Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????

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Član broj: 177223
Poruke: 25


icon Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 13:11 - pre 191 meseci
Treba mi 64 bit-na instalacija XP-a.Kako da znam koju ja imam?Gdje se to gleda?????
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Ružičić
Software Architect, Appricot d.o.o.

Član broj: 26939
Poruke: 2881


+44 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 13:43 - pre 191 meseci
Start->Run otkucas winver i pritisnes ENTER
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Član broj: 177223
Poruke: 25


icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 16:58 - pre 191 meseci
i evo šta piše....opet ne vidim verziju...

Odgovor na temu

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 17:06 - pre 191 meseci
Odgovor na temu

Slavko Mitrovic

Član broj: 49749
Poruke: 127

+1 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 19:59 - pre 191 meseci
Miroslav Jeftić: 32-bitna.

A po cemu se raspoznaje verzija? Daj bar ceo odgovor!
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X Files
Vladimir Stefanovic

Član broj: 15100
Poruke: 4903


+639 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 20:09 - pre 191 meseci


Windows Vista

Method 1
Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.

Method 2
Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click system in the “Programs” list.
The operating system appears as follows:
For a 64-bit version operating system: 64-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.
For a 32-bit version operating system: 32-bit Operating System appears for the “System type” under “System”.

Method 3
Click Start, type system in the “Start Search” box, and then click System Information in the “Programs” list.
The operating system appears as follows:
For a 64-bit version operating system: x64-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.
For a 32-bit version operating system: x86-based PC appears for the “System type” under “Item”.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Method 1
Click Start, then click on Run or Start Search.
Type msinfo32.exe and then press Enter key.
In “System Information”, review the value for the System Type item:
For 32-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x86-based PC.
For 64-bit editions of Windows, the value of the System Type item is x64-based PC.

Method 2
Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version <Year> appears under System.
For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version <Year> appears under System.

Note <Year> is a placeholder for a year.

Method 3
Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or AMD64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Method 1
Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
Click the General tab. The operating system appears as follows:
For a 64-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition appears under System.
For a 32-bit version operating system: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition appears under System.

Method 2
Click Start, click Run, type winmsd.exe, and then click OK.
In the details pane, locate Processor under Item. Note the value.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with x86, the computer is running a 32-bit version of the Windows operating system.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with EM64T or ia64, the computer is running a 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 20:32 - pre 191 meseci
Ili skraćeno Start / Run: msinfo32.exe [Enter]
I u Sysinfo prozoru proveri da li piše:

- "x86-based PC" (32-bit)
- "x64-based PC" (64-bit)

Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Ružičić
Software Architect, Appricot d.o.o.

Član broj: 26939
Poruke: 2881


+44 Profil

icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????12.10.2008. u 23:35 - pre 191 meseci
ukoliko ti dijalog koji dobijes kada ukucas winver izgleda ovako:

onda ti xp 64 bitni (znaci ispod WIndows XP pise "x64 Edition"), a ovo isto treba da vidis i na boot screenu (ako me secanje dobro sluzi)...

a kako na tvom screenshotu ne pise x64 edition onda znaci da ti je to 32bitna verzija kao sto je Miroslav i rekao...
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Precep

Član broj: 58043
Poruke: 46


icon Re: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????13.10.2008. u 11:43 - pre 191 meseci
Moze se videti cak i ovako Start - Run - kucas dxdiag pa ENTER. Dole ispod pise lepo da li je 32-bit ili 64-bit Win.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Kako da znam koju instalaciju XP-a imam, 32 bit-nu ili 64??????

[ Pregleda: 10122 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.