseci
Pozdrav. Upravo sam instalirao Win 7 ali ne mogu da podignem sistem... Samo kad mi dodje dio pri ucitavanju komponenata po samom ukljucenju racunara dodje do Veryfing DMI Pool Data i tu jednostavno sve zaglavi i ne ide dalje... Moze li se to nekako popraviti ili sistem koji sam instalirao nije u redu?
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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 701.08.2010. u 22:27 - pre 169 meseci
Imas neku "zbrku" u BIOS-u, to nije problem do Win7 posto OS ni ne pocne da se dize. Uradi clear CMOS preko dzampera ili izvadi bateriju sa ploce, pa je vrati i probaj ponovo da ukljucis comp.
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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 702.08.2010. u 06:37 - pre 169 meseci
Na gugletu ima dosta o tome

Ja bih pokušao i ovo

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Vladimir Trifkovic
Nisam zaposlen...
BiH - RS - Ugljevik

Član broj: 132375
Poruke: 163

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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 703.08.2010. u 18:05 - pre 169 meseci
Prije nego sto bilo sta uradim .. Dobijam poruku posle Veryfying DMI Data sledece ispod:
AMD Data Change...Update New Data to DMI!
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Vladimir Trifkovic
Nisam zaposlen...
BiH - RS - Ugljevik

Član broj: 132375
Poruke: 163

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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 703.08.2010. u 18:32 - pre 169 meseci
Uradio sam i ono preko repair sa command .. nista.. a onda sam izvadio bateriu sve se restartovalo ... samo mi je dodao posle veryfying DMI Pool Data... AMD Data change...Update New Data to DMI! Update Success .. i tu ostane.... zaledi..

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Član broj: 163219
Poruke: 904

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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 703.08.2010. u 20:45 - pre 169 meseci
Ovo što tvdi i za rešenje problema predlaže ovaj "badža" je prilično ineresantno, pa možda vredi pokušati.

12-17-2009 #7 Digerati
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This is Scott's thread so that's what I am going on.

@Arijon, you are welcome to follow and contribute, but your issue with booting only with the DVD installed is a different issue, and requires it's own thread. The boot order does not matter, as long as the boot drive is in the list.

@Scott - it seems others are having this issue too, but "appears" to be easy to fix. Watch carefully during the boot process for the prompt to enter the BIOS Setup Menu. Typically, you must press the Del, F1 or F2 key, depending on who makes the BIOS. Once there, simply make sure the date and time are correct and your drives are properly identified. Then, and this is the important part, you must make sure you "Save and Exit". If you don't Save, then you will get the AMD message again.

For some folks, they needed to reset the BIOS, but try the above first.
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Vladimir Trifkovic
Nisam zaposlen...
BiH - RS - Ugljevik

Član broj: 132375
Poruke: 163

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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 703.08.2010. u 21:53 - pre 169 meseci
Ne razumijem bas najbolje ovaj dio na engleskom... Mozes li mi pojasniti to kad ide F kontrola... ne snalazim se sa tim zahtjevnijim stvarima koja nisu uobicajna.. :)
Da li kad ukucam komand i ona bude ok.. da li u onom komandnom dijelu mislim na tom mjestu za cmd treba nesto da ukucam kao save da snimi to sto sam uradio ili sam to radi?

[Ovu poruku je menjao Mr.Back dana 03.08.2010. u 23:38 GMT+1]
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Vladimir Trifkovic
Nisam zaposlen...
BiH - RS - Ugljevik

Član broj: 132375
Poruke: 163

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icon Re: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 703.08.2010. u 22:41 - pre 169 meseci
Problem je rijesen. Ova komanda bootsect.exe/nt60 all je uradila posao.... !!!
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Veryfying DMI Pool Data kod Win 7

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