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Vista Update Error Code 80240013

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Vista Update Error Code 80240013

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referent za povratak Jedi-ja i
utamničenje Darth Sithiusa

Član broj: 83706
Poruke: 54



icon Vista Update Error Code 8024001312.04.2008. u 00:04 - pre 197 meseci
Koristim Vista Ultimate oko 6 meseci, i do sada nisam imao gotovo nikakvih problema sa automatic update-om. (Do danas, naravno) a, danas dobijam sledeće:

Probao sam da pretražim po Windows support-u, ali nema ništa pod tim imenom.
Na nekim forumima (stranim) našao sam nešto, ali nema rešenja koje kod mene radi. Predlagali su restart, ali to sam prvo probao i nema efekta, isto se i dalje dešava.
Zahvlan sam na svakoj pomoći.
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001312.04.2008. u 03:13 - pre 197 meseci
Repairing Microsoft Update the old way

Occasionally, the patch process will throw up. WSUS has a good monitoring and reporting feature that allows me to see at a glance which machines are struggling with the stuff Microsoft is trying to send to it. So I do a Remote Desktop session to the machine in question and run the process manually. I know something is really messed up when I get a 0×8024001D error or some other stupid hex number. That’s when it used to get really annoying. Not any more.

I used to spend hours looking up ways to get around these errors. At one time I liked Scott Hanselman’s method of renaming the c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download to c:\windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download.poo. Someone on his blog actually asked if the .poo extension was necessary. I think he was teasing. After nuking the old folder, run the update again and all is well but it takes a long time to go through that long download and update process.

Here is the ”Simple Fix”

That’s not really necessary. I have found that the easiest way to fix a Microsoft Update problem is to switch back to Windows Update from the “Change Setting” option on the left-side menu. Don’t see it? Scroll down. Click on “Disable Microsoft Update software and let me use Windows Update only” and then click on “Apply changes now.” After the silly thing asks if you are sure (duh!), it will then launch Windows update. Run it and then switch back to MS Update.

This process of switching from the newer method to the older one and then back again seems to fix a host of registry errors and other wastes of time. It is simple and fast and has almost always worked for me.

Promeni izgled ikona na desktopu:
Desni klik na desktop pa odaberi...

Prikačeni fajlovi
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referent za povratak Jedi-ja i
utamničenje Darth Sithiusa

Član broj: 83706
Poruke: 54



icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001312.04.2008. u 17:11 - pre 197 meseci
Ne radi, jbg. Ali hvala na trudu.
PS. Ikonice su sasvim OK, jer ja sam malo ćorav.

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001313.04.2008. u 01:39 - pre 197 meseci
Da li si možda pokretao neki Tweak program, možda ti je on onesposobio WU (?)

Probaj Vistin program za "slikanje ekrana": Start / All Programs / Accessories / Snipping tool

ili sa [Desni ALT Gr] + [Print Screen] "slikaš u memoriju" samo aktivni prozor, a ne ceo desktop

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Član broj: 61473
Poruke: 285

+15 Profil

icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001305.05.2008. u 10:34 - pre 196 meseci
I meni se pre nedelju dana pojavio isti problem. Do tada je Windows Update radio bez problema. Poslednji update koji je instaliran je, cini mi se Definition Update for Windows Defender, tako da sumnjam da je on mogao da napravi problem. Takodje, ni stranica Microsoft Update u IE nece da se otvori, stalno prikazuje neku gresku i ne moze pravilno da prikaze stranicu. Pretrazih google u potrazi za resenjem, ukljucujuci i ono brisanje SoftwareDistribution foldera, registrovanje dll-a, i sve drugo sto je nudjeno na raznim forumima i sajtovima kao resenje, ali nista. Ima li neko ideju kako da resimo ovaj problem?!

Da nije to Microsoft otkrio nacin da registruje nelegalne kopije Viste, pa otud i nemogucnost update-a? Zlikovci !
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Član broj: 48840
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ICQ: 8285806

+155 Profil

icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001305.05.2008. u 13:48 - pre 196 meseci
Catch 22: PS
Promeni izgled ikona na desktopu:
Desni klik na desktop pa odaberi...

Inače veličina desktop ikona na Visti se menja najlakše držanjem tastera CTRL i okretanjem točkića na mišu.
Sell 'crazy' some place else. We're all stocked up here.
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Ankalagon the Black

Član broj: 126324
Poruke: 24

+250 Profil

icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001322.06.2008. u 13:18 - pre 195 meseci
Ovaj problem se moze resiti upgrade-ovanjem Viste pomocu instalacionog dvd-ija pokrenutog iz Viste. (Kada se boot-uje sa dvd-ija onda nudi samo opciju za clean install). Procedura traje poprilicno, jedno 3 sata. Verovatno je problem sto su neki dll fajlovi obrisani.
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Član broj: 71875
Poruke: 15


icon Re: Vista Update Error Code 8024001323.06.2008. u 10:26 - pre 195 meseci
Pokušaj da Izključiš Real Time Scanning u Antivirusnom programu pa probaj ponovo UpDate!
GYGABYTE GA-P35C-DS3R, INTEL Core 2 Quad 9450, 8GB RAM 800 MHz, Seagate 720GB HDD, NVIDIA 8600 GT 256 DDR3, Asus Vento 3600 Case, SAMSUNG SyncMaster 305T
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Vista Update Error Code 80240013

[ Pregleda: 5159 | Odgovora: 7 ] > FB > Twit

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