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Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.

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Član broj: 185159
Poruke: 15


icon Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.08.04.2009. u 20:48 - pre 185 meseci
Okej drugar ima jedan problem,imao je neki viurs sto se predstavlja kao Microsoft Security Advisor bla bla i uglavnom ja obrisah vecinu stvari sto se tice njega i hteo sam da obrisem jos nesto sto nije moglo posto je bilo u memoriji i pokusah da udjem u safe mode i nije htelo,samo se opet restartuje komp i bootuje ga standardno pa sam ja pomocu msconfiga promenio da se bootuje na safe ali eto problema,nece ni tako nego je sada ostao u nekom loop modu znaci,safe jos uvek nece da se pokrene a postavljeno je da se dize u safeu nego da skratim... meni je potrebno da mi objasnite kako da napravim ili gde da downloadujem ako ima vec bootabilni cd ili usb da bih mogao da podignem windows standardno?
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Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.08.04.2009. u 21:01 - pre 185 meseci
Nisam baš siguran kakav disk tražiš, zar nema butabilni Windows disk pa njime sređujte instalaciju. Ili neki live OS, recimo bartpe ili neki live linux?
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Član broj: 185159
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.08.04.2009. u 21:06 - pre 185 meseci
Pa treba mi da bih pokrenuo vec instalirani windows i da promenim ime boot.ini u nesto drugo jer tako mogu da obustavim ovaj loop.
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Take 5

Član broj: 200551
Poruke: 1423

+12 Profil

icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.09.04.2009. u 00:47 - pre 185 meseci
j2zion: Pa treba mi da bih pokrenuo vec instalirani windows i da promenim ime boot.ini u nesto drugo jer tako mogu da obustavim ovaj loop.

Loša ideja, bez boot.ini fajla Windows neće hteti uopšte da se podigne.
Očigledno je da baš nemaš mnogo iskustva u rešavanju ovakvih problema, pa postoji šansa da nešto još više zabrljaš.
Treba ti butabilni instalacioni CD za XP pa za početak sa njim uradi fixboot i fixmbr... a kasnije aventualno i Repair Install...
Postupak je dosta lepo objašnjen u ovoj temi:

Eventualno skini butabilni disk Avira AntiVir Rescue System 4/2009 (48.3 MB) i sa njim prvo skeniraj ceo računar na prisustvo virusa

"Take Five" is the famous jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. It is famous for its distinctive saxophone line and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

Take Five (1966)

Take Five by Al Jarreau 1976
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Član broj: 32850
Poruke: 3179

+370 Profil

icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.09.04.2009. u 03:40 - pre 185 meseci
Sta se desava kada pritisnes f8 prilikom dizanja win-a?
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Član broj: 185159
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.09.04.2009. u 12:26 - pre 185 meseci
Pa izadju opcije one standardne,ali ocigledno da je virus poremetio safe -.-
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Član broj: 185159
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.09.04.2009. u 12:34 - pre 185 meseci
Problems that can occur by forcing Safe Mode using the System Configuration Utility

It is possible to make your computer continuously boot up into safe mode using the System Configuration utility as described above. The program does this by changing your boot.ini file, the settings file that configures your computer's boot sequence, and adding the /safeboot argument to your operating systems startup line. An example of this can be seen below.

Original [operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /FASTDETECT /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN
After using MsConfig.exe [operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /FASTDETECT /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN /safeboot:minimal

When you are done using safe mode, you would then run the System Configuration utility again and uncheck the /Safeboot option, thus removing the /safeboot argument from the boot.ini file, and allowing your computer to boot up normally.

On a computer that is operating properly this is normally not a problem. Unfortunately, though, a new trick that some of the more recent malware are using is to delete certain Windows Registry keys so that your computer can not properly boot into safe mode. It is in these situations that using the System Configuration utility to boot into safe mode can cause the computer to become inoperable for many users.

This is because once you set the computer to boot into Safe Mode using /Safeboot, it will continuously attempt to start Safe Mode until the /safeboot argument is removed from the boot.ini. Since the malware is not allowing us to actually boot into safe mode, you have no way of getting to a point where you can run the System Configuration utility again to uncheck the /Safeboot option. Thus, you are stuck with a computer constantly attempting to get into safe mode and not being able to do so.

If a situation like this has happened to you it is possible to fix this problem by renaming your boot.ini file. The first step would be to use a boot disk to start your computer. If your computer does not have a floppy disk, then you can typically boot off the Windows CD that came with your computer in order to access the Windows Recovery Console. More information about the Windows Recovery Console can be found here. Once booted to a command prompt, you would simply rename your C:\Boot.ini file to another name like C:\Boot.ini.bak. The command to rename the file at the command prompt is:

ren C:\Boot.ini Boot.ini.bak

Once the file is renamed, you can then remove the boot disk and reboot your computer to get back to normal mode. When booting up after the rename, do not be surprised if you see an error stating that you do not have a valid Boot.ini file. When you get back to normal Windows mode, you can then rename C:\Boot.ini.bak to C:\Boot.ini and run Msconfig again to remove the /safeboot flag.

Evo sta se dogodilo.
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Safe Mode Looping Stanje - Potreban USB ili CD boot.

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