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Danulabs - Novi Sad: Potreban Software Inženjer (Developer - Software Engineer)

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: Danulabs - Novi Sad: Potreban Software Inženjer (Developer - Software Engineer)
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Danulabs d.o.o.
Novi Sad

Član broj: 246919
Poruke: 7


icon Danulabs - Novi Sad: Potreban Software Inženjer (Developer - Software Engineer)22.01.2013. u 08:52 - pre 139 meseci
Software developer - we are looking for young, creative software developers, who have a degree (or are close to getting one) in Informatics. This includes both experienced software developers and graduates from technical faculties (departments for informatics, applied computer science and similar).

Working experience: If you have worked as a software developer, please state in your CV where and on what kind of projects. If you have just graduated, and have no formal experience, include descriptions of important projects you have completed as part of courses during your studies.
Technologies: To join our team, you must be familiar with object oriented programming languages (C#, Java or similar) and know how to work with relational databases (MySQL, MS SQL or similar). Knowledge of any web technologies and languages (.ASP, GWT, ActionScript, etc.) and design is welcome, but not required.

More info about company at

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: Danulabs - Novi Sad: Potreban Software Inženjer (Developer - Software Engineer)
(Zaključana tema (lock))

[ Pregleda: 2059 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.