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Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)

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icon Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)16.07.2009. u 09:45 - pre 182 meseci
Da li neko može da mi pomogne oko instalacije Windows 7-ce.
Trenutno mi je instaliran XP-32bitni. Kad se butuje komp i kada kliknem na instal posle desetak minuta izbaci mi prozor sa porukom "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driver floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now."
Ploča je Asus P5Q-pro, procesor Q9300, RW-dvd Pioneer 111d.
Pokušao sam sa verziom 7600x64 , i sa 7264x64 ova druga je instalirana na drugom kompu tako da nebi trebalo da je do diska.
Ovo mi se dešavalo i sa ranijim verzijama sedmice i sa Vistomx32.
Unaprijed hvala na svakoj pomoći.
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Član broj: 151967
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icon Re: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)25.09.2009. u 20:13 - pre 179 meseci
Nadam se da ce ti ove teme pomoci:
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Stefan Ivanovic
Student, Filoloski fakultet, Beograd

Član broj: 233803
Poruke: 6


icon Re: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)27.09.2009. u 13:49 - pre 179 meseci
Mislim da nema poterbe da to radis, cesto pri instalaciji w7 ne mozes da pokrenes instalaciju na taj nacin. Jednostavno pokreni instalaciju iz XP, preko Deamona npr, ja sam tako uradio, i opdradi clean instal na neku taze napravljenu i formatiranu particiju, najmanje 20 GB, sama instalacija zauzima oko 12Gb. Ja imam takodje i i xp, jos uvek, tako da dual boot xp-w7 radi ko sat. samo izaberi koji ce ti biti primarni, da kad istekne vreme za odabir OS-a, ne digne automatski onaj koji ti nije osnovni (za pocetak, veovatno jos uvek XP).

walk on...
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Član broj: 131848
Poruke: 21


icon Re: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)27.09.2009. u 21:28 - pre 179 meseci
U pogledu preporuke ''goranvasiljevic'' da se na tim stranama nalazi rešenje,nakon posete istim,nisam video KAKO /rešiti problem instalacije/....

[Goran Mijailovic: obrisan offtopic]

[Ovu poruku je menjao Goran Mijailovic dana 14.10.2009. u 13:06 GMT+1]
Lako je bilo Bogu, da vlada -
imao je samo Evu i Adama!
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
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icon Re: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)27.09.2009. u 23:25 - pre 179 meseci
Google: A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing

Ranije je konstatovano, ovde na forumu, da se ovakva poruka pojavljuje ako se pokušava instalacija kao "Upgrade" 32-bit Windows na 64-bit Windows, (tj. instalaciju Windows 64-bit pokrenutu iz Windows 32-bit nije moguće izvesti na taj način, kao ni Upgrade XP=>Win7)

Drugi, takođe poznati razlog za pojavu ovakve greške je neispravan instalacioni DVD (Wn 7). Grešku u narezivanju instalacionog diska od iso fajla evidentno prave neki od poznatih programa za rezanje...

My daughter got Windows 7 Pro (released version) from her university. This problem caused me to spend 16 hours on labor day weekend to upgrade Vista home to Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit on her Dell Vostro 1400 - I had expected to be done within the hour.

The problem turned out be bad DVDs. Finally succeeded by creating a bootable USB - followed the steps using diskpart.exe (Google) to make a 4GB USB key bootable and extracted the files using Wizip 12 (download, use Eval mode if don't have it) from the ISO.

Some observations
- If you do not regularly burn DVDs; a bad install DVD is very likely the problem. I had 3 laptops with DVD RW drives, but had never used any of them to burn a DVD. So using Office Depot and Imation media with ever slower write speed on each of them resulted in quite a collection - all with the same 'Missing CD/DVD' messge.

- ACPI/ATA and other cable/controller solutions are red herrings that I should have been discounted early. The HDD and DVD worked without any problems with Vista, so why would they conflict all of a sudden (without any BIOS change). I guess folks probably attribute solution to last thing tried whenever they use a 'good' DVD!

- Early on spent many hours looking for x64 drivers for DVD drives, then doing firmware upgrades on the DVD drives. How install media errors result in 'missing CD/DVD driver' messge is a mystery only Microsoft knows, but is sure to send a lot of PC 'experts' on a wild goose hunt.

It seems like this problem has been popping up a lot and I've read threads on it all over the place, but it doesn't seem like any solutions have been posted anywhere yet.

Was curious if there was any word on what the problem is?

I'm trying to clean install from XP and not long after you select "Install" from the Win 7 welcome page do you hear the DVDROM stop spinning, then the screen hangs for 5 mins, then you get the message.

Solutions posted so far that I have tried:

1. Burning slower, with different burning software: 8 DVD's so far, all burned at 2X or 1X, with no antivirus turned on, and using various different ISO / IMG burning progs.

2. USB Flash drive installation: Created the USB but my motherboard won't boot from USB.

I've compared the files on the burned discs to the ISO files and they are the same so I don't think the issue is the burning process, although I'm sure many people burned at like 16X and found it didn't work until they burned again at 2X.

Desilo mi se nekoliko puta da narezani instalacioni DVD ne prođe verifikaciju nakon rezanja. Sledeći prazan DVD iz istog paketa, u istom programu za rezanje, u sledećem pokušaju bude uredno kompletiran...
Instalacioni Win7 DVD režite na maloj brzini i obavezno uključite verifikaciju diska nakon procesa rezanja!

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 28.09.2009. u 00:49 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 58513
Poruke: 100

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icon Re: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)28.09.2009. u 09:03 - pre 179 meseci

Isto to, samo na srpskom:
A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Ne mogu da instaliram Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)

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