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XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!

[es] :: Windows desktop :: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!22.05.2008. u 00:54 - pre 196 meseci
Izgleda da je identifikovan uzrok misterioznog nestajanja svih mrežnih konekcija (nemogućnost pristupa internetu...) na nekim računarima, a nakon instalacije XP SP3. Krivac kao i obično još uvek ne priznaje vlastitu krivicu, ali sve ukazuje na Symantecov Norton Internet Security Suite. Precizno su ustanovljena oštećenja u registri bazi, koja dovode čak do "nestajanja" svih mrežnih uređaja iz Device Managera.
Detaljan članak na 2 strane pogledajte ovde: Computerworld (May 20, 2008): XP SP3 update corrupts Windows registry, users claim
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

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icon Re: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!23.05.2008. u 02:31 - pre 196 meseci
Evo i dodatka na celu priču, koji nije nimalo bezazlen. Radi se o nekim anti-spyware programima koji nakon instalacije SP3 mogu čak i da blokiraju pojedine sistemske fajlove zbog lažne uzbune, jer ih vide kao trojance!!???!!

XP SP3 triggers false positives in security apps

By Scott Dunn (

Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 can cause your anti-malware programs to report the presence of Trojans and keyloggers that aren't there.

The false positives have blocked important system files in some cases, and in others they have misled users into reinstalling XP.

SP3 causes some malware scanners to cry "wolf"

Comments on a PC Tools forum confirm customer reports that the company's Spyware Doctor program generates a false positive on systems with Windows XP SP3.

Similarly, at least one site claims that Symantec's Norton Internet Security software identifies a common system file as a keylogger.

ReviewSaurus reports that XP SP3 causes Norton Internet Security to identify ctfmon.exe as a keylogger (a kind of malware that records your keystrokes to capture passwords and other important data).

In reality, the ctfmon.exe file in your Windows\System32 folder is a Microsoft system file that enables alternative input methods such as speech, tablet, or on-screen keyboard.

A spokesperson for Symantec was not immediately available for comment.

In the case of Spyware Doctor, the popular antispyware tool from PC Tools detects Trojan-Spy.Pophot.WX in RunDLL32.exe even if the system is uninfected. RunDLL32.exe is a system file that Windows uses to run code in dynamic link library (DLL) files.

The scan may also implicate other related system files, according to a report on the blog A Healthy Fear of Botulism.

By default, Spyware Doctor prevents any files it identifies as infected from running. If an important system file such as RunDLL32.exe is flagged incorrectly, the result can be disastrous for your PC. For example, users may be blocked from opening Windows Control Panel or using System Restore, among other operations.

One user who contacted us noted that blocking RunDLL32.exe created "an endless loop of scanning to remove the file, rebooting, finding the file again."

"I've lost more than two days trying to fix something that was never broken," he adds. "As far as mistakes go, this is pretty major."

Other Spyware Doctor customers just gave up: "I had the same problem today," reported Dave (screen name doz3r). "I got tired of fighting with it and just reinstalled the OS."

For its part, PC Tools claims that a patch is in the works. "We are implementing a fix immediately," wrote Super Moderator Anthony Chen on the PC Tools forum.

As of Wednesday evening, PC Tools has yet to make a fix available through the company's Smart Update feature.

Until there's a fix, there's a workaround

In the case of the Norton Internet Security, ReviewSaurus advises users to ignore the false warning about ctfmon.exe.

Until a fix is available from PC Tools, Chen advises customers to add RunDLL32.exe to the global action list manually. The workaround consists of the following steps:

Step 1. In the Spyware Doctor window, click the Settings button on the left.

Step 2. Click Global Action List to the right of that.

Step 3. At the bottom of the window, click Add.

Step 4. In the New Rule dialog box, choose "File on disk" from the "Select data type" drop-down list.

Step 5. To the right of the text box below, click the ... button to browse for a file. Locate and select RunDLL32.exe in the Windows\System32 folder.

Step 6. Make sure "Always allow" is selected in the drop-down list at the bottom and click the Add button.

Other XP SP3 compatibility problems may yet loom

This is not the first problem created by Microsoft's latest (and last) service pack for Windows XP. Earlier this month, some HP PCs with an AMD processor experienced endless reboots after SP3 was installed.

These and other issues are documented by Windows Secrets columnist Susan Bradley's Patch Watch column in the paid section of this week's newsletter, as well as in her May 15 column. Bradley also provides advice on preparing for SP3 in the paid section of the May 1 issue.

If you are concerned about the effect the collection of patches that comprise XP SP3 will have on your PCs, wait a while before downloading and installing the service pack.

Check the support sites of the vendors of your most important products for news of compatibility issues with SP3. As the problems experienced by users of these anti-malware programs show, a collection of patches as large as SP3 may require some patches of its own.

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!08.06.2008. u 03:14 - pre 195 meseci
Symantec je konačno obezbedio pomoćni program, kojim se otklanjaju brljotine u registri bazi izazvane nekompatibilnošću pomenutog Internet Security Suite sa Windows XP SP3 i Windows Vista SP1.

Ceo članak o tome pročitajte ovde (CW: Symantec tool cleans up XP SP3 registry corruption)

A RegistryFix preuzmite ovde (Symantec: FAQ: Upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista Service Pack 1 with your Norton 2008 product installed)

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!28.06.2008. u 23:19 - pre 194 meseci
Konačno je i Microsoft izdao hot-fix zakrpu, kojom se rešava problem mogućeg nestajanja svih stavki u Device Manager-u, kao i nestanak svih mrežnih konekcija, kao rezultat nekompatibilnosti Service Pack 3 i "nekih antivirusnih programa".

Zakrpu preuzmite sa zvaničnog sajta:

Microsoft: Update for Windows XP (KB953979)

Update for Windows XP (KB953979)
Brief Description
After you install Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), Device Manager may not show any devices, and Network Connections may not show any network connections. This problem may occur when an antivirus application is still running during the installation of Windows XP SP3. Applying this fix could help resolve this problem

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icon Re: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!29.06.2008. u 22:09 - pre 194 meseci
Catch, sve si sam sebi dao odgovor... :)

Moje misljenje. Imam utisak da racunari bolje rade samo sa SP2 nego sa SP-ovima posle SP2 i samim SP3. Neznam zasto ali ta M$-ova preterana poboljsanja na kraju posle instaliranja fix-a ti mnogo poremeti i programe instalirane a i sam rad na racunaru. Dobar AV softver, svakih 2-3 dana skeniranje komp-a protiv zlonamernih programa i cao djaci!

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!29.06.2008. u 23:16 - pre 194 meseci
^ Šta da ti kažem (na tvoj off topic)?
Kada bi svi tako razmišljali, verovatno bi računari još uvek radili pod DOS-om, a Windows ne bi ni postojao...

Da li si ti uopšte pročitao šta je predmet ove teme?
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: XP SP3 + Norton Internet Security = Problemi sa mrežnim konekcijama!?!

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