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Vista Ultimate Lite

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Vista Ultimate Lite

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icon Vista Ultimate Lite25.08.2007. u 10:36 - pre 205 meseci
Da li neko ima iskustva sa ovakvom Vistom? Ja je instalirah ( iso nesto preko 799 Mb ). sve proteklo glatko, tako i radi na mojoj slabasnoj konfiguraciji ( Athlon 1700xp, RAM 512 Mb, gr. nv 5200fx, HD SATA... ). Moze li se od Ovoga napraviti-malo teza verzija? Kreator veli da uz odg. gr. kartu AERO moze da radi.... Kakve su mogucnosti da proradi Firefox, Skype, Nero i sl?

Evo njenog README teksta:

Before you install Vista Lite on Your system, you should know about followings.

1. System Requirement :- ( minimum )

800 Mhz Processor,
256 MB RAM,
4 GB free HDD space ( for vista installation only ),
compatible graphics card if u want AERO theme working ( how ever a patch is appied to force AERO to run on unsupported Graphics Card ),

2. Removed Components :-

as this version is made for slower PCs and to fit it on 700 MB CD, i have removed following components from original Copy of Vista Ultimate

# Accessories #
Mobility Center
Speech Support
Welcome Center
Windows Sidebar and Gadgets [ sorry, i tried a lot to keep this..but due to space limitation i had to remove it finally ]

# Drivers #
printers, modems & scanners
Graphics ,sound and ethernet drivers are still included.

# Games #
all games removed

# Hardware Support #
Fax Support
Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)

# Languages #
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

# Multimedia #
Media Center
Movie and DVD Maker
Sound Recorder
Wallpapers ( some wallpapers are remained yet)
Windows Calendar
Windows Media Codecs
Windows Media Samples
Windows Photo Gallery ( Photo viewer still there )

# Network #
Connect to a Network Projector
Internet Information Services
Remote Desktop and Assistance
Remote Desktop Client
Windows Collaboration

# Services #
Error Reporting
Microsoft DFS Replication
Offline Files
Volume Shadow Copy ( may be u will be facing problem with system restore service due to this )
Windows Remote Management
Windows Search ( this doesnt mean you cant search files and folders.)

# System #
BitLocker Drive Encryption
Help ( you will able to get online help though )
Microsoft Agent
Natural Language
Parental Controls
Performance Counters
Reliability and Performance Monitor
Security Center
Tablet PC
Windows Backup
Windows Defender ( useless )
Windows Easy Transfer
Windows SAT ( windows System Assesment tools, system rating wont be available for your system )
Zip Folder

Odgovor na temu

Milan Gligorijevic

Član broj: 73740
Poruke: 5273


+80 Profil

icon Re: Vista Ultimate Lite25.08.2007. u 12:37 - pre 205 meseci
Skini program vLite i pravi Vistu po želji. Imaš i temu u forumu windows aplikacije pa pogledaj.
Tako je napravljena i ta Vista koju si instalirao.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Vista Ultimate Lite

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