Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)

[ Pregleda: 5377 | Odgovora: 9 ] > FB > Twit

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Aleksandar Olujic

Član broj: 21144
Poruke: 7


icon Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)20.02.2004. u 17:54 - pre 247 meseci
Hello all,

OSCE misiji u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori (OMISAM) potreban Helpdesk tehnicar.

Lokacija: Beograd, uz eventualno povremeno angazovanje na terenu u prosjeku 2-3 puta godisnje.

OSCE Standard Software:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Office 97
Netscape Navigator 4.8
Internet Explorer 6
Groupwise client 6.5.0

Koje ce uskoro biti zamijenjene sa:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Office XP
Internet Explorer 6
Groupwise client 6.5.1

OSCE Standard Hardware:
HP/Compaq PC (prednost)

Radno vrijeme:
09:00-18:00 ili 08:00-17:00 (sa satom pauze)

Salary Level:

EUR 800 per month (12 times a year) subject to social security deductions. OSCE salaries are exempt from taxation. Applications accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae should be sent to:

[email protected]

Generalne informacije o poziciji (generic vacancy notice, Helpdesk G4)

OSCE Mission in Serbia and Montenegro is looking for qualified candidate who will, under the direct supervision of the Senior IT Assistant and the overall guidance of the Chief of Administration and Finance provide IT helpdesk support to OSCE staff in Belgrade, and support the proper use of office automation equipment and computer applications.

You will act as the primary point of contact for all user-related issues in conjunction with IT equipment and standard computer applications. You will respond to requests for assistance from users regarding technical and/or procedural computer problems, identify the nature of the problem and resolve the problem, and maintain accurate log of entries or requests for assistance. You will develop and update relevant OMISAM document templates as required. You will deploy and re-deploy computer equipment for end-users in offices and meetings, carrying out the necessary cabling and record the location and any movement of equipment. You will test new software and hardware products prior to installation and perform workstation testing after deployment at the workstation as well as brief users on basic operation and handling. You will assist, advise and train staff members in the use of installed PC applications and prepare manuals for the office automation products in use. You will assist in the preparation and update of OSCE IT policies, Standard Operating Procedures and IT standards.

Necessary Qualifications:

Completed secondary education, supplemented by formal IT course training and practical experience. Minimum of two years relevant working experience. Very good knowledge of current computer applications and operating systems and ability to support user requests. Experience in installing operating systems, OSCE standard software and other applications. Very good communication skills and competence in handling of user problems. Excellent English with very good communication skills; Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds whilst remaining impartial and objective

The OSCE, as an equal opportunity organization, encourages female candidates to apply.
Odgovor na temu

Predrag Krstić
web developer

Član broj: 1035
Poruke: 382

Sajt: https://pkrstic.wordpress..

+4 Profil

icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)22.02.2004. u 03:54 - pre 247 meseci
Do kad je otvoren konkurs?

mozda sam prevideo, ako jesam molio bih da se napise.
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Olujic

Član broj: 21144
Poruke: 7


icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)23.02.2004. u 11:38 - pre 247 meseci
Do kad je otvoren konkurs?

mozda sam prevideo, ako jesam molio bih da se napise.

samo salji CV, postoji mogucnost da se otvori jos jedno mjesto za koje jos nije ni objavljen konkurs.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 16156
Poruke: 111

+3 Profil

icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)23.02.2004. u 12:40 - pre 247 meseci
Da li prijava i CV treba da budu na engleskom ili moze i na srpskom?
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Olujic

Član broj: 21144
Poruke: 7


icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)23.02.2004. u 17:55 - pre 247 meseci
Da li prijava i CV treba da budu na engleskom ili moze i na srpskom?

Prijava i CV treba da budu na engleskom. Ne moze na srpskom
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 5625
Poruke: 631

+3 Profil

icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)23.02.2004. u 22:42 - pre 247 meseci
malo neozbiljno izgleda voj privatni email sa hotmaila..

postoji li neki sluzbeni email @oebs.*.* na koji ljudi mogu da se jave
Odgovor na temu

Boris Krstović

Član broj: 7594
Poruke: 2458


+771 Profil

icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)24.02.2004. u 08:29 - pre 247 meseci
da, to je i meni zapalo za oko, al mi bilo glupo da komentarisem (sad si ti "povukao nogu", hehe)... sve maximalno ozbiljno, a ovamo mi malkice cudno...
Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 5625
Poruke: 631

+3 Profil

icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)24.02.2004. u 11:03 - pre 247 meseci
Osim sto sam napravio previd pa sam "preveo" osce u oebs :-)
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Olujic

Član broj: 21144
Poruke: 7


icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)24.02.2004. u 12:48 - pre 247 meseci
Hello all,

slazem se da izgleda neozbiljno ali u svakom slucaju vrijedi probati, zar ne?

Ponuda je objavljena na forumu u ovoj formi jer se ispostavilo da je nemoguce objasniti kadrovskoj sluzbi da zvanicne oglase za ovakve ponude ne treba davati samo u dnevnim novinama, uz opise posla koji su zastarjeli ili nepotpuni. Ali to je jedina poznata procedura... znate... birokratija...

Mislim da su vam poznati ocigledni razlozi zasto ne treba kaciti sluzbene adrese na forume, narocito ne tudje (u ovom slucaju mislim na kadrovsku sluzbu OSCE misije). BTW. cini mi se da je address harvesting mnogo efikasniji kod web foruma nego kod dnevnih novina :)

Hvala svima koji su poslali svoje aplikacije, iste su odmah proslijedjene na odgovarajucu adresu i uzete u razmatranje.

Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Olujic

Član broj: 21144
Poruke: 7


icon Re: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)11.03.2004. u 15:25 - pre 247 meseci
Dear all,

Konkurs je zatvoren, kandidati koji su usli u uzi izbor ce biti obavijesteni u naredne dvije sedmice.

Jos jednom hvala svima koji su poslali svoju aplikaciju. Aplikacije koje stignu poslije danasnjeg dana (11/03/04), nece biti uzete u obzir.

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: Ponuda: Helpdesk (User Support Assistant, fulltime)

[ Pregleda: 5377 | Odgovora: 9 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.