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Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???

[ Pregleda: 3404 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 48834
Poruke: 38


icon Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 20:53 - pre 180 meseci
Da li je moguce dobiti 64-bitni sistem boja na sledecoj konfiguraciji i sa kojim operativnim sistemom?
Trenutno koristim windows 7RC 64bit , racunar radi na 64bita provereno u everestu,ali sistem boja je i dalje na 32bita...
Interesuje me da li je to moguce dobiti i da li neko koristi 64-bitni sistem boja i na kom operativnom sistemu?

-CPU Type Intel Celeron D 347, 3066 MHz x86, x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3

-Motherboard Name Foxconn 945G7MA Series
Bus Width 64-bit

-Memory Bus Properties:
Bus Type Dual DDR2 SDRAM
Bus Width 128-bit

-OS Name Microsoft Windows 7RC x64

-Video Adapter Properties:
Device Description NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT
Driver Version - nVIDIA ForceWare 186.35
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zoran pantic

Član broj: 50312
Poruke: 913

+11 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 21:15 - pre 180 meseci
Ne znam za sistem ali znam da ni jedna graficka nece prikazati vise. To je 16.7 miliona boja, kolko tebi treba? Ljudsko oko u najboljem slucaju moze da razlikuje pola od toga.
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Član broj: 649
Poruke: 12852

+4785 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 21:49 - pre 180 meseci
I da pokaze graficka, nece prikazati monitor :)
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Član broj: 12568
Poruke: 679

+729 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 22:49 - pre 180 meseci
Bitovi o kojima ti pričaš nemaju veze jedan sa drugim.Uživaj u 32-bitnoj paleti boja i 64-bitnom operativnom sistemu i ćuti.Tako to treba
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 23:11 - pre 180 meseci
Wikipedia: Color Depth



32-bit color
"32-bit color" is generally a misnomer in regard to display color depth. While actual 32-bit color at ten to eleven bits per channel produces over 4.2 billion distinct colors, the term “32-bit color” is most often a misuse referring to 24-bit color images with an additional eight bits of non-color data (I.E.: alpha, Z or bump data), or sometimes even to plain 24-bit data.

Systems using more than 24 bits in a 32-bit pixel for actual color data exist, but most of them opt for a 30-bit implementation with two bits of padding so that they can have an even 10 bits of color for each channel, similar to many HiColor systems.

Beyond truecolor
While some high-end graphics workstation systems and the accessories marketed toward use with such systems, as from SGI, have always used more than 8 bits per channel, such as 12 or 16 (36-bit or 48-bit color), such color depths have only worked their way into the general market more recently.

As bit depths climb above 8 bits per channel, some systems use the extra bits to store more intensity range than can be displayed all at once, as in high dynamic range imaging (HDRI). Floating point numbers are used to describe numbers in excess of 'full' white and black. This allows an image to describe accurately the intensity of the sun and deep shadows in the same color space for less distortion after intensive editing. Various models describe these ranges, many employing 32 bit accuracy per channel. A new format is the ILM "half" using 16-bit floating point numbers, it appears this is a much better use of 16 bits than using 16-bit integers and is likely to replace it entirely as hardware becomes fast enough to support it.

The ATI FireGL V7350 graphics card supports 40-bit and 64-bit color.

Television color
Main article: Gamut
Most of yesterday's TVs and computer screens form images by varying the intensity of just three primary colors: red, green, and blue. Bright yellow, for example, is composed of equal parts red and green, with no blue component. However, this is only an approximation, and is not as saturated as actual yellow light. For this reason, recent technologies such as Texas Instruments's BrilliantColor augment the typical red, green, and blue channels with up to three others: cyan, magenta and yellow.[3] Mitsubishi and Samsung, among others, use this technology in some TV sets. Assuming that 8 bits are used per color, such six-color images would have a color depth of 48 bits.

Analog TVs use continuous signals and therefore have infinite color depth.


Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???01.09.2009. u 23:19 - pre 180 meseci
Stas ti, neki kameleon? :)
Kladim se da ne mozes da razlikujes ni ovih 16.7 , a ti bi 64...mislim bita :)
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???02.09.2009. u 00:30 - pre 180 meseci
^ On je em piroman, em neki đavolak pošto mu je nick piroman666 (nisam odmah obratio pažnju), tako da je cela ova tema izgleda samo nekakvo "loženje"

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 19938
Poruke: 1139

+4 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???02.09.2009. u 00:40 - pre 180 meseci
A kad smo kod onih 1 bit grafike....setih se svog starog dobrog je bilo bre nesto....
Duplo veca rezolucija nego kod onih gejeva za tamo nekim cga/ega/vga karticama....jes, jedna boja, al bato slika ostra ko zilet :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???02.09.2009. u 00:54 - pre 180 meseci
Da ne preterujemo, herkules jeste imao više nego duplu rezoluciju od CGA ali su već EGA i VGA bili sa malo manjom jednom dimenzijom i većom drugom. A boje su ipak bile važne ... osim za one koji su radili po šalterima. ;)
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Da li je moguce dobiti 64bit-ni sistem boja na i na kom operativnom saistemu???

[ Pregleda: 3404 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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