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Windows Vista Service Pack 1

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Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Windows Vista Service Pack 125.01.2007. u 22:03 - pre 212 meseci
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 stize u drugoj polovini ove godine.

Windows Vista SP1 is expected to be released in H2 2007 alongside Windows Server Longhorn. SP1 is expected to feature a number of enhancements as well as security updates, and will be based on the Windows Server Longhorn code. Enhancements include the support for UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), which will replace the current BIOS architecture of new PCs.

WinFS RTM is expected to occur in Q3.


Microsoft already looking for Vista SP1 guinea pigs

Humphrey Cheung

January 22, 2007 16:00


Vista Service Pack 1 is coming

* 23rd January 2007
* David Flynn
* Vista, Windows


Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 125.01.2007. u 22:05 - pre 212 meseci
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Hotfix Preview


Longhorn Server and Vista SP1 to Ship Together

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 49373
Poruke: 97


icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 125.01.2007. u 22:25 - pre 212 meseci
To je samo zbog propusta sa registrovanjem Viste RTM uz pomoc beta kljuceva. Sva poboljsanja i review-i koji bombasticno najavljuju cuveni SP1 su dobro plaćena reklama.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 47602
Poruke: 2239


+184 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 101.02.2007. u 23:08 - pre 212 meseci
bas me zanima dali ce i to da bude popravljeno :)
Bolje ispasti glup nego iz aviona
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 123970
Poruke: 29


icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 107.02.2007. u 12:18 - pre 211 meseci
Pa jeste videli koliko već ima update-va za Vistu o.O ?!?! lol sačekaću ja ipak SP1
Odgovor na temu

Predrag Zlatanovic

Član broj: 17468
Poruke: 148


+2 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 02:22 - pre 202 meseci

Ljudi niste mi jasni ... sto uvek citate okolo naokolo i onda se pozivate da su to zvanicni izvori
lepo odete na stranice proizvodjaca i trazite...

a sto se tice kolicine izmena, boze moj to je sad normalno ama bas za svaku vrstu OS-a,
pa i za Win pogotovo, tako da, to nam je sto nam je ...
ostaje nam da se ili dopunjujemo ili da i dalje za dj testiramo sve te njihove programe...
ups greska... nije za dje... zaboravih da sam morao da platim ... da bi ga testirao i slao greske

Windows NT Workstation & Windows NT Server 4.xx, 1999 Windows NT 4.XX is now out of support and Microsoft is no longer producing public monthly security updates or service packs.

Windows 2000 Professional & Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server, 2005 No further updates planned. Customers must be running SP4 to continue to receive monthly security updates.Microsoft recommends updating SP4 machines to Update Rollup #1 (KB891861).

Windows XP Home Edition SP3 for Windows XP Home Edition is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This date is preliminary.
Windows XP Professional SP3 for Windows XP Professional is currently planned for 1H CY2008. This date is preliminary.
Windows Server 2003, 2007 To Be Determined

Windows Vista SP1 for Windows Vista is planned for 1Q CY2008. This date is based on beta feedback.
kraj citata

znam da je star zapis ali sam morao ovo dodati kao iyuyetno korisnu informaciju ako neko bude citao ovo
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40157
Poruke: 16407

+2923 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 16:08 - pre 202 meseci
Ljudi niste mi jasni ... sto uvek citate okolo naokolo i onda se pozivate da su to zvanicni izvori
lepo odete na stranice proizvodjaca i trazite...

Pa verovatno zato sto je tema iz januara meseca?
Nažalost i kazna stvara naviku!
Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 158489
Poruke: 16


icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 16:16 - pre 202 meseci
SP1 ce po Microsoft-ovoj najavi izaci tek u prvom kvartalu 2008(Q1 2008),ali posto smo na samu Vistu cekali mnogo vise od obecanog roka,ne vidim zasto to nece biti slucaj i sa ovim SP1
Kada pustite Windows CD unazad cucete satanistice poruke
Ali kada ga pustite normalno INSTALIRACE VAM WINDOWS
Odgovor na temu

Predrag Zlatanovic

Član broj: 17468
Poruke: 148


+2 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 21:10 - pre 202 meseci
bakara: Pa verovatno zato sto je tema iz januara meseca?

kad si vec neki moderator potrudi se prvo da procitas sve
a onda i kad odgovaras barem odgovaraj u smislu pojasnjenja teme a ne
ko da nisi nistta jeo .. da , ne mozda.. nije ne moze i sitne opaske..
pa da ponovim ono sto nisi video

znam da je star zapis ali sam morao ovo dodati kao izuzetno korisnu informaciju ako neko bude citao ovo

Odgovor na temu

Milan Gligorijevic

Član broj: 73740
Poruke: 5273


+80 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 21:39 - pre 202 meseci
A pogledaj šta si još napisao:
Ljudi niste mi jasni ... sto uvek citate okolo naokolo i onda se pozivate da su to zvanicni izvori
lepo odete na stranice proizvodjaca i trazite...

Kada je tema otvorena nije bilo informacija kada će SP izaći na MS-ovoj stranici. Kao i obično, vesti okače sa zakašnjenjem. Već nekoliko meseci se zna da SP izlazi sledeće godine, a evo šta još piše na njihovoj stranici:
Last Updated: October 15, 2007

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 40157
Poruke: 16407

+2923 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 115.11.2007. u 21:52 - pre 202 meseci
I jos se on kao ljuti
Nažalost i kazna stvara naviku!
Nažalost i kazna izgrađuje stav!
Odgovor na temu

Predrag Zlatanovic

Član broj: 17468
Poruke: 148


+2 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 116.11.2007. u 09:53 - pre 202 meseci
link koji sam postavio je zvanican MS link na kojem objavljuju aktuelne SP verzije i on je uvek bio tu
tu je bilo informacija i pre viste i pre xp ...
uvek su imali stranicu sa informacijama kad je sta planirano, a ne kad ce sta izaci...

i ne ja se ne ljutim samo ocekujem da me ne kritikuju ljudi koji povrsno rade.

toliko od mene o ovoj temi ..
mislim da sam dao korisne informacije koje mogu posluziti nekome ko ga zanimaju relevantne informacije o zadatoj temi

do neke druge teme...
gde se nadam da cu ja nesto korisno saznati od Vas

Odgovor na temu

Ivan Dimkovic

Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16699

+7182 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 116.11.2007. u 10:00 - pre 202 meseci
Btw, za one koji ne znaju - Vistu SP1 beta (trenutno u RC fazi) mozete skinuti i sa Microsoft Windows Update-a uz mali trik:

Kreirajte fajl "sp1.cmd"

Dodajte ovo:


@echo off
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d 37d55f36-65d6-4fe4-9dc7-892fcbe6222b /f
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\VistaSP1 /v Beta1 /t REG_SZ /d 37d55f36-65d6-4fe4-9dc7-892fcbe6222b /f

- Izvrsite taj fajl kao Administrator - i onda odradite Win Update.
- Instalirajte KB935509 koji ce biti pronadjen
- Ponovite "check for updates", i instalirajte KB937287
- Ponovite "check for updates", i instalirajte KB938371

Kada se KB938371, restartujte masinu - i sacekajte 10-tak min, i onda ponovo odradite "check for updates" - ponovite proveru vise puta dok vam ne ponudi SP1 instalaciju - download je izmedju 170-400 MB.

Ova RC verzija radi do Juna 2008 - ne preporucujem za production masine, jer je pitanje da li ce ovo moci da se ukloni lako. I ova verzija SP1 i dalje nema 6.1 kernel (tj. mozda je kernel i noviji, ali jos nema "zvanican" broj 6.1 koji ce nositi Vista SP1 i Windows Server 2008)

Naravno, sve ovo vazi ako imate genuine Vistu - nisam siguran da SP1 radi sa razno-raznim hackovanim verzijama.

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 112.12.2007. u 15:11 - pre 201 meseci
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC - 5 Language Standalone Package

Sa gornjeg linka (zvanična MS stranica) možete preuzeti pomenuti SP1 (RC5)

Brief Description
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) RC should be used to update a PC running Windows Vista RTM to Windows Vista SP1.

The 5-Language standalone package supports installations on all versions of Windows Vista with one or a combination of the following languages installed: English, German, Japanese, French, Spanish.


Additional Information
Uninstall Instructions for Windows Vista SP1 RC:
Windows Vista SP1 RC does not support build-to-build upgrades. If you install this build to your system, you need to uninstall it before moving to the final Vista SP1 RTM version.

Prerequisite packages (KB935509, KB937287 and KB938371) for Window Vista SP1 are permanent and unistall of these packages is disabled by design. During the installation of Windows Vista SP1 RC, the installer determines whether or not you need the prerequisite packages and updates your system automatically.

To uninstall Windows Vista SP1 RC use the follwing steps:

Click on the Start Menu and go to Control Panel

Double click on Programs and Features

On the left side menu, select View Installed Updates

Under the list of Microsoft Windows, select Service Pack for Windows (KB936330)

On the top minu, click on Uninstall

Files in This Download
The links in this section correspond to separate files available in this download. Download the files most appropriate for you.
File Name: File Size
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Before You Install.doc 34 KB Download
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Before You Install.xps 178 KB Download
Windows6.0-KB936330-wave0-X86.exe 436.3 MB Download

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 12.12.2007. u 16:43 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Avramović
Engineering Manager
MENU Technologies
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 32202
Poruke: 4391


+46 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 114.12.2007. u 20:13 - pre 201 meseci
Upravo instalirao taj SP1 RC1... i radi mi Windows i dalje (drugim rečima, ne primećujem ništa novo za ovih pola sata korišćenja računara, a sumnjam i da ima nešto da se primeti)
Laravel Srbija.

Odgovor na temu

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 114.12.2007. u 21:33 - pre 201 meseci
Hm, meni je skoro odmah krenuo da izbacuje plave ekrane, tako da sam morao da ga deinstaliram. Tj. da pokušam da deinstaliram, pošto se sistem skrljao pri deinstalaciji. Nadam se da je to ipak bio usamljen slučaj.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 116.12.2007. u 17:39 - pre 201 meseci
Ode moja Vista sa ovim SP1 prestaje sa radom do Bozica ipak sam se vratio na pocetnu verziju 6.0.000 ona ce raditi neograniceno bez problma se azurira i u SP1 nema nista novo sto ima na azuriranju , ovaj SP1 ionako zovu HAK ATAK .
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 117.12.2007. u 14:07 - pre 201 meseci
Jel ima neko sa 64-bit masinom da je instalirao Vistu i taj Service Pack 1 za nju?
Kako to radi u praksi? Kompatibilnost sa starijim programima (igrama prvenstveno)?
Windows me zanima iskljucivo zbog igara, a svakako ne bih
da ostanem uskracen za DX10 efekte kad vec moze ova kartica lepo da ih gura, instalacijom
32-bit ili 64-bit XP-a.

Masina je: C2D-E6850@3GHz, 2Gb/800MHz, 8800GTX/768Mb.

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows Vista Service Pack 117.12.2007. u 15:51 - pre 201 meseci
Evo šta kaže u "SP1RC_Public_Availability_WUReleaseMessage.doc":

Install Windows Vista SP1 RC through Windows Update!

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC is available through Windows Update. Please read the following instructions and cautions prior to installing.

Before you install:
• If you have a prior version of SP1 beta installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing RC.
• Use the Control Panel applet “Programs and Features” and select “View installed updates” from the top left of the task pane. Under Windows, look for “Service Pack for Windows (KB936330).
Please wait 1 hour after uninstalling a prior build before installing the RC. The installer service needs to clean up and complete the uninstall prior to installing a later build. Failing to do this can result in installation errors for the RC version.
• This is pre-release code and will change before the final release. Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate is for individuals, organizations, and technical enthusiasts who are comfortable evaluating pre-release software. This pre-release software is provided for testing purposes only. Microsoft does not recommend installing this software on primary or mission critical systems. Microsoft recommends that you have a backup of your data prior to installing any pre-release software.
Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate is Time-Limited software. It will no longer operate after June 30, 2008 and should be uninstalled prior to that date. Note: After installation your desktop will show the text “Evaluation Copy”. This does not mean that your system is no longer “Genuine”. It means that you have installed a test version of software which is time-limited.
• The “Evaluation Copy” text will show up on the 2nd boot after installing the service pack. Likewise, the Evaluation Copy text will remain during the first boot after uninstall, but will disappear after the next reboot.
If you install the Service Pack 1 Release Candidate, it is strongly recommended that you also plan to install the final version of Windows Vista SP1 when it is released in the first quarter of 2008. To do this, you will be required to uninstall this pre-release code.
• Support is through self-help and peer support via the Windows Vista SP1 forum. Assisted support (phone, email and online chat) is not available from Microsoft Support for this RC release of SP1.
You must have a genuine copy of Windows Vista installed on the computer prior to installing the Windows Vista SP1 update.

The Windows Update Experience
Windows Vista SP1 requires the installation of either two or three “pre-requisites” prior to installing the service pack itself. The pre-requisites will be delivered to most customers over Windows Update as part of regular monthly updates prior to the release of the service pack itself, so that the reboots required will happen along with other updates that require a reboot. However, for the RC, we have not yet delivered these publicly so the individual experience requires 3-4 separate installations over Windows Update. Please keep in mind that the below instructions and sequences are primarily required for the RC install and will not be required for most customers using Windows Update with the final Service Pack.
The prerequisite packages comprise of two packages which service specific Windows components prior to the SP install, and a third package which is an update to the installation software built into Windows Vista.

The prerequisite packages are:
• KB935509– This is only required on Windows Vista Enterprise and Windows Vista Ultimate editions (which have Bitlocker capabilities). This update is required prior to installing KB938371, the 2nd prerequisite package, and is required to prevent potential loss of data on Bitlocker encrypted systems during servicing.
• KB938371 – This package consists of fixes for several components, including the TrustedInstaller, that increases the success rate for installing the service pack, and which enable the service pack to be successfully uninstalled. This must be installed prior to the service pack install itself to enable these fixes.
• KB937287– This is an update to the “Servicing Stack” or the Windows Vista component installer technologies built into Windows Vista. This update enables the built-in installer to properly and successfully install the service pack itself.

Windows Vista SP1 distributed through Windows Update will be applicable to Windows Vista machines that are running on any of the 36 languages supported by Vista RTM.

Install the Service Pack
There are two basic ways to install the service pack: The way most customers will see it, as a pop-up notification that the service pack is ready to install, and immediately using multiple manual installs from Windows Update. The first technique is the simplest, but may take up to 4 days for Windows Update automatic update feature to deliver each of the 3 prerequisites and the service pack itself.

Windows Vista SP1 distributed through Windows Update will be applicable to Windows Vista machines that are running on any of the 36 languages supported by Vista RTM.

Method 1: Automatic Update
Experience the automatic update process for Windows Vista SP1 by following these steps:
• Save the included script to your machine
• Right click on the script and choose the option of “Run as administrator”. The script will set a registry key on your system for Windows Update to offer Vista SP1.

For the automatic installation of Vista SP1, make sure that Windows Update Automatic Updates is turned on for your system. After running the script, Windows Update Automatic Updates will automatically update your machine over the next several days with the prerequisites. When the final Service Pack component has downloaded, it will put up a balloon notice in the tray that updates are available. You must click on this notice and choose to install the Service Pack at this point. The Service Pack will not silently or automatically install itself without user consent.

Method 2: Manually Install using the Windows Update control panel.
To install Vista SP1 as quickly as possible, follow the steps below very carefully.

Systems running on Windows Vista RTM typically require two or three updates before SP1 can be installed. These updates are permanent on your Windows Vista systems. Windows Update will detect your system configuration and offer the prerequisite packages that are applicable to your system. For details, please see the instructions below.

1. Download SP1cppRK.cmd to your machine and run it on elevated prompt.
• To run the script on elevated prompt, after you download the script, right click on the file and select “Run as administrator” option.
• The script sets a registry key on your system. The registry key is required for WU server to recognize your machine as a valid target for Vista SP1.
• After running the script, Windows Update automatic updates will automatically update your machine over the next several days with the appropriate prerequisites and then offer the Service Pack. If you would like to install SP1 quicker you can manually do the next few steps to speed up the process.

2. Install all pending “Important” updates and the pre-requisite updates for SP1. You may have to repeat this several times to get fully up to date.
• Check for updates on Windows Update. Go to Control Panel à System and Maintenance à Windows Update and check for updates by clicking on “Check for Updates” in the top left of the task pane. (Note: If your system is managed by a central administrator, and has a WSUS server for updates, you need to use the “Check online for updates” link in the bottom center of the Windows Update control panel. If this is not visible, your system administrator may have disabled this functionality).
• You will be offered all previously released Windows Vista updates that you may not have installed on your system. Install all applicable updates.
• If you have Windows Vista Ultimate, or Windows Vista Enterprise, Update for Windows (KB935509) should be in this list. If you have any other version, Update for Windows KB938371 should show up in this list. Reboot your machine when prompted. If you do not have Vista Ultimate or Enterprise, Update for Windows KB938371 should show up first and KB935509 is not required.
• If you reboot and rescan on Windows Update right away, sometimes times you may not see all updates. This may be caused by the installer service completing the install of the prior update. Please wait 5-10 minutes and scan again. (This delay should not be required for the final SP1 release.)

3. Install Update for Windows (KB937287).
• Update for Windows (KB937287) it does not require a reboot. This is the “installer” code for the service pack.

4. Install Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (KB936330).
• Wait for 10-15 minutes prior to checking for updates again, to enable the installer to complete it’s self installation.
Check for updates on Windows Update again. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 IKB936330) should be available.

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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Windows Vista Service Pack 1

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