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XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!

[es] :: Windows desktop :: XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!09.07.2008. u 11:51 - pre 194 meseci
Od jutros (09.07.2008) su iz Microsofta izdali nekoliko (4?) novih sigurnosnih zakrpa za Windows XP, koje se instaliraju preko WU.
Nakon instalacije i restarta sistema internet više uopšte ne radi u slučaju da koristite Zone Alarm!!!!?????
Tek kada isključite ZA postoji šansa da internet proradi.
Na Visti se ovaj problem ne manifestuje.

Ovo je već ko zna koji put da Microsoft "slučajno faulira" Zone Alarm, pa posle izađe ispravka, nova verzija ZA... itd...

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!09.07.2008. u 18:14 - pre 194 meseci
Malo više detalja o celom "slučaju":

"This patch was one of the four that moved today and it has caused most Zonealarm versions on XP to stop all internet activity. Removing the update cures the problem as does setting the "internet zone security slider" to medium. Much more on the net and Zone Alarm Forums."

KB951748 - A security issue has been identified that could allow a remote attacker to misrepresent a system action or behavior unbeknownst to users on Microsoft Windows systems.

I was just looking at the Zone Alarm news groups and this is really becoming a big problem not only with Zone Alarm but also the Zone Alarm security suite is also experiencing issues.

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!09.07.2008. u 21:20 - pre 194 meseci
Evo ga i "lekić"...
Deinstalirajte KB951748 i restartujte računar, kada vam WU ponudi da ponovo instalira pomenuti update, odaberite "No" i čekirajte opciju "Do not remind me again..."

Posebno pitanje u celoj ovoj priči je kako će iko, kome treba savet, ovo moći da pročita kada mu internet ne radi (?!!?)

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Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!11.07.2008. u 18:35 - pre 194 meseci
Evo reagovao je i Zone Alarm, tako da su izdali novu verziju, kojom se problem sa KB951748 rešava.

Novu verzju možete skinuti odavde:

Zone Alarm: Workaround to Sudden Loss of Internet Access Problem

Direct download link: Zone Alarm Free 7.0.483.000
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: XP: WU KB951748 + Zone Alarm = Blokiran internet!

[ Pregleda: 2742 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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