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Rekvijem za Microsoft Windows® XP

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Catch 22

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+21 Profil

icon Rekvijem za Microsoft Windows® XP03.07.2008. u 00:06 - pre 194 meseci
Microsoft je 30.06.2008. obustavio dalju proizvodnju i distribuciju svog do sada najpopularnijeg operativnog sistema Windows® XP, koji se nalazi na tržištu od 2001.

A requiem for Windows XP

Today, we bid adieu to Windows XP. Despite an outpouring of demand -- including more than 210,000 people who signed InfoWorld's "Save XP" petition, Microsoft held firm and yesterday discontinued sales of XP in most cases.

Sure, any copies of XP in use will continue to run, so the venerable operating system isn't leaving us entirely. And enterprises, small businesses, and some consumers will still be able to install XP as a "downgrade" to Windows Vista Business or Ultimate. And until Feb. 1, 2009, system builders will be able to install XP on "white box" PCs they assemble, which also ironically includes Apple Macs that are bundled with Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion by resellers such as MacMall and CDW. Finally, low-cost, low-power desktops and laptops such as the Asus Eee PC can ship with Windows XP until 2010.

Windows XP will be sold to some OEMs after all, says Microsoft

("Kralj je mrtav! Živeo Kralj!")
Windows 7 compatibility test now available
Windows 7 is coming. Will your PC be ready?

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 03.07.2008. u 01:20 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Horvat I
Ivan Horvat
Subotica,Makova sedmica

Član broj: 40556
Poruke: 3808

+292 Profil

icon Re: Rekvijem za Microsoft Windows® XP03.07.2008. u 11:52 - pre 194 meseci
Slava mu! Nije ni sluzio tako dobro ko Win98 na ondasnjim masinama.
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Ružičić
Software Architect, Appricot d.o.o.

Član broj: 26939
Poruke: 2881


+44 Profil

icon Re: Rekvijem za Microsoft Windows® XP03.07.2008. u 17:13 - pre 194 meseci
pa i red je bio...
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Rekvijem za Microsoft Windows® XP

[ Pregleda: 1982 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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