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Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)
(Zaključana tema (lock), by Goran Mijailovic)

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)02.09.2009. u 22:45 - pre 180 meseci
Microsoft nudi besplatno preuzimanje Windows® 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial sa njihovog servera, uz napomenu da se radi o verziji koju možete probati u ograničenom vremenskom roku od 90 dana

Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial
Welcome to the Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial. It is designed specifically for IT Professionals, so that you can test your software and hardware on a final version of the product. In addition, it provides the opportunity for you to become more familiar with the key improvements over previous versions of the Windows operating system, and experience firsthand how Windows 7 can make your PC environment more productive, secure, and manageable.

Is the evaluation edition really for you?

If you qualify under one of the following programs listed below, you may already have access to the final bits and do not need to download the 90-day Trial.

Partner Program
MSDN Subscriber (Developer)
TechNet Plus Subscriber
Volume License/Software Assurance customer

Here’s what you need to know:

This is trial software designed for IT Professionals interested in experiencing the Windows 7 Enterprise on behalf of their organization so please read the following to get an idea of the risks and key things you need to know before you install.

We do not recommend that you install this if you are a not an IT Professional or not professionally managing corporate networks.

Ako ste zainteresovani, sve ostale detalje kao i linkove za preuzimanje 32-bit i 64-bit verzije Windows 7 Enterpise, možete pogledati na zvaničnoj stranici: Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial

darko milosev
srbija novi sad

Član broj: 226900
Poruke: 167

+6 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)02.09.2009. u 23:28 - pre 180 meseci
Nazalost to je enteprajz izdanje ,moze se posle 90 dana dobiti samo volume licenciranjem . Uostalom mozes According to a new post on Windows Secrets, it is possible to rearm Windows 7’s 30 day activation period up to three times (without violating the EULA), giving the user a maximum of 120 days before needing to activate Windows 7. With this tactic, users of Windows 7 can legally use any version until the RTM hits the stores in October.

To view how many days you have left in your grace period, simply go to the System Information page (right click “My Computer” and click Properties). When that number gets close to zero, go to your accessories and right click “Command Prompt” and click “Run as Administrator.”

Afterwards, type in “slmgr -rearm” without quotes. Then hit enter and restart Windows 7. You will now have 30 more days left, and it can be used twice more before you need to active your Windows 7.

However, beware. Install the version of Windows 7 that are planning to buy. On Windows Secrets, the post explains that if you install Ultimate and re-arm it three times, you will need to activate it with an Ultimate key. You cannot use a Home Premium key to activate Ultimate, so unless you want to shell out for Ultimate, install the version that are planning to buy.

Now, enjoy your Windows 7 for 120 days. . Bez krsenja eule i to bilo sta home ,ultimate I POSLE KUPIS I UBACIS LICENCU.Sad ce oni narvno reci nije legalno itd ali im je kasno nema u eula i svaki sud je uz tebe . Ko zeli da ima win 7 ranije ovo je najbolje resenje a posle kljuc i sve je cisto.


Član broj: 210388
Poruke: 64

+3 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)03.09.2009. u 01:58 - pre 180 meseci
Meni nesto nije jasno pa bih molio ako neko moze da mi objasni.

Citao sam o neke tri verzije sedmice: Home Premium, Professional i Ultimate. Po funckionalnosti kojoj od ove tri odgovara Enterprise. Misljenja sam da je potpuno funckionalan (kao ultimate) i bez ikakvih ogranicenja osim u vremenu koriscenja, medjutim zbog nekih pricitanih tekstova na jednom forumu dosao sam u dilemu.


Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)03.09.2009. u 07:59 - pre 180 meseci
Pogledaj ovde tabelarni pregled


Član broj: 67398
Poruke: 599

+7 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)03.09.2009. u 11:43 - pre 180 meseci
Na osnovu tabelarnog pregleda može se zaključiti da je Enterprise verzija po karakteristikama ekvivalentna Ultimate verziji. Ove dve verzije se razlikuju samo po vrstama licence, Ultimate - Retail and OEM licensing, Enterprise - Volume licensing.


Član broj: 67030
Poruke: 246

+1 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)04.09.2009. u 00:38 - pre 180 meseci
Windows 7 Starter
The least-featured edition of Windows 7; the Windows Aero theme is not included, and it won't be available in a 64-bit variant. This edition will be available pre-installed on computers through system integrators or computer manufacturers.[6][11]

Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Basic will be available in emerging markets such as Brazil, People's Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.[12] It will not be available in countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom.[12] Some Aero options are excluded along with several new features.[12]

Windows 7 Home Premium
This edition contains features aimed at the home market segment, such as Windows Media Center, Windows Aero and touch-screen controls.[13]

Windows 7 Professional
This edition is targeted towards enthusiasts and small business users.[14] It includes all the features of Windows 7 Home Premium, and adds the ability to participate in a Windows Server domain.[14] Additional features include operating as a Remote Desktop server, location aware printing, Encrypting File System, Presentation Mode and Windows XP Mode.[14]

Windows 7 Enterprise
This edition targets the enterprise segment of the market and will be sold through volume licensing to companies which have Software Assurance contract with Microsoft.[15] Additional features include support for Multilingual User Interface (MUI) packages, BitLocker Drive Encryption, and UNIX application support.[15] Not available through retail or OEM channels, this edition will be distributed through Microsoft Software Assurance (SA).[15] As a result it includes several SA-only benefits, including a license allowing the running of multiple virtual machines, and activation via VLK.[16]

Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate contains the same features as Windows 7 Enterprise, but unlike that edition it will be available to home users on an individual license basis.[17] Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 7 Professional users will be able to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate for a fee using Windows Anytime Upgrade if they wish to do so.[8] Unlike Windows Vista Ultimate, the Windows 7 Ultimate edition will not include the Windows Ultimate Extras feature or any exclusive features.[17]

European Editions

In response to European Union antitrust investigations, plans were made to ship all editions of Windows 7 in Europe without Internet Explorer included (referred to as Windows 7 E).[18] However, due to negative reactions from computer manufacturers over the plan and backlash over plans not to ship upgrade versions to Europe, the E editions were scrapped in July 2009.[19]Microsoft had previously proposed a "ballot screen" to solve the anti-trust problem.[20]


Take 5

Član broj: 200551
Poruke: 1423

+12 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)05.09.2009. u 11:14 - pre 180 meseci
Evo još jedne šanse za dobijanje besplatne verzije Windows 7 Ultimate Signature Edition u promotivnom periodu (ponuda je ograničena na određeni broj zemalja, kao i sam broj promotivnih besplatnih kopija)
Microsoft intends to select participants to host personal Windows 7 Launch Party in the following countries:
•Hong Kong

Get Free Windows 7 Ultimate Signature Edition with Party Pack By Hosting Win7 Launch Party

MS stranica za prijavu zainteresovanih, koji ispunjavanju preduslove:

Global Windows® 7 Launch Party

"Take Five" is the famous jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. It is famous for its distinctive saxophone line and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

Take Five (1966)

Take Five by Al Jarreau 1976
Prikačeni fajlovi

ivan Kostov
koordinator informatickog centra za
slepe, Medicinska skola

Član broj: 44520
Poruke: 1558
Via: [es] mailing liste

ICQ: 2147483647

+12 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)06.09.2009. u 00:18 - pre 180 meseci
naravno srbije ovde nema :))


Član broj: 210388
Poruke: 64

+3 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)08.09.2009. u 08:36 - pre 180 meseci
Da, to je to. ;) Tako sam nesto kontao.
Hvala. :)

Google i wiki su cudo. :D Hvala.

Miroslav Jeftić
Istraživanje ruda

Član broj: 37513
Poruke: 6833

Sajt: about:blank

+2200 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)11.01.2010. u 21:40 - pre 176 meseci
Koliko vidim, prilično je jasno iz uputstva da nema (legalnog) naknadnog ubacivanja ključa.

Slobodan Miskovic

Član broj: 4967
Poruke: 5814

+105 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)13.01.2010. u 16:46 - pre 176 meseci
90-day Trial verzija je samo probna, non-production verzija. Kada istekne trial period mora da se radi clean install jer bi do tada trebalo da se odlucis da li zelis ili ne da koristis tj. kupis Windows 7.

darko milosev
srbija novi sad

Član broj: 226900
Poruke: 167

+6 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)13.01.2010. u 22:43 - pre 176 meseci
Mozes tako kako sam naveo ali za premium ,ultimate professional.
Instalacioni disk da bude original (iso) i da posle 120 dana uneses legalnu lincencu i garatovano te niko nece cimati posle toga.
Sta bi inspekcija rekla tokom tih 120 dana nemam pojma.


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)23.04.2010. u 00:09 - pre 172 meseci
The availability of Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial is being extended to Dec 31, 2010. Intended primarily for IT pros, the 90-day trial is the full-featured Enterprise SKU that will enable any organization to explore, test hardware and applications, perform pilot activities, and develop deployment scenarios.

Preuzimanje Windows 7 Enterprise (trial) 90-dnevna probne verzije je produzeno do 31. decembara 2010.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Goran Mijailovic dana 15.10.2010. u 08:13 GMT+1]

Član broj: 157398
Poruke: 375


+8 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)06.05.2010. u 21:45 - pre 172 meseci
Pošto koristim ovu verziju sedmice koja je istekla danas bacio sam se na duuugotrajno googlanje i naiđoh na ovo:
The total days for the Enterprise Eval is 600
When finished installation you have a 10 days period to activate the Windows.
When you activate them is for 90 days, so 100 days.
Any time you rearm them(5 totally) it happen the same.
10 days to activate them and 90 days activated
So count them and you see that is 600 days

Preuzeto sa ove stranice.

Pošto se ne kosi sa EULA-om ne spada u ilegalnu radnj,u a samim tim ne povlači ni upotrebu svakakvih "znate već čega".

P.S. Ako moderatori ipak odluče da ovoj poruci nije mjesto ovdje i da se kosi sa pravilnikom neka je obrišu :)
Neznanje je osnov svih naših sumnji...

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)05.01.2012. u 16:53 - pre 152 meseci
Danas sam skinuo 64-bitnu verziju, koristio sam e-mail koji sam koristio i kada sam skidao 32-bitnu verziju, valjda je dostupno i novim korisnicima jos uvek.

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)01.11.2012. u 00:47 - pre 142 meseci
The availability of Windows 7 Enterprise 90-day Trial is being extended to Dec 31, 2010. Intended primarily for IT pros, the 90-day trial is the full-featured Enterprise SKU that will enable any organization to explore, test hardware and applications, perform pilot activities, and develop deployment scenarios.

Preuzimanje Windows 7 Enterprise (trial) 90-dnevna probne verzije je produzeno do 31. decembara 2010.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Goran Mijailovic dana 15.10.2010. u 08:13 GMT+1]

Malopre probao, i dalje je moguće preuzimanje.


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)01.11.2012. u 00:55 - pre 142 meseci
Sad je valjda aktuelna Osmica Enterprise ... mada kod nje ima samo jedno produžavanje.

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)01.11.2012. u 01:31 - pre 142 meseci
Znam ali gledao sam da li je ovo još uvek aktuelno.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Goran Mijailovic dana 29.06.2013. u 01:38 GMT+1]

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)29.06.2013. u 00:37 - pre 134 meseci
Ovaj download više nije dostupan.

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Windows® 7 Enterprise: FREE Download (90-day Trial)
(Zaključana tema (lock), by Goran Mijailovic)

[ Pregleda: 16393 | Odgovora: 18 ] > FB > Twit

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