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Problem sa Windowsom

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Problem sa Windowsom
(Zaključana tema (lock), by calexx)

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Nenad Milojkovic
Gradjevinski fakultet

Član broj: 161988
Poruke: 42


icon Problem sa Windowsom08.12.2007. u 00:05 - pre 201 meseci
Imam jedan problem sa windowsom. Stalno kad restartujem komp pojavi mi se ova poruka: "You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. Click Resolve Now to get help with this problem." i ponudjene opcije "Resolve Now" i Resolve leter". Ako odem na "Resolve Leter" onda mi kasnije pri radu na racunaru opet izbacuje neku poruku.
Molim vas ako neko moze da mi pomogne.


Član broj: 163032
Poruke: 265


icon Re: Problem sa Windowsom08.12.2007. u 00:21 - pre 201 meseci
Instaliraj Kaspersky antivirus i adaware antyspiware i krsti se sta ti je sve uslo u racunar.
P.s.Racunar ti je pun svacega i ako ga nesedis pitanje je jos koliko ces da ga koristis!!!!
A i formatiranj C particije nije losa ideja al tek kad ocistis sve sa ostalih particrija inace nemar efekta

Igor Petrović

Član broj: 24239
Poruke: 1551

+10 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa Windowsom08.12.2007. u 00:39 - pre 201 meseci
Samo polako. Pre će biti da si sa updateom Windowsa (svesno ili ne) pokupio Windows Genuine Validation Tools (ili tako nekako). Ta alatka je otkrila da koristiš nelicencirani Windows pa te zato i obaveštava, pa i uznemirava. Da bih bio 100% siguran, molim te, da li se dole desno, kod sata, pojavila neka plava zvezda?

Pol isidor
MSc. Elektrotehnika-Telekomunikacije

Član broj: 18220
Poruke: 1729

ICQ: 314201297

+170 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa Windowsom08.12.2007. u 00:47 - pre 201 meseci
Instaliraj spyware doctor..i scan pa brisi sve sto nadje!


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa Windowsom08.12.2007. u 08:55 - pre 201 meseci
• Logon notification
When you log on to a non-genuine copy of Windows XP, you receive the following logon notification error message:
You may be a victim of software counterfeiting. This copy of Windows is not genuine and is not eligible to receive all updates and product support from Microsoft.

Click Get Genuine now to get more information and resolve this issue.
When you receive this message, you have the following two options:
• You can click Get Genuine to start the Get genuine Windows process.
• You can click Resolve Later. If you use this option, an icon will be available in the notification area that you can double-click to start the Get genuine Windows process.

How to uninstall Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications
You can use Add or Remove Programs to view Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications, but you cannot use Add or Remove Programs to remove the notifications.

You can temporarily disable Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications. To do this, right-click the Notifier icon in the notification area and select Change Notifications Settings. Then, follow the prompts. This will disable the Notification Prompts until a new release of the Notification Update is released.

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Problem sa Windowsom
(Zaključana tema (lock), by calexx)

[ Pregleda: 3484 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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